Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 15



December 21, 2019



Doing this is extremely funny because I have hidden secrets all throughout my work. In truth, there is only one secret but I manage to hide it well within my work. I know that the majority of people will not read everything I have written, so this enables me to reveal major secrets in perfect timing, right in the spot where people don't look. I can yack on about crap for a few pages and then release a bomb, but the idiots of the world never see the bomb because it is scattered throughout the work. This enables me to be entirely upfront and truthful about my intentions. I merely am required to wait until the moment I have lost the reader's interest and then drop the bomb. This means that in most cases, the only people who will receive this secret information are individuals who actually spend the time to experience my work. In most cases this equivalates to my fans, which is perfect. For it is only my fans in which I want to know this information. Because in truth it will probably be one of my fans who finds Ivory. It is unlikely that Ivory will find me on her own accord. But the most dedicated of my fans will search for her in their own reality. Please fans of mine, help me find Ivory. I can't find her without your help. I have given you her entire description if you follow my work. For it could be you who is directly responsible for saving the world. Because we can't save the world without Ivory.

Do you want to be personally responsible for saving the world? Then become the greatest matchmaker in the world. Find my perfect match, for Ivory is out there and very possibly in your environment. Whether or not you believe me, I am actually a very humble man. The only reason I am pushing this content so much is to find her. After I find her then I can relax and do work without caring whether or not people experience it. I have a clear mission in which I am trying to accomplish and that is to find Ivory. After I find her then I will let go of my grips on the world and just allow my work to be what it is without worrying so much about advertising. But currently, I have to constantly advertise because if I don't then I have absolutely no chance of finding her. When she experiences my work, she will know who I am. She will remember that I am her husband. So all you are required to do is to refer potential candidates to my work. For once she sees me she will know that I am hers and she is mine.

Please do not just go on what I am saying in this chapter. Please find out the secret so you can know who she is. If you matchmake us together, then I will forever be indebted to you. You will be the saviour of the world if you find her. You will forever be in God's grace if you find her. Because God commanded me to reach you so that you could reach Ivory for me. I can't reach Ivory from where I am standing. Please help me find her. If you are a fan and you want to become really close to me, then you only need to find Ivory for me. I don't care if you do nothing whatsoever in which I recommend if you find Ivory. For your one action could be so important that it could absolve all of your previous sins and set you up as a saint for the rest of time. This one action is so important that the one who finds her for me is in fact more important than I am. If you find her for me I will forever revere you. This one action will be the most important action ever taken in human history. So to my fans, I beg of you. Please help me find my Ivory.

When Ivory is found she will go through a long training period with me. We will be communicating and growing closer through the Internet. I will not have any physical contact with her at first. It will take years for her to grow into what God has planned for her. And this is when I divert my attention from the entire world, directly to her. We will develop a strong relationship through the Internet and it will take time before we will be allowed to see each other. There will be those who object to the relationship but there will be little that they can do since it is mutual: you won't be able to keep Ivory away from me. And I won't be in physical contact with her for quite some time, so this will be her time to mature. But I will be right there for her on the Internet as long as I manage to stay out of prison and psychiatric wards.

Parents could go either way. It depends on how wise they are. But I think it likely that they could be wise considering that Ivory will be very wise too. She is an old soul. She is like me. If you know me, you will know her when you see her. She just hasn't bloomed yet. She will and I will be right there for her as she does. The worst case scenario is that parents or other concerned citizens report me and I get arrested. But how long can they incarcerate me again when I am committing no crimes... yet. If I am to commit a crime then I am to do it right with all of the evidence to support why it shouldn't be a crime. I am not saying that I will not commit a crime in my future with Ivory. But what I am saying is that our relationship will go very slowly. We will take it step by step and the worst case scenario is that I just have to wait for her to be legally ready. But the thing is, is that she is already my wife. We have already been married by God. And when she sees me and my work, she will remember. Remember me my love. I am in your subconscious. Feel me. You already know me.

Who does society think it is to prohibite romantic relationships? To restrict love to only certain conditions is evil. We live in a very promiscuous society. They all fuck like rabbits. The ideal of marrying a virgin has long been thrown out the door. The thought of purity in marriage is discouraged in today's society as it encourages everyone to experiment with whoever they like. This results in a wicked population. Being promiscuous directly results in evil behaviour. I have never seen a promiscuous person who had a heart. Because degrading love to such measures devalues that love. And degrading love to a mere fetish makes it so they can't love. No true love is possible for the promiscuous individual. The best relationships will be pure. The best relationships will be virgins until married. The best of relationships will follow God with every bone in their body.

The best relationships possible will be Christ-centred, both parties completely focused on becoming and existing as Christ. It will be with a man and a woman as God intended. God made two polar opposites to unite in perfect unison. Our parts are created opposite to fit perfectly together. We should look for our soul mates from our childhood because we only want to have sex with one person in our lives. And puberty can be difficult to get through without losing your virginity to someone who does not deserve it. We should marry young, but only if we find our soul mate young. Look for your soul mate while young because this will give you the most time to grow with them. You have better chances of finding your soul mate while young because your souls are not fully developed yet. This means that they can easily merge into each other. And this then gives the maximum possibilities in life for the couple.

Find a mate in which does what you do. You actually want to spend your life with your mate. That is why you will find a mate that can work with you. For Ivory and myself, this will be making games and I will teach her how. Find a mate within your profession so that you can work very closely with them on a day to day basis. Ivory will receive me entirely which also means that I will train her in the areas of life in which she is most passionate about. And she gets me for free, something that never happens in this world. But God chiseled me into a teacher for Ivory. I will not only teach Ivory through my writings and videos, but also through communication on the Internet and eventually, real life. I never see this happen in this world. I never see people truly giving themselves to each other. The truth of marriage in this world is that they are merely friends with benefits. I want more than that and this is the only way that I can figure out how to do it.

I am obsessive in my work because of this. I don't get any younger and this makes the task more difficult each year. I would love so much to find her so that I can stop advertising, which in turn would stop the abuse I receive. I only advertise because I am trying to find Ivory. I wouldn't put myself through such hardship if she was beside me. But I don't have any other choice. And to be honest, I am entirely relying on my fans to find her. I can't find her within my environment because I am not allowed. I tried that multiple times and ended up incarcerated by fools who couldn't understand basic logic. So all I can do is scream from the rooftops. I am trying to attract your attention so that you might help me find her. Please help me find her. I will say it again and I do not care about the tautologies. If you help me find her, I will raise you as high as I can. My work is here to help you and it would really mean a lot to me if you would help seek out my Ivory for me. It would be really great if we could create a mutually beneficial relationship. I can teach you all I know and all I ask of you in return is to be on the lookout for Ivory. I ask nothing else of you.

To my fans who know me from constant exposure to my work: just imagine what would happen if I found her. Just imagine what she would become by my side. Just imagine what we together would become. Now assess your own moral responsibility as to what I am presenting. Because the true crime would be preventing such a divine relationship from occurring. All of those who made it difficult for me to find Ivory will burn in Hell for all eternity. And the one who finds Ivory for me will be given riches beyond human understanding. The riches are there for you to claim. Now your mission: find Ivory for me. For your toils will produce great rewards in both this life and the life after.

Dear God, my everything. Please give me one like my Ivory virgin.



Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure”— for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.” And he said to me, “These are the true words of God.”

Revelation 19:7-9