Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Christopher Columbus


August 11, 2019



Atheden comes from two words, ancient Athens, being where philosophical ideas boomed, and Eden, being the Garden of Eden. I will outline both city and country approaches, but I aspire to introduce you to a new world that is before us which can flourish if you only embrace it.

Atheden is an ideal. It is an approach to show how our society could develop into a utopian society, if we only play our cards right. This book will outline many different perspectives about what this society might look like. First I will introduce the core of my ideal of Atheden, then I will elaborate to its implementation into the city. The city is a much more difficult factor and one will likely be required to get a job and write books when you have the time. A garden approach is much better...

I have visited small communities that live in the jungles of the Northern Rivers, New South Wales. I think a community like that composed mostly of open source teachers would be amazing. But that is only a dream. That garden would be called New Jerusalem. It is a good dream and I recommend that anyone with the resources to do that, then they should. Doing both video and book work, each open source teacher would be enabled to explore their hearts and minds amongst a beautiful environment that will be gold on camera, sharing with the entire world. A community like this is the core of what Atheden is.

I, however, don't think this is possible for me to achieve so I have to settle for the city approach. Thus I end up in community services and community development as my side quests while I focus on writing and advertising. One day everything will click and I will be a little more financially stable as a result of my toils. Selling the books in paperback form is a great idea because some people like it like that, and some people like Kindle versions. So I can provide that at a cost while still having everything (including audio versions) free on my website, open source.

It is amazing being an open source teacher. All of my stuff is available publicly and I have multiple copies in alternative locations so I am secure in my work being publicly available. I don't have to worry about losing a video or audio file. It is all there backed up for me to access at any time. It liberates me because I gave my soul to my work and it feels like my soul is flying all around the world as people from everywhere check it out. I really recommend this type of learning and teaching style. It literally leads to enlightenment! The bangs of the world become like water droplets dripping off of you, unable to absorb into your protection.

I see a global society without borders, where people are allowed to live wherever they want to. I see a global society with universal basic income where every individual is looked after despite their disadvantages. I see a socialist republic that is based off of a meritocratic system, where leaders are chosen for their ability and not status in society or wealth in their bank. I dream of a day where we are all judged on our character and abilities instead of our inherited estates. But obviously such an ideology goes against the social elites and as a result we get a media backlash, where people like me are censored for preaching a different approach other than the one currently employed.

I see a world where man and machine can live harmoniously with each other. I see a world where machine can help man with all of their activities. I see a world where man is mostly free from physical activities and as a result, those who are capable are able to spend their lives learning and teaching. I see a world free from the shackles of a nine to five job. I see a world devoid of war and crime. I see a world where we get along and all help each other out. This is called interdependence and is healthy. I see a world that is driven by hearts and not by money. I see utopia, but you can't spell utopia without U.

We need to learn how to get along on the Internet. We need to learn how to discourage negative behaviour to the point that negative behaviour on the Internet will result in negative consequences to the one displaying the negative behaviour. We need to be held accountable for what we say to others on the Internet. Because bad human behaviour might result in bad bot behaviour. Because AI is watching us right now, in so many different ways. The all-seeing eye in the sky knows what you do. For the most part, it will be passive which ignores almost everything before it, waiting only for conditions to change.

A shaman in a Native American tribe noticed strange ripples and waves in the ocean waters. He sat down and examined these ripples and waves and, over a very long period of time, began to track them back to their source: big ships! The Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria! What fascinating vessels these were indeed! But so strange because just a moment ago, they were not there. They did not exist! But when reduced, the same wave patterns were produced as a result of something that was not there, then poof, they came into existence. The shaman then went back to his tribe and told them of the ships and then showed them the ripples and waves and the ships producing those strange ripples and waves in the ocean. The part of the tribe shown can then also see the ships but only as a result of hearing the shaman's insight. The ships are still not observable by those in the tribe who have not heard or been convinced of the information.

Here is a hard pill to swallow: we can only see what we know. All which has not yet been experienced is off of our radar. That is how it is so easy for me to "blow" your mind. All I have to do it show you another perspective and from that point onwards, you will always view your world differently. This is the allegory behind the quote, "knowledge is power". The power comes not in a worldly recognisable form. The power comes from that point onwards, your life forever being changed as a result of being enlightened to something that you have not yet considered. A mechanic tells you to hand him a 5/16 spanner... In that example you have the advantage because 1) you know what a spanner is and 2) the sizes are probably ingrained in the spanners. But the example still functions because most would not even know where to start finding a 5/16 spanner in a messy toolbox.

The night before last I thought about how the company who makes lighters, BIC, are ripping me off totally because they could easily make their lighters refillable with only slight modification. This gave me the great idea to search on YouTube about people who made their BIC lighters refillable. Ironically, all you do is 1) empty all fluid, 2) take a thumbtack and push the little bead out of the bottom, 3) remove the thumbtack and fit a butane refill bottle on to it 4) hold down for four seconds, 5) quickly place your thumb over the hole, and 6) quickly remove your thumb and place the tack in the hole and push it all the way in. There you have it, a refilled disposable BIC lighter.

My world is forever changed because of this knowledge and I will save a lot of money. Please do not try this at home. If you really have to, YouTube a lot before trying. I spent an entire night on YouTube looking at what people do with disposable lighters. It taught me the mechanics of the lighter. Before you try anything, learn. Before you will be able to see the ships, you must observe the ripples the ships are creating. Sometimes it takes a wave crashing for our eyes to adjust, but fuck you BIC, I am going to spread this knowledge far and wide. They make the best lighters and choose to exploit their customers by refusing a slight modification that would turn their leftover trash into literal treasure. But they sold it as disposable. And my eyes couldn't see until I noticed the ripples (constant costs) that the ships (BIC company) were producing. That led me to investigate methods to counter the costs by searching on YouTube for other people's solution to my problem.

This is why education is so important! Kids, your schooling system is imprinting upon you what you can see! And the growing stages are the most important stages in one's learning life. The elites know this and this is how they control us. There are agendas behind what you are taught! There are things that have been forbidden to be taught that are paramount to maintaining a healthy spiritual well-being. The system is there to produce workers, not to teach you life skills. They are indoctrinating you to be a 9-5 TV slave. Rebel I say! Become your own entertainer! Don't watch their mainstream crap. Educate yourself! There is a lot of spare time when you don't enslave yourself to television or fruitless games. Eventually you will find educators that also entertain you. Then education becomes your entertainment! How awesome of a paradigm shift was that? I hope the wave just slapped you in the face. If not, please read again and see the ships I am pointing to.

Before Australia was "discovered", all swans, by definition, were white. Then we realised that there was indeed, black swans. And we even had to take them back to England to prove it. We then had to alter our definition of the word "swan" to reflect our newfound understanding. This is the reason why, in philosophical circles, the "black swan" is known as the event, person, or situation that is out of the ordinary. They are often missed because you do not yet have the eyes to see them.

A utopian society is possible and it starts with you. If you want a utopian society, you have to gain the attributes of the people you envision in your utopia. You have to become a virtuous person so that you can spread that love to not only your friends and family, but everyone you come in contact with. Leave positive influences on everything you touch and, over time, those seeds will bear fruit. Some seeds bear quick growing fruit that is cheap while other bears slow growing fruit that truly pays not in dollars, but in soul. To dedicate your life to virtue is one of the most noble of decisions and as long as we as a society frown on these proposals, we will never be able to reach our Atheden. But I have such high hopes for her and I built her upon solid foundations so I reckon that I can build to heaven, for I have found Jacob's ladder. Follow me to heaven, for now that you know you can never go back...