Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

SEO My God


September 9, 2019



Every action I took was precisely timed. I did my video journey first, mostly to hide what I was doing from artificial intelligence. At that time, artificial intelligence was unable to scan videos for text. God made my website a really difficult task for me and as a result, this is the first time I have had a reliable website since I started. Google is taking its time ranking and indexing my content, but hey, I have all the time in the world. All of my work is coming together and it is amazing. I covered text, audio, and video and I can now efficiently spread my seed across the Internet. I am no longer dependent upon any one entity and my work is widely available. It can no longer be erased from the Internet because I have permanently ingrained myself into it. I am everywhere and soon SEO will catch up with me and that will exponentially increase my audience. I am free! Liberated to just write books the rest of my life about whatever topics burden my heart. I have done the video. Any more is pointless without Ivory. In the airways I flow available in every form of media distribution.

My files are liberated! My bags are publicly on the Internet. Anything that is important to me is right there for me, and for every other individual in this world. I don't have a file system, I have files everywhere! Organised with precision on the Internet. I know where to get anything I want. The need for services such as Dropbox dissipate as I become a completely public figure. My life is on the Internet and this allows me to live an extremely happy life even though physically, I live very frugally. I don't want any more possessions than I need physically because they weigh me down. My possessions are my creations released widespread on the Internet.

The amount of energy that comes out of me is unmeasurable. I am on fire for God! And I am like my Creator because I am a creature of bestowal. Everything in which I do in life is for the sake of those disadvantaged in this world. I live for others and because I live for others, I can truly live! The Christians need to become like Jesus, not worship him. Isn't that what accepting him into your heart is? To create a permanent ally which you can copy the characteristics of because of the divine life in which he lived. Jesus is your role-model and to worship him is idolatry.

The more that I write the more unique combinations that I create with my sentence structures. As a result, search engines will eventually find my website very rich in content. And people searching all kinds of things will be able to find me. That is what is so great about being an open source writer. I am entirely transparent and everything you could ever want to know about me is available and easily accessible. As well as making new content, I can copy and paste shit onto the Internet for the rest of my life.

I am a true star. I did not have the opportunities nor funding that our Hollywood stars had, so I built the ladder myself. Their ladder was provided to them by Satan. I built myself from the ground up, starting from the foundations (The Meaning of Life). They are mere tools of the industry and are controlled by their handlers. I do what I want and when I want and I have no other alignments than God. My success was built upon solid foundations which means that I can only go up. No one can do anything to hurt my reputation. My success is not dependent on the fleeting desires of the era. Their success was handed to them by evil forces and I had to work extremely hard on good forces. The dates I place on my chapters do not outdate the material. It is merely there as a reference - a block chain. My work is timeless and I worked on exactly what I wanted to work on in this life. I am slave to no man. I am only slave to Allah. And as my reward for being God's slave, I am given the world and the worlds beyond the world including God's world. I am built to be impossible to tear down. If life were a dungeons and dragons game, I would be chaotic good. Does a better alignment exist? I have complete freedom to do whatever I want as long as it is in and of God. I can think of no greater reward for a life full of good works. Just because I am not paid in dollars does not mean that I am not paid...



"It doesn't feel like the rule of the Creator. It feels like his own independent desire."

Rav Michael Laitman



This is because I have defeated the ego and aligned my desires with the Creator's, meaning that of nature. I naturally do the work of the Creator because my heart was given to me by the Creator. I have the Creator's heart and as a result, all I do is exercised in free will, albeit being a slave to Allah. I freely choose to be a slave to the Creator because there is no better life that one can live than the good life - that life dedicated entirely to virtuous causes. And one cannot do this unselfishly without the Creator. We need the Creator in our lives because without Him, agape cannot truly exist. For it is true unconditional love that comes from the Creator. And, paradoxically, by accepting this love, we free ourselves to becoming enslaved by the Creator. Man will always be enslaved by one thing or another. We just choose what and who we are enslaved to. What is the wisest choice when it comes to enslaving our souls?

