Atheden by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Gates of Heaven


August 16, 2019



In order to implement a utopian society onto Earth, we need to obtain character traits in which we value as virtuous. We as a society need to do a lot of soul searching to be able to manifest a list of goals that we have not only as a collective, but also as the individual (you). All of society reflects the collective values in which we currently hold. But trying to implement collective values onto the individual has failed. As a result, we need the individual pushing for their values onto the collective system, as individual values holds a far greater force because these values were obtained through a long process of questioning socialisation and not from the socialisation process itself.

The Internet censorship has gotten really bad by the main corporations and it is only going to get worse. Thinking your data is safe is a hilarious thought. Each individual is being tracked. I have seen the backend of one implementation of this. You can no longer just clear your history to clear your presence from the web. All thought alternative to mainstream thought is discarded by popular opinion. This is a result of the indoctrination of their schooling into particular modes of thought and all thought outside of what they can understand is discarded as rubbish. But they just lack the sight to see the gold. That is why I love my haters. Because I feel sorry for them because they merely lack the sight to be able to comprehend what I am truly saying. They can't see the ships but refuse to examine the ripples and waves the ships create.

The way most of society is structured, we are pushed to be greedy individuals. We do a job for a reward and oftentimes that reward involves exploiting others. But if we look at our nature from the beginning, we are takers and not givers. We come into this Earth naked and needing many things from our carers in order to stay alive. Most will learn early on that chores equals reward. We are driven to work for a reward, to take as our primary mode of living. And I see this as the primary reason we suffer; because we are takers and not givers.

To give unconditionally is not an easy type of being to become. It requires me to give without desiring or requiring any compensation for my toils. Me writing this is a prime example of me giving without asking anything in return. But such acts are so rarely seen in society today; they are the black swan... I look out for these acts carried out on an individual level every day, but I rarely see them. There is always some underlying motivation behind the reason they are "free". Nowhere seems to just give in order to give. This is a huge flaw in our society and needs to be corrected. Because unconditional giving is the secret to happiness and not selfish taking.

The secret to a happy life is to become a giver and not a taker. God is a giver and becoming a bestower instead of a receiver is becoming like God. The more you realise how what you receive you can also bestow, the more you become enlightened as to your true possibilities. Let me give you a Kabbalistic story of a friend having you over for dinner. You sit down and he has prepared a feast! You feel bad because you have done nothing for your friend but your friend has prepared all of this amazing food specifically for you! But there is another side to this coin. Your friend has prepared this food in order to make you happy, so feast ye must. Enjoy you must because through your enjoyment, your friend also experiences enjoyment. So by you enjoying the feast, you bestow joy upon your friend who provided the feast for you.

If you are to brainstorm a list of character traits which would be required for our new utopian society, such has bravery, honour, knowledge, etc, how would you contrast these character traits with our current leaders in power? Are they individuals who truly stand up for the little guy or does their paycheck and investments say otherwise? I ran for Prime Minister in 2013 and President of the United States in 2016. Did you hear about any of these? I wonder why not? Because the elites run the world. And I was arrested both when I ran for PM and POTUS. They cover up the truth. But I have it all there for you captured on camera. It is difficult to get rid of video footage posted everywhere.

Our media brainwashes us into the perspectives in which we hold. It excludes any form of information that is contrary to what will be easily accepted by the public. It enforces our selfish mindset and exposes us to violence, war, crime, and drugs, all in the name of entertainment. It exposes us to agendas that are implemented by the elite. Why do we watch so much television as a society? It is really doing us damage. And those not watching television are playing games. And games act as simulations so I am not totally knocking games, but playing games has no outside worldly influence. It is all in the head of the player and stays internalised. You could say that some games are more social and that is true. But even social games stay between those who are playing it. My writing reaches out to all of society. And it is fun for me to do. Because giving is much more fun than taking.

We have too many minds in the world and not enough hearts. Those with both are like a needle in a haystack. Those with hearts oftentimes lack the motivation to develop their minds and thus remain ineffective to best help society. They might give to a charity but usually stand as spectators to the world of community services and development. And oftentimes the charities they give to only pass on a small portion of their donation to the cause. And I am really sceptical of many charities because they generally are set up and maintained by very wealthy people with an agenda. It isn't like I can just set up a charity for open source education. However, there are some charities that I have come to both love and admire and some that I wish to work for in the future.

We need to determine our basic needs as human beings and take measures to ensure that those needs are met for every single person on the planet. We are rich enough to do that. But in order to do that, we need to globalise. We need to come together as planet Earth and stop fighting each other. We have so much potential in our time if we can only see it. Our human rights are important no matter where you live and it is extremely sad when you see developed countries not caring for the human rights of their people, for example, homelessness, when I live in a city full of rich politicians.

There has to be a point where the people take over and eliminate this debt based system, which isn't sustainable. When that happens, then we can establish our meritocratic socialist republic called Atheden. Until that happens, we must act locally and prepare for that to happen. There must be a point where our leaders are elected by their character and abilities and not reserves held in their bank. A rich person gets famous because they are rich and can spend money advertising to become famous. The game isn't fair. It was rigged from the start. I came into this world a poor man and I will leave this world a poor man. But I am rich. For I don't need those worldly possessions. I try to keep a minimum amount of worldly possessions so that I am not overloaded by their burden. The more you have, the more responsibilities you have because the more you have to take care of and protect. I have very little and am thus liberated to a life free of the strains of worrying about worldly possessions.

You might be wondering how you could become a giver instead of a taker? Start doing nice things for people without expecting anything in return. And both locally in your community and globally on the Internet. At least look around at community type events that you would be excited to be involved in. If you have a passion for writing, start writing. Maybe you want to start a YouTube channel. Do it, and don't expect anything from it. Just do it because you love it. You will likely get many critics but if you know in your heart that you are doing the right thing then keep going and don't worry about what they say. Take their ignorance as your reward for your effort, for you were recognised.

Words are only signposts. They can only lead you in a particular direction; down a certain path. I can only place my words into sentences and paragraphs to give you an idea of what it is that I am truly presenting. Many pieces of the puzzle paint the whole picture. But the puzzle pieces must be found by you through the allegories presented within the text. And as one paragraph becomes many, we begin to get the idea that implementing a utopian society onto our war driven one seems like an impossible task. But worry ye not, if my material becomes popular, then we are saved. If not, then we have a long road ahead of us doing what we can where we can to make this world a little nicer of a place.