Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Raining Heaven


September 20, 2019



Without hate, love is nonsensical. It is left and right; hot and cold. I don't hate people but I do hate some of the things they do. I hate adultery and I hate idolatry. I really hate abortion. I hate ignorance and I hate arrogance. I don't feel sorry for people who reject wisdom. God only gives so many chances to the lost to turn from their sinful ways.

My mother recently purchased a show car. It is a 1941 Ford Coupe with a 350 engine, whatever that means. Just a little history, my mother is prone to wrecking cars often. But despite that fact, what does taking actions like these say about the person? We are known by what we do. Our actions define who we are because it says a lot about our motivations. To begin with, my mother is in a lot of debt. Next, what does she want from the show car life? That is a secular life without God. Why would you even want to meet these people? They are the type of people who make large purchases on a whim when they could have used it on more righteous purposes. This means that this new group in which she now belongs to is a group most likely devoid of God.

Sometimes I ask people questions already knowing the answer. But I want to see how they will respond. I asked my mother if she had prayed about it and she said she did. But she didn't. Praying about her whim never entered into her mind until I brought it up. And then she saves face and acts like she did when she did not. As soon as she purchases the car she posts it on her Facebook. I replied with a comment stating that what she did was secular. She quickly deleted my comment from her page, even though it was not rude and merely pointed out the truth.

All of this happened shortly after my mother told me that I am not as smart as I think I am. Why would a mother say that? Why would a mother try to make their kid feel like they are not smart? I then posted to her this book and then she quickly came back and said she did read my stuff and then began to complain about how I described the Jesus as God belief as truly worshipping Satan. She just saw a line that stood out to her and then she complained without understanding nor reading any whole article. She can't trick me. I have statistics for everything. And if I constantly keep catching her in lies like these, then what does that say about her character? What does her purchasing a show car say about her character? We are known by our actions. She constantly complains about how all the kids she trafficked don't like her, are cruel to her, who stick up for their dad and not mom. She does not worship God. She has been tricked and worships Satan. And the results are obvious because it is your character which displays to the world and these actions can easily be assessed for their intention. And when your intention is focused on your ego then its results will reflect that origin.

I am not spreading gossip. I am merely telling you a true story. Satanists in this world don't want you to talk about issues like these publicly. They claim them as private matters. And they assume that because I live in this world that I adhere to their practices, meaning that I would not include such matters in my writings. But why not? These are my experiences and I can do whatever I please with them. Just because X person is involved does not exclude them from inclusion in my work. And they all know that I live a public life. Be careful what you say to someone who lives a public life, for your words might one day be used as an example to demonstrate a point. And if this is the case, it would be wise to choose your words carefully when communicating with me. When you hear someone is an author, remember that they are seeking motivation for their next chapter. If someone's idiocracy allows them to say really stupid things, then they have no one to blame for their actions being exposed but themselves. And we must remember always when dealing with my mother, Ivory Heart, Chapter 17. All of my family have already long ago been reaped. They won't be joining me in heaven. They had their chance and I recorded their results. If they have a problem with my work then that means they have a problem with their own actions. Because all I did was record their actions and then discuss the piety (or lack thereof) of their actions. And to be honest, this method works to create knowledge from scratch. Record data, analyse results. So easy, even a child can do it.

What I am doing is a science. I spend my life reflecting on my life reflecting on my life. Do you understand? I contemplate for long periods of time and then let my heart flow into words on a paper when the content is ready. My mind creates many questions and then places those questions in the background only awaiting correct information to understand. Upon understanding, then comes writing. Upon a completed piece of writing comes reflection. It is a cycle. I am constantly recreating my work. I have lost count how many times I have had to restart. An example is that I am required to re-record Ivory Heart because the quality is not up to standard. I hate standardisations. Just because the quality is low does not reduce the quality of the production whatsoever. I should be able to use whatever standard I want. But this Satanic world forces me to abide by their ways inorder to be accepted. The artist loses their autonomy by standardisations. I had to learn how to do things the way they wanted. And I did and now all of my future work is excellent quality as well as quick and easy. I have been doing this for so long that I know how this process works. I am now really good at what I do. For what I now do in my present, I no longer have to repeat. However, there are mistakes from my past that I will be required to rebuild again such as Ivory Heart. But as time goes by, the less and less energy I have to exert to complete my work. I memorised the routine and now mostly act on automatic pilot. But I programmed that automatic pilot so I know exactly how it functions. Open your eyes and see the secrets I am revealing to you. I have a lot of work for you that is packed full of hidden information like this in which those who have eyes to see, panoramically can.