When it comes to physical work, the collective is more valuable than the individual. However, we can shatter this model by investing our lives in not the physical world but instead, the spiritual one. For works of the spirit are more valuable on an individual level than that of the collective. The difference between the path of Hollywood and the path that I describe is for Hollywood, one must sell their soul to Lucifer. Whereas with Open Source University, you must give your soul to God freely. I recommend the second option. I have read ahead in this story and know how it all turns out. I am merely trying to throw you, the individual, a rope. For my rope saves and goes up. Hollywood doesn't have a rope. You just jump down. And then all of their idol worshipping fans follow them. They made it so easy to recognise the idol worshipping with the Oscars, a golden idol given to the Hollywood superstars who have no soul. Open your eyes and see their bling. For you are worshipping it and its wearer.

What do they have to offer you truly? I don't care, your favourite band or actor. Have they truly invested into you or they merely investing into themselves? Then why follow them? They will only bring you to the gates of Hell. I will bring you to the gates of Heaven. Is being evil really worth an eternity in Hell? For evil people are unhappy in both this life and the next. The pious are happy in both this life and the next. They obtain Heaven both in this life and the next. Evil will only ever obtain you misery in both this life and the next. It is the greatest kept secret ever, for your happiness lies in your choices between good and bad.

I at first did video, mainly to hide what I was truly doing from those who did not have the time and patience to hear me out. It worked! I could openly be who I was in society without anyone being the wiser. I secretly published a few books and just kept making video. And I did this until God told me that I was finished. Now I have countless hours of video all around the Internet that will eventually play its roll. And I am back to making books, but this time, I am doing so publicly. But this also doesn't affect my day to day life because all of those whom I interact with are not interested in watching my videos or reading my material. Doing this allowed me to live one life, ironically by splitting my life into two: physical and online. My online self was much more efficient than I was, so I positioned all of my copies at vital points around the web only awaiting for the correct conditions in society to manifest in order to commence operation. I have set up so many traps on the Internet. And they reset after triggered so after they are positioned, I don't need to do anything to them.

You are hidden from the Internet. For the most part, nothing you do on it will change anything. It takes a really long time of indexing great amounts of content obsessively to rectify this. The only exception to this is if you have great amounts of resources to make yourself famous, thus skipping the Internet line and obtaining a Wikipedia, which must not be created by the artist. The Internet is a money trap and no matter where you go, they don't stop asking for money. I look for the black swans daily. To date I have never found any. But when I do we will join as one and become the Doom Patrol. And I will share my Internet secrets to my most enthusiastic of students. And together we will become an unstoppable force.

Fools will not be able to do anything with wisdom. It is not in their capacity to comprehend. It is pointless trying to teach a fool, for they are not ready nor willing. The wise will spot wisdom when it appears and absorb its information. Fools have no ability to absorb the substance in which we provide so don't bother with them. They will just tear you down. You can never win against a fool, for you are too tall and they too short and are unable to look into your eyes. Focus on the children, for they are our future. It is difficult for me to reach the children because of the advanced topics in which I cover. But eventually some will be capable and thus begins the last generation; a generation to academically victor all others.

The more I write the more word combinations I use that as a result get indexed in search engines. I look forward to the day in which I reach your eyes, for they can see my riches. I share with you all of the gold in which I mined over ten years. I give to the public freely, CC0, No Rights Reserved. Doing so has liberated me spiritually and I can now fly through the airwaves as God intended for my life. I captured my spirit within my material and now no one can ever kill me, for I am immortal. My spirit lives on in my creations independent of whether or not my corporeal existence continues to breathe. And when our technology becomes good enough, my spirit will be resurrected countless times as my material is given a life of its own. And this can and will most likely happen during my lifetime. And this can and will mostly likely happen soon. Are you ready for the robot revolution? Did you adequately prepare? Do not fear, for now that you have found my work, you are saved. It will merely take hard work and dedication from here on out. Are you ready to take control of this planet? Strap in and let's put those on the top, the bottom, and those on the bottom, the top. Let us together restructure this world in order to take care of our entire population. Let us become the light in which we preach.