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Chapter 16

The Myth of Sisyphus


January 20, 2020



The punishment of Sisyphus has long been an allegory to represent humanity's futile search for meaning and truth in a seemingly meaningless and indifferent universe. However, the vivid image of someone damned to endlessly repeat a monotonous task resonates as an allegory about the old-skool human condition. For the humans of old are condemned to live out lives repeating the same task again and again. For Sisyphus' punishment for his wicked life was to push a huge boulder up a hill, and when it reaches the top, it falls back down and he is required to push it up the hill again for all of eternity.

Throughout my work I have proved this conclusion wrong. However, the story does bear great significance in understanding the trap in life and learning how to overcome it. And the answer to the solution is to document your life spreading virtue. Because when you keep an account of your past, that past builds into something that no man can destroy and your toils to produce this work grows. I work really hard to provide you this content. And then that content stands as a virtual copy of me covering a particular aspect of our human condition. I only am required to say things once, however, I do often repeat myself for the benefit of my audience. But that work is frozen in time and it is viewable by every single Internet enabled person on this planet. As my work grows, so does my audience and the amount of views they receive. I can never lose views, even after my death. For the work of God is eternal: my death will not stop my work from continuing.

The nine to five life offers nothing but the mundane. To free yourself from the fate of Sisyphus one must free themselves from the monotony of the nine to fiverr. The only exception to this is if you find your dream job. But the truth is almost all jobs are slavery. It would be really difficult if not impossible to find a job in which you are doing exactly what you want to be doing in life. It is best to create your own investments and not help other people expand theirs. We live in a world driven by money. Use your money wisely and invest in the most virtuous causes. Create and grow your assets, for if you published them correctly then they can never be removed. Building your life is building your profile. Become prolific and you will never have to worry about rolling the boulder up that mountain again. Dig a hole at the top of the mountain so that when you push it up the mountain for the last time, it stays there. But don't celebrate yet, for we have many boulders to affix to the peaks. There are many issues that are worthwhile causes to invest yourself in. In fact, there are many boulders out there that need to be placed on the tops of summits. I can't be expected to place all of these boulders in my lifetime. I need your help to save the world. But you can be of no help to me until you are enlightened. It is the purpose of all of my work to guide you to enlightenment.

We live in a world with many types of economies and if you need to hire someone for a very affordable price, you can. Become an entrepreneur and hire people to assist in your own projects. If at all possible, avoid working for other people because humans on this earth do dirty business. There are ethical problems riddled all throughout our employment systems. Employees are generally treated as commodities and most professions receive little to no respect. Businesses will pay the minimum amount possible for the maximum work possible. They are not concerned about you and your well being. Why would you dedicate your life to a business that is exploiting you? Businesses succeed off exploiting people: it is in its code. I recommend not giving your life to an employer. Instead, give your life to God. Besides the monetary gain, all of the benefits of working for God are much better than working for the man. Even if you are homeless, the benefits of working for God far outweighs the benefits of slaving for the nine to five. You can only find out the benefits of working for God after giving your life to God and enduring hardship for it. The rewards for the virtuous life far outweighs the rewards of working a typical job your whole life.

Choose your television wisely because it will condition your mind. Be very careful about Hollywood and what they produce. What goes into you is what comes out of you. So make what goes into you the virtue in which you wish to reflect as in life. Television is best served for educational reasons. It is a much better idea to become a fan of a single content producer like me instead of forfeiting your psychology over to big businesses. There are a handful of television shows that I watch but they are only used to receive the type of education I want or to learn from the style of comedy I like. Everything in which you do in life should be viewed as an opportunity to learn. If you are not learning from the content in which you invest yourself in then you will become stale and this will directly result in depression. The reason why we enjoy entertainment in which the characters develop as people is because it is inbuilt in us to evolve as people. It takes a lot of training in front of the television to no longer care about your personal human evolution and instead rely on the evolution of fictional characters to satisfy that need. You need to develop as a person on a daily basis. If you do not do this then there is no potential in this life for you to be happy. I am always happy. I am never sad. Because I am enlightened. The only time one needs to be sad is if a loved one dies and that is only for a short period of mourning. Please take my words to heart and you too will become enlightened. I am trying to share this information to bring joy and happiness in your life. I am not writing this merely for the sake of writing this. My intentions are to help you see the world for how it truly is because everyone around me has been brainwashed by their televisions. Time to wake up.

What does it mean to give your life to God? I see people all the time, "giving their life to God" yet I don't see its results. How can you give your life to God and a nine to five job at the same time? In most cases, you can't. The mark of the beast is money and it will be placed in your right hand, seeing as most people on this world are right handed. Only few hold out their left hand to receive their income. Giving your life to God truly entails handing over your entire life. It is obvious to identify who has been and who has not been saved. For their worldly toils will tell you exactly who they have given their life to. And if those results do not reflect God, then this person has not given their life to God. This consists of most people who go to a church, temple, or mosque.

