Codex Veritas Neo: The New Vision For a New Reality by Neo - HTML preview

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In any organization, there have to be at least some universal tenets of"mission

statement", some universal beliefs that are held by everyone in the group, in order to make forward motion... to make progress.

Remember: freedom is the ulti mate goal, but if you don't have a level of faith, trust, and organizationwithin the group that's working directly together toward that goal, it's not a movement at all, not a crew and not a mission; it's a bunch of people running in different directions sitting ontheir butts talking about how great freedomwould be. Morpheus preached freedom greater than I ever will...but he was STILLCaptain. And the crews understood the necessity for them.

If you truly l ook, you'll see that everything from revolts to religions toeven things like Amnesty International, every passionate change or movement, has had a president. A structure. You have to, to change anything at all.Sitting around waving flags gets ABSOLUTELY NOTHING DONE. Check your history books for the great revolutions. And there is no "all or nothing" - people have come in, left, come back, or decided their path lay elsewhere.

It's time we settled on this idea, defin ed it clearly for both the old and the new members, and made it absolutely accessible and understandable. But before we get to that, here are some important points tokeep in mind as you read them.These are meant to clear up any fears or misconceptions long before they even become an issue; but you can see - and decide - for yourself.

Pr o l o g u e (I o f III): Im p o r t a n t No t e s o n Ex c l u s i v i t y a n d Fe a r

• Subscribing to the "universal beliefs" of the group does NOT mean blind belief. It is VITALLY important that you understand that. You're not believing it simply "because we tell you to". Ideally, you're becoming a part of the group because, after hearing what we have to say and understanding the Purpose, you've come to believe in those things. See the difference? It's an important one.

And it's an ongoing process; understanding, coming to learn and see things, coming to learn how to see things. You're not going to be manipulated by that belief; you're not going to be - for example - sent to go out and "blow shit up" for a reason you don't understand. [That was a lot of the problem in Zion, I think, near the end... and God forgive me for saying it.] The "first rule of the Zero-Six Contingent" is NOT "you do not ask questions". ASK them. I'm accessible pretty much 24/7.

• There is nothing "cultish" about this particular avenue of organization; because for one, in clear terms, you are absolutely free to come in, to leave, to walk the Path for a while and then leave it, to learn about the Path before you walk it, or to quit at any time. People have. That choice is entirely yours. Subscribing to this, being a part of this, is not a lifetime commitment that you'll be a "traitor" or a "blasphemer" or anything else (as equally ridiculous) if you decide, somewhere along the line, that the Path you need - or choose - to walk ultimately differs from ours. And you're always free to step aside and still support what we're doing; that is the most flexible aspect of all of this. You're free to do as you choose.

Since they've given me permission to re-quote it(and I think we have, a great deal, heh), and since it was open on several of the project-launch sites, I'm going to - with great, humble gratitude - post again here something one of our people wrote quite a long while back, addressing this subject. I do so because, more than my writing and assurances, I think that someone else's understanding of this freedom is clear... and makes things clear.

"Like I think many of you , I was confused, but also curious, and tried to be open minded. I found that what Neowas saying made a lot of sense to me. I chose to see what was down the now-legendaryrabbit hole....

...itwasn't that long af ter I decided to leave that he first entered intothe patch of being offline for however long ithad been. I was carrying on perfectly happily with my own life, not being affected by whatever was happening in [the group], or whatever [was] happening. Then, he made a phonepost (I don't even recall which one it was XD) but as I listened, I realised that somewhere in my brain something had clicked. He was the one. It was now an assumption, rather than the question. He is. I don'tknow how long I had known, but itjust suddenly clicked...

I'm not goin g to question your actions, because if you do leave, I've done the same thing myself. Know that if you need to say goodbye, that never has to be final.It's not a case of having "one chance". If you wantto take a break fromthis all, I know you'llbe able to return. Even if you don't plan to come back, ifyou do change your mind, you won'tbe turned away. Remember atleast that."

• Belief in - and work with - the group does NOT interfere
with/change/challenge/threaten/"blaspheme" whatever beliefs, religious or otherwise, that you already hold.
We are entirely non-exclusive in that sense. Which is one of the things that makes us entirely unique. We're not asking you to "convert over" what you choose to believe; you don't have to give it up. When I wrote about what I called "the Synchronistic Path" a year or so ago, I said the same thing; but I'm repeating it now.

