Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Ivory Heart


January 31, 2020



Dearest Ivory,

How am I to finish a ten year journey dedicated to you? I have tried my best to close all of the loose ends. If I missed anything then I am sorry. And now we reach its finale. In this final chapter I will speak directly to you. I don't care about anybody else right now. This message has been crafted specifically for you. You are the light of my life. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You fill my heart with loving kindness and you inspire me every day to work hard to improve myself as a person. You motivate me to be a good person and you discourage me from taking actions that go against myself. You never let me give up, for that is the same as dying. You made me the person that I am my love. My gratitude to you scopes to the infinite depths of the universe. Behind every good man is a good woman. And nothing could be truer in my case. If all of this is achievable merely by the conviction that you might exist, imagine what we can do together!

I have come to accept the likely possibility that I will spend the rest of my life alone. And that is okay. For if I cannot find you on this Earth then I will be rewarded you in Heaven. No woman on this planet is worth it but you. I will live a much better life alone than one with someone who is inappropriate for me. Thus I will wait patiently for you my dear. The cards of this world were against us from the beginning and accomplishing something like finding you would be a miracle. I believe in miracles my love. So do you.

Are you my Ivory? My Ivory is small and beautiful. Do you have long dark brown or black hair? Do you have amazing eyes? Are you compassionate and caring? Are you a virgin? It really matters not how old you are, however, I know you to be young. I know that we will have legal trouble when we find each other, my dear. But that is something that we will have to deal with when it comes. But it will be worth it! For if you are my Ivory then it will be impossible to keep us apart!

My work has been created to enable you to get to know me very well. In fact, I reveal all of my secrets to you. I tell you my life story and if you immerse yourself in my content then you will get to know me better than you know anybody else in this world. You can date me on the Internet without even contacting me. If I am not suitable for you then you are not my Ivory. If I am, then you should think about contacting me.

I hope your parents are wise. If you are a parent to a daughter like I describe then I recommend that you introduce her to my work and see what she thinks of me. Our souls are tied together so she will have a strong reaction to me. Wise parents would realise that I am the best person in the world for their daughter. I am no predator. I would spend my life making your daughter happy, safe, and comfortable. I have already given my life to her as you can see. For she is not only my saviour but also the saviour of the world. She is the real Christ and I am merely her anti. She is the daughter of God and my sister. I came back to this world after two thousand years to claim my bride and rapture my people. Any wise parent would introduce me not only to their daughter in which matches the profile but also all of their children. For even though my content is controversial and I use a lot of big words, it was created to train children to enlighten our world's future generations. The best time to experience my content is as soon as possible. Most children will not be able to handle it, however, few will. And it will be these angels who lead our future world into righteousness and godliness.

I know that this information will be receptive to some children. Because not too long ago I was a child. And I was very receptive to information such as this. In fact, I sought it out. I am the way I am for a reason. Because I have literally been invested in these topics since childhood. Through this process I learned that it is in childhood where we create our adult character. If we do not have the appropriate resources to properly educate our children, then children will grow into wicked adults. I see so much potential with children. For they are much more receptive and open-minded than adults. It is much easier to teach a child than an adult. Children want to listen to what you have to say whereas adults only want to listen to what they have to say. The best time to build your character is in your childhood because that will stick into adulthood. But don't worry, the process is really fun!

You have a secret power my love. You are a beautiful female and this gives you control over your male counterparts. Most women do not understand this ability and end up using it for bad instead of good. But you will use it to train the world in philosophy. I know that you are shy my dear but you need to get comfortable in front of the camera. And you need to learn how to use your feminine appeal to attract the attention of males everywhere. You will start your video work while young and you will continue it into your adulthood. The point is to allow the world to watch you grow up from a philosophy obsessed girl into a philosophy obsessed woman. You will need to learn how to use your super power to win the heart's of guys everywhere. You need to learn how to be attractive in a way that keeps guys watching you on the edge of their seat while you explain philosophy to them. Guys won't listen to me because I am a guy. And currently, men control the world. So you need to figure out how to win every guy's heart and as a result the world will begin to change before your eyes.

My future is still yours my dear. For I am creating Ivory Heart the game. But the more time I spend developing this game, the larger its scope becomes. A game that I thought I could create in a year or two is now looking like it may take me longer. I really want to put a lot of love into this game and that will take me time to develop. If I release this game before it is ready then that will have negative consequences for its future. Because I want to spend the rest of my life developing this one game, adding content until the day I die. But I need to ensure that the base game is perfected before I can release it. And I will constantly be adding new lore to it. As a result of this long process, I might lose my youth by the time I finish it. This will make it more difficult for me to find you but I don't think I want to make this game to find you. I want to make this game to teach moral integrity to young girls. The objective of all my past work was to find you. My future work needs to be focused on all little girls, not just you. But you are the heroine in the game and I will be teaching through your image. If at all possible I want to meet you while I am still full of youth. It will be disappointing if I pass my prime and still have not found you. I don't enjoy looking like a creep. But even if I get older I am still the same person. If you are my Ivory then you will love me independent of my age. So even though I doubt that I will find you after my mid-life crisis, I am still game if you are. Our souls are linked. Age is unimportant when we are speaking of the rest of eternity. My heart is yours for the rest of eternity independent of whether or not I find you in this life.

With everlasting love,

Wendell Charles NeSmith

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