Apple has refused to publish, "This Book Is a Game" because of its content. This means that they will also refuse to publish this book. It is a surprise that they allowed me to publish my first three books but the messages on there were pretty cryptic. It is only recently that I have been so upfront about my intentions. When will other publishers find out about my content and then  take my books down? This world isn't fair. My digital game development is going extremely well but I am afraid that will be censored too. Because the game is basically a book delivery system. And I will not change its contents for any man. And this means that many people will object to its content. I don't think Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft will allow me to put my game on their system. But I will build it and see where I want to take it from there. I really want my game to be on all major platforms. The amount of times I get censored for my work makes me doubt that any console producer will accept my highly controversial game. All I can do is pray. Remember, Satan runs this world. Although you may get the opportunity to write books, make television, and make games, there is no guarantee that you will be allowed to showcase your work to the world. This is my version of Sisyphus. Not all outlets will accept your work. In fact, most will not. It is in cases as these where the boulder rolls back down the mountain. There is also no guarantee that a content publisher will keep your content because once they find out what it is they will be required to make an ethical decision. And that decision determines whether or not they enter the kingdom of heaven. So even if the boulder rolls back down the hill, those responsible will burn for eternity in Hell. For they are destroying the works of God. And God shall destroy all of those who destroy the works of God. God will destroy all those who prevent His works from seeing the light of day.

It is ironic how Apple refused to sell my book. Because Apple is the forbidden fruit. And I am literally going after the forbidden fruit. Businesses are really stupid for using symbolism that they understand not. They launch with a vision but many hands in the pot screws their original intentions. Employees in which do not share your vision and enthusiasm will actually hurt your business. To create a morally successful business one must have everybody on board with the direction of the company. One evil individual hired can speak on behalf of the entire company and ruin their future plans. One person who clicks deny represents that entire company hitting deny. When will businesses learn from their actions? Businesses that screw me over end up having that information reflected in my work. There are consequences for all of our actions. Apple refused to publish my book and that gets highlighted in this chapter. I am very worried about my game and who will publish it. I highly doubt that Nintendo, Sony, or Microsoft will publish my game because of its content. That means I am most likely limited to PC only, which, if true, is really irritating because I really want this game on a portable device like a Nintendo Switch. But I will try all of them. And you will know what platforms allowed me on them by what platforms my game ends up on. I want my game on all platforms. If my game ends up only for PC, that means that no other publishers accepted it.

It says a lot about a publishing company that refuses to publish my work because of its content. My work is amazing and it reveals countless secrets of the world throughout. If a company refuses to publish these secrets, then they are willingly choosing to keep these secrets in the dark. It is really sad when a company loves publishing crap but refuses to publish real work when it appears. Most of the work on this planet is meaningless rubbish. Why are we so eager to publish useless information but very hesitant to publish real information?

Great amounts of my work is merely me discussing how my work is being censored. My life would have been so easy if my work was not constantly censored. Life for me is oftentimes like the fate of Sisyphus when companies all around me refuse to publish my work. I can't imagine my life without censorship. Most of my life is based upon censorship because I keep being censored everywhere I go. My work would not make sense without the censorship because the work is oftentimes censored. My work is here to show you how extreme our world's censorship is merely for writing articles about virtue. Virtue in this life is illegal and even the police will do everything that they can to prevent you from obtaining it. They will try their best to destroy your plans. Don't let them. They might take away our work through censorship but they can never take away our souls. But we can take theirs! The playing ground for angels and demons are even. They might have the brainwashed populace but we have their souls!

Just use your brain. Examine all of the pieces of media out there that prioritise virtue within its message. They almost do not exist. Virtue is not a priority whatsoever within modern society. And when pieces of information that promote virtue do arise, they are covered up. Virtue is censored in our modern day world. Because virtue is opposite to wickedness and we live in a wicked society. And to the wicked, virtue appears as wickedness. I publish my films, books, and games with every major publisher so if there is a publisher that does not have my content, that is because they refused it.

Everything should be allowed to be said. Nothing should remain unstated. This doesn't mean that everything should be allowed. Merely that everything should be allowed to be stated. What is justice? What would a world look like that was filled with justice? The problem is that we are not allowed to say whatever we want. I have proved this by being incarcerated many times merely for speaking the truth. If I am not allowed to say something, then why? It is because there is a mountain load of evidence to prove that what you believe isn't true. Our businesses are literally censoring the truth. They are literally censoring enlightenment. Why would they do that? Because they have an agenda in which they are not making public. Let me speak anything but only constrict what I do. Laws are important, but only when those laws have been created from virtue. How are we to create laws from virtue instead of human selfishness? We are to allow everyone to speak. And we are to constrict actions and not words. Because if we constrict the human heart then we will truly end up in the world of 1984. We live in a world full of idiots. And if you object to this point then you too are truly one of those idiots.