There are leaders and followers in this world. It is easy to see who leads by their content, for it will be original and not reflect another's. A follower is just passing on a message which was passed on to them. Most people follow because most people have no original thought of their own. Followers are much more dangerous than leaders because they don't understand what they follow, they merely follow. True leaders are those who show others how to be leaders and not followers. For followers oftentimes distort and corrupt the original message, oftentimes dressing it into an egoistic imitation. The leaders who lead with wisdom will train those who follow to lead utilising their own gifts. For leaders can comprehend why they are doing what they are doing. This world needs less followers and more leaders. But the only way that is going to happen is if leaders seek other leaders and not followers. I don't want any followers. If you are going to follow me, I would prefer you just leave my work alone and go play with Beyoncé or something. She is much more suitable for followers. For even she is a reaper and does not know it. For those who follow her will also follow her directly to Hell.

This world was made for you and your reflections on it. There is no such matter that is considered too personal to include in your work. You can include anything you like to use as examples for your line of thought. If the information is extremely sensitive, the worst case scenario is that you just have to mask or de-identify the information a little. You are a scientist and this world is your experiment. You make a hypothesis, play out the experiment, write up a conclusion. You don't need a lab, for this world is your laboratory.

All of your evil unfolds before you. Evil works in a linear fashion. The consequences of our actions will appear before us if we only make note of the factors at play. Evil will trip up on itself leading to more evil to cover itself.



"Aye, glimpsed the HOUNDS of the Barrier,

lying in wait for he who would pass them.

In that space where time exists not,

faintly I sensed the guardians of cycles.

Move they only through angles.

Free are they not of the curved dimensions."

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, Tablet VIII



Demons can only move in angles, evil only in lines. Tablet VIII continues,



"Think not to escape by entering your body,

for follow they fast the Soul through angles.

Only the circle will give ye protection,

save from the claws of the DWELLERS IN ANGLES."



This is very deep allegory that has been sitting on my shelf for many years. It took me a very long time to truly comprehend what it was trying to convey. However, from the first time I read it I saw great wisdom in it. I am not suggesting that we draw circles around ourselves to protect ourselves from evil, for such rituals are vain and ineffective. But I am saying in the ways in which you move should be circular. I don't literally mean physically move in circles, although from a martial arts perspective this is valid too. The untrained will move in straight lines and the trained in circles. The pious will move in circles while evil will move in straight lines. Move yourself around a topic, not through it. A circle makes all angles around the tree and as a result the tree becomes more known to us. Whereas working with lines will only introduce you to one side of that tree. Move around the topics and don't allow your words to commit too far in any one direction.

Our physical corporeal bodies naturally think in angles. We move forward, back, side, side. It is our soul that transcends into circles. It is like when someone lies and gets caught out. They have to invent new lies in order to keep the old lie believable. But the truth needs no defence. It is what it is without dressing it in different clothes. The lie trips up on itself whereas the truth stands up to all scrutiny. Ever since I started all of this I have been insulted and mocked countless times. But that is all they can do, for I use logic in my work. There has not been a single person who has been able to debunk a single thing in which I have presented. This is what happens when you build your house upon solid foundations.



"Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn't fall, for it was founded on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine, and doesn't do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell—and great was its fall."

Matthew 7:24-27



Eventually we will realise that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all the same religion. That will give us over four billion strong. That is over half of our world population. I am pretty sure that we can eradicate the sickness of atheism eventually working with these odds. And then we can get rid of idolatry. Because eventually we will learn the absolute truth about God. God exists and can be tested and eventually found. Science will eventually discover God. God is being hidden from the public currently. Most of government secrets have to do with spiritual forces that were discovered. They want the end of the world to happen as soon as possible. And they reckon if they hide God from the public, mankind will deteriorate to the point that God must intervene. The government has declared war on God and has stepped in as God of the people. As we have already learned, this step-in trick is Satan stepping in for God, being worshipped as God and trying to replace God. Last time we spoke of Jesus. Then Hollywood. This time we speak of the government. We know you by your actions. Bow to none before God. What you do shows us what and/or who you bow to. There is no hiding from God.

Do not trust the prophet who screams over and over, "believe me, believe me!" Only trust the prophet who says, "let me show you."