Altar of Peace by Tiago Bonacho - HTML preview

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– That’s how it starts.

»Someone talking. We all arrived in the middle of something, anyway. What's the point? Is consciousness just a shadow, a synchronized dance? Not a reflection, but origin of movement, thus errorless and omnipresent illusion of self?, alike the insight beyond the forgery of laws, trying to pass in rags for yesterdays or just now. Eternity, without you, there is no meaning.

»Unmerciful originality of the present – knowledge, what are you? Memory’s divinity? What’s the mystery of life? Will our souls blend with fate? Will we cry the rains or smile the sun?, wink the night and sigh the moon?, sow with stars and talk with Angels? Are we not the conscious ones, or are we the reflection of someone else, bounded in someone else’s consciousness? Not the person but the shadow, not projector but reflection, not beholder but beheld, not a subject but an object, like trying to say something amidst a hard hushed panic, believed as a child would a puppet. Eternity, you are the cradle of my mind. What are these invisible walls? They echo like a church.

»Are you still there?

Anubis barked.

– Come here, boy – said the Witness, petting Anubis. – The Christian disposition to discuss Christ in philosophical terms wasn’t and isn’t deemed inappropriate because it is held as at least unoffending to God’s Majesty. But it is not being discussed a philosophical God, conjectured sole out of reason’s foreseen necessities for the existence or not of a supreme supernatural entity. We didn’t reason ourselves onto Christ. God, in Christianity, is a Revelation.

»It feels like the dialogue between philosophy and Christian Doctrine, throughout the centuries, gradually arrived at a point where God was no longer thought upon as a God that is believed true not fundamentally because of what our reason may assure us about Him out of our perceptive abilities or logical reasoning, but mostly because of being believed as a God that revealed Himself throughout History; a God most of all reckoned as such more out of testimonies of power rather than of reason’s speculations about divinity, needless to say, a God you have to believe in, a God that seeks faith.

»Both the ones that believe in God as well as the ones that don’t, say that we should all get along and live in peace. But the ones that don’t believe in God announce that out of fear and the ones that do believe in God out of hope. Because the inexistence of God justifies violence and all sorts of evil, which is then a very relative thing, that’s why the ones that don’t believe in God, despite denying His existence, still say that we should live in peace, but out of fear or ignorance from the natural outcome of that disbelief.

»People, in general communication, don’t seem to express themselves through paths, but destinations. That’s why we seem to disagree. Mathematic is just a form of knowledge, nor better nor worse than others, just different in nature and use. If mathematical knowledge is the only thing certain we can know for sure, what are we, then? An echo of a zero in space and its relation to existence? A talking number, looking for a name? A conscious number is then a question: who do I serve? Which seems to lead again to theology. Which, as Christians, leads us to where we presently are.

– Theology led us to the north of Spain? – asked Vanessa.