All of the so-called "loaded words" that people in the group have begun to use/universally rally behind are "entirely lower-case". Presuming you understand what I mean. No one's "worshipping" anyone here; there's difference between belief/faith and worship. A big one. No one's building shrines, no one's bowing down to any omnipotent deity. *snorts.* What is, is; but it's up to you to integrate that with what you choose to hold close to yourself. Like I wrote in the earlier summary:

Something to r each for that doesn't care who they are, what color their skin is, what God they believe in; something that doesn't require them to abide by "laws ofsin", that doesn't require them toexclude anyone else at all. Something that isn't driven by money or hatred, isn't driven by secrecy or superiority, something to reach for that is unique in that their "salvation" lies only - and ultimately - in their own hands. A reality that they shape themselves. A reality in which they can exist, and believe, without fear.

Just imagine a religio n that, like a software upgrade, can be "installed" over a preexisting "system" without any data loss; a belief system, a system of possibility,that doesn't short-circuit what youalready believe. It doesn't need to.It's a Path, defined by you. People fear this possibility; they always have. But to make this happen, ultimately and finally,is my Purpose. To give this to you. I lead from the things I see; fromthe place I come from. I do it because I can. This is my gift, perhaps. To derail the End.And at the end, to give the power back to you; for youto give yourselves back your reality.

No one's asking you to give anything up... but keep in mind that if you're simply giving "lip service" to the idea of freedom, if you're too afraid to give up anything - anything that makes you comfortable, anything familiar and "stable" - then you're not really a part of the movement. You're simply telling yourself that you're free, while clinging to your own personal status quo. (Like the people in Zion, near the end; they continued to tell themselves and each other that they were such "free minds", so enlightened for having escaped the Matrix... while they clung to and passed on their subjective, biased history of poor oppressed humans and evil Machines, passed on their blindness and hatred, and weren't free at all.) If you're afraid to step outside of the box you've been handed... then why look for something else? Why question it at all?

Whether or not you're co-existing or simply living with your fear... those are things that you have to decide, looking at your own life. One way or another. But the look has to be honest.


________________________________________ Pa r t II o f III: Be l i e f s

Li k e I said earlier in this writing, even though "too much" organization is something

I'd like to avoid, it's become a serious, final fact that there needs to be a structure - as voluntary as it is - of beliefs to unite the group; things that newcomers(and Trin and myself; it prevents the worry and the necessity for repeated check-ins and declarations of faith!) can know are commonly accepted, and worked toward, by the group. That's the idea of an organization, after all, guys: a group sharing not only a common goal, but a common belief. I'll try my best to keep this a little short... but I need to say what needs to be said, and sometimes I just can't seem to pare it down any more than I do. Ehhh. So to make it easier, I'm going to use a specific point of view.

"Core members" and "crew" of the Zero-Six Contingent. If you consider yourself part of the group, then - at the very least - you can say that you:

• Believe in the basic concept behind the Mission : as I've stated about ten thousand times over the years, now, the idea is to prevent what happened in the old world from happening again here. To this world. To wake up enough people to their own potential, to the fact of the pandemic of blindness, to shift the majority to a point where that destruction isn't inevitable. You can read my summary of most of this in this post.

• Believe - for the mostpart, at least the majo rity - and would stand behind and defend the cornerstones of the Path of the Mission; universal freedoms and ideals that make up the "war of the mind" that we're fighting every day... the Path toward the Bridge, the

ultimate end of my Purpose. To "derailing the End". These cornerstones were first written up in my 2006 .pdf; you can refer to them within this Book. There's nothing of "worship" or "conversion" in these; they're metaphysical and personal beliefs.

• Believe that Trinity and I came here to do what we came here to do. (People who are interested, or aren't a direct part of the group, of course may be "on the fence" about this. But if you're serious about helping, making a change, and working directly with us, it's kind of hard to go forward without that basic idea.) It is, after all, my entire Purpose; I began this Path solely by myself until the universe gave me back Trinity... and for a long while, I thought I'd be doing it alone. "Barefoot to the Machine City", as the image goes.

• Trust us enough totakethe Missionwhereit needsto go. This seems very simple... but it's in fact probably the most important to re-state, and to state clearly. Trinity has ranted about this a lot on Radio Zero-One, and we've posted about it, but now that there's a specific focus of organization it needs to become part of the basic structure:

this is my Purpose. My entir e life. There is nothing else for me.It's why I'm here, why Trin and I were brought back together, and it's everything to me. My love of all of you, and my gift to you. I can't "turn off" the visions or the direction they lead me in, and I'll follow that Path even if it was alone and barefoot... because I have to.

