Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

Original Sin


January 31, 2020



In the beginning God created Adam and Eve. They were created perfect and did not know sin. God gave them every healthy fruit that they could ever desire. But God commanded them to not eat from one tree in the garden. They were immature creatures and God had much to teach them before allowing them to know His master plan. Because they would not understand it because of how simple creatures they were. God wanted to protect them from the overwhelming complexity of His Divine Creation. Thus He concealed knowledge within His Creation so that it would take us a long time to learn its properties. And as we did, we began to discover the pleasures the material world can provide us. Eventually this gave birth to greed as oftentimes materials were scarce. Those who were strongest eventually stockpiled resources and left their neighbours to starve. It took us a long time to extract from the world enough materials for us to live in abundance. But the process to get there caused a small few to have possession of its majority.

In that garden the snake played a trick on humans that continues to deceive them to this day. Satan convinced humans that they have original sin: that they were born into sin and that there is nothing that they can do to purge that sin from their souls. This causes humans to accept that they are sinful creatures. As a result they are given an excuse to sin, for that is normal. Humans then became very irate at those who claim a sinless life. Virtuous people have been martyred all throughout our human history. After they are martyred they then idolise and worship them. They do not appreciate what is right in front of them until it is gone. They don't appreciate what secret information is being revealed to them. They see it as fiction and not fact. Because the truth is that sin is not inbuilt in us. Sin is a learned activity and it takes a long time to create a creature that is capable of sin. I am not capable of sin. I have spent my entire life studying and practicing virtue. I avoid mainstream everything because it normalises sin. To be capable of sin one must have that built into their psychology. If I spend my life immersed in media where they constantly sin then of course it is going to be within my capacity to sin. But I didn't do that.

I have had multiple "friends" over the years who left the friendship because I would not admit that I sin. Humans are extremely insecure. They want to feel better than everybody and when one who is sinless stands before them, they become very aggressive. They at least want to be on equal playing fields with everybody else. The only exception to this is their gods in which they call celebrities. I am sinless. It is not in my capacity to sin. But I spent my life studying and practicing virtue instead of glued in front of the TV. I made use of all my time and if I was not learning then I was wasting time. I didn't experience comedy where they were cruel to each other. I didn't experience dramas where sexual immorality is the norm. I did not experience sin being made light of. Such shows that normalise sin utterly disgusts me. It is my kryptonite. I cannot stand to watch it. Because of this I usually end up alone because the rest of the population are enjoying their soaps while I try to save the world. Don't ascribe sin to me. That is fucking evil. I am the one that has studied sin my whole life. Because I didn't understand it and why people committed it. So I spent my life inventing methods to release into society that show others how they too can overcome their sins. Being isolated my entire life has shown me these secrets. I am not part of society. I stand outside it looking in. Listen to my words because I am providing you objective knowledge.

We make who we are in each "now" moment that exists. A psychology is built over time and not immediately upon conception. The most vital time in one's life is their childhood. This is where they learn how to love and how to hate. This is my problem with parents, for they train their children directly into sin. They are usually terrible role models and hurt their child more than help them. Parents have children for selfish reasons and are not prepared to bring the child up in a compassionate atmosphere. Children learn to sin from their parents and their friends who learned it from their parents, another's parents, and on TV. The secular world is designed to bring you down. And the parents respond by immersing their children into that secular environment. Parents are constantly damning their children to Hell and this really irritates me. This world will never learn until people like me become mainstream.

Do not be tricked by Satan anymore. For there is no original sin. You do not have to live a life of sin. You merely must take actions to remove the parts in your psychology that cause you to sin. You are in luck because all of my work was created to do just that! The only sin that exists are actions that are taken. There is nothing inherently linking us to sin. Yes, things like scarce resources in society do cause people to sin. But we don't have to live in that world anymore! We live in abundance in society now days. And if we just redistribute the wealth then we could provide for the needs of every single person on this planet. We need a universal basic income and we should never let anyone starve or go without clean water. We need to provide safe and secure accommodation for every person on this planet. What does that say about our society when we don't even take care of the basic necessities of our people? This is especially relevant because we can. The funds to do all I am saying is out there. The reason why we allow others to go without basic necessities is because of our human greed. When we break open the bank of the 0.01% then we save the world. Eventually we will destroy the US dollar and create a universal currency. Everything that I am saying is very possible. It will just take my army to do it.

The tree of the knowledge of good and evil throws us in the world with great amounts of evil and a little bit of good. One must then spend their lives sifting through the information and then making value judgements on it. It is up to us to learn to distinguish right from wrong. The bite into the forbidden fruit opened our eyes to knowledge which then gave us the ability to record it. We then were able to easily pass on information to a collective. The better our technology became, the more people became educated with the ability to read and write. Eventually we learned to capture audio and then video. We then utilise these new capabilities to exploit others, convincing them to buy your products through the use of propaganda on the subconscious. Because those who control the distribution of media control the minds of the world. And if you can get someone to work for paper then your own investments will prosper greatly. To make capital you need capital. There are very few rags to riches stories and the few that there are were most likely made possible by the right people supporting them. Even those who appear to have great amounts of talent are usually created by others who support them to hone in on their abilities. If you are never given the chance to train in something then you will never have the opportunity to become skilled in it. Few in this life are given the appropriate training in order to flourish. Those who do flourish are supported by others in positions of power. They call these handlers and they will control their new MKUltra slave.

People who are easily controlled are put in places of power. There is a shadow government behind the faces we are shown. They will obtain you a position of power but you must repay them by doing what they say and when they say it. Sure, they will leave you alone most of the time. But occasionally orders will come in, in which you must unquestionably follow. There is an agenda behind the agenda of the government. They do not have your interest in mind while governing. The USA was created by the Freemasons. They won't tell you what they are doing. But trust me, they are doing a lot behind the scenes. Do you want to know what they are doing? Do you approve them running all world governments secretly? Do you approve of their future plans for a new world order? Look what they have made the world so far. Do you trust them? A new world order is inevitable. The only question that remains is what that will look like. Join my army and we will shape the most beautiful new world order possible. Leave it in their hands and wake up to the ruins of a world you once called your home.

Everything that I am sharing with you appears very obvious to me. I saw it clearly from the start but merely had to spend my life contemplating how to articulate it to you so that you could understand. If you can still not understand then I am sorry for failing. But if this is the case then I recommend you keep investing yourself into my work until you can see the things that I am saying clearly too. I have so much work available and I recommend you replace your television and reading experiences with me. I have worked very hard to provide this odyssey to you. The more you immerse yourself in my content, the more virtuous you will become. The same applies to your happiness. I teach a great deal of subjects that can keep you interested for years to come if you only dedicate yourself to it. I reveal the secrets of the world so if you wish to learn what was hidden in plain sight, join me on my adventure. I created my adventure to also be your adventure. Come walk with me as we dive into the most hidden and elaborate conspiracies ever created. And as we learn about the conspiracies against us, we also conspire new ones to combat that oppression. For baptising in water is so old school. The new method is fire. Come on, join me. All the cool kids are doing it.