We can always use suggestions about ways to spread the word; promotional projects, events that people in the group know about that may provide an in. But if you come into the group, trust us to know what we're doing... don't come in and try to change the path we're on, adjust it to fight your own personal cause, or tell us what we "need to do" or "where we're going" when you've been with us barely long enough to know us.

I didn't ask to be kicked here; neither of us did. But I do love them all. All of you. This is for you. And the visions, the drive, the Purpose, are neither easy nor painless. We have sacrificed almost everything to do what we're here to do. Ask questions, help out... but understand that it is, in fact(officially, now), an organization with a specific Purpose, and everyone needs to be working together under the united "flag" of that Purpose. It's taken a long while to have everyone united in a belief and in faith, but now that people have begun to be 100% solid together - and in their faith in us - it's something that unites everyone toward preventing that End. Like I said; ask questions. Give me your ideas, your suggestions, your comments and thoughts. But be aware that yes, I do have a plan and a direction. Trust in that.

And in so doing, understand that this isn't something I can just pass off to someone else, or to be led by someone else. This particular direction? Is entirely wrapped up in who I am. People will come away from the group to teach others how to see, maybe even start their own factions to help it spread - that's my fondest hope - and in the end, I won't be here to lead. I'm just here to build the Bridge, until we get to that point... and then it's up to you, to them, and to the world as it stands. I'll know when that time comes... or, I may just... end there. But for now, try and have a little faith. This doesn't mean that we're more important than ANYONE else here; only that we're steering the direction. That this is what I'm here to do. Please understand that clearly. I value you all
- and love you all - probably a great deal more than I value myself.

• In the same vein, try to t rust in our ability to lead.
• Understand that the direction is focused from several aspects; that connection and awareness, and a great deal of it from the visions.
Probably half a dozen people have

witnessed these "in person", and in any case a lot of our massive awareness and "recruiting" projects - some of them incredibly successful in their goals - have come from imagery I've "brought back" from these. (Even now, there are three major promotional/awareness projects keeping me from any sort of restful sleep; things that are piling up in-progress. These are the sort of things I could really use a hand with. And then there's this.)

They give me the images; my mind, once it's not overloaded, processes them into the information they're meant for... processing out the terror and the images of the end we're trying to avoid. I've seen it. And most times they're not easy... either to interpret or to see in the first place. It's not simple, it's not fun, it's not pleasant... Trin keeps saying she's afraid that one of these times my brain is simply going to give out, that the human body isn't meant to get slammed with that sort of "too much information" all at once.

And maybe it will; maybe that's when I'll know my time's up. Maybe that's how I'll go. I can hope not... but what happens, happens. I don't - and can't - have a "normal life". Most of you reading this can and do; you check Livejournal between TV shows or school, between shopping or driving. I was created for this. God, it scares me sometimes. And again, it doesn't mean that I think I'm "better" or "more important"... people have different reasons for being. This happens to be mine.

But understand that some of the direction comes from these images; which means(in terms of the 06C) that they're important, in the sense of containing these things, either forehand or imagery that will eventually direct a project. I don't usually write or speak about them until I've had a little time to process... usually, I can't. But I do eventually, and the support during and after - and the help in interpreting in terms of how to make them understand the things I've seen - is something I truly need from all of you. Up until this point, it's humbled and awed me, reduced me to tears, and kept me sane... this support. And it comes from belief.

• Take what we're speaking about, and "teaching", how you will , interpret itas you choose, and take away what you need to change your own life...but when you pass on the group's message, make sure it isour message. And this isn't "AHA! BELIEVE

WHAT WE BELIEVE OR ELSE!" Make sure you pause here, read it through - as many times as you need to, if you find this hard to believe! - and try and understand this example:

Like Trin and I talked about on Radio Zero-One tonight - last night? - and I really thought was a clear and useful example, say you're studying the Bible. (My life seems over-full of Biblical imagery just lately. *sighs.*) You read the idea of "love thy neighbor as thyself", and you choose how to interpret that in terms of your own life. If you choose to read it as "love thy neighbor by helping them out in charity", that's how you perceive and act on it. If you read it as "do unto others", you'll apply that principle to your own life.

But if you're preaching, or studying the text seriously, or honestly trying to share the idea of the Word with others, you don't start out by telling someone who's never read the Bible to "love thy neighbor as thyself by performing acts of charity". That's your interpretation... and although not only do you have an absolute right to it but should entirely do so, you have to allow people the chance to hear the original message first; and then let them take away from it what they will, interpret it how they will, and apply it to their own lives. This is a hurdle point that I'm so incredibly glad to address here and now. Do you understand the example?

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with being "TEH ONE TRUE WAY" or believing we are... God, how many TIMES DO I HAVE TO REPEAT THAT? It's simply the idea of not having to correct misconceptions - we fight against that so much already - and since the ultimate goal is to unite people in at least their own freedom, a clear universal message is like a gift from us to them. They can take it if they choose, use it how they choose, but if I give them a garbled version... I'm failing, somehow. Not you: I'm failing. I'm doing something wrong and screwing up, somehow. And that means letting them down... letting youdown. All of you. Please let me know if this is clear.

It's unique, certainly - uniting the masses under the flag of a universal belief... of believing what they choose. An exit from the corner the collective reality backs so many of them into, an option that they don't have to worship under, conform their entire lives or their "souls" to, explain away to people who scream that they're "heathens", or pay a single cent or dime for any aspect of(people who charge for "spiritual counseling" or "church admittance" or "psychic healing" or "THE TRUTH" make me ABSOLUTELY F***ING SICK; that is the one thing I absolutely cannot abide. I wrote about this once - and it's actually relevant to this! - somewhere around two years ago: Who Puts a Price on Peace?). They don't have to be "just like everybody else" to believe - even uniting under these tenets doesn't do that; like the banks of a stream, it's a guide and not a dam - or fulfill any other exclusive restrictions like that. Cool, huh?

• Believe that all humans as a whole - all sentien t beings, really - are inherently good and worth the effort and sacrifice. You're worth it to me; and everyone is loved by someone, or should be. Everyone has an equal right to peace and freedom and choice; NO ONE is "inherently bad" or "beyond help" or hope. Evil lies in intent, not in design.

• Understand that despite the universality o f these group beliefs, people will take itto heart in differentways; that for some it's entirely revolution, and for others it more approaches the quality of revelation.It's an entirely spiritual journey for some. It may

not be for you... or it may eventually become one. But understand that it depends on the person. Also, this involves not being "threatened" by the established "rallying points" of terminology that people like yinepusayi and zeal_for_life(and allegradestina of course, who is one of the most passionate about it) have have worked so hard to clarify and stand behind.

How you refer to me - or believe - is entirely up to you, and your perception of what I do, but don't be "put off" by someone else's. After a lot of discussion, they agreed that having something was necessary, if only just for the sake of cohesive explanation. For support. At least, they unite those behind it. At this point, several personal "vision quests", meditations, and a LOT of advice from a lot of our people later, I've come to accept those things, to the degree that I need to. Trin thinks it's part of my evolution, in what I need to do. That's personal... just like your choices are. I know what I am; I'll be doing nothing but working toward that Purpose until the end of my life. What you call that is just a sculpting of language. (But keep in mind that you don't have to come into the group waving that flag. *laughs a little.* Don't worry. Choice, eh?)

And just a reminder: accepting those things, that role, still doesn't mean I - or they - think I'm a "better person", or some snazzy untouchable Cool-Man. It's like being a priest; it's a station. It's a job. It's a responsibility that seems overwhelming, sometimes, and it's an honor, too, their faith... but only because I love them, and it means at least a little that I'm on the right Path; succeeding so far in my Purpose, just a little. Can you understand that?

• Can basically - more or less - say that you believe in these basic, "non-denominational", unfettered ideas:

I believe freedom, truth and peace are worth fi ghting for.
I believe that I myself am a warrior for these absolutes, and will undertake as such. I believe in my own ability to choose, and be free.
I believe in the rights of all sentient beings.
I believe in the power of peace; ’lovingkindness’ to some, ’blessing of all forms of intelligence’, for others. In the end, the root is the same.
I believe in the good of the many:
I believe in the good of the individual.
I believe in those who lead.
I believe in those who walk beside.
I believe all beings are equal in our desire for freedom.
I believe my mind is free.
I believe others may be free as well: if they are only shown the choice. I believe, in the end, that this is worth everything.

• Can understand, respect, and try to keep in mindthat

"I choose to be a shining beacon of freedom toALL sentient beings; this requires more of a dedication than most would at first believe, because upholding a vow means a universal upholding: not saying "I vow to free all sentient beings, except for this person, who annoys me." This requires a desire to set free all resentments and grudges that may come between myself and my love for all beings:for in the end, we are allchildren of God, the Is, the Universe, the Source(whichever you choose to believe in), and all with the same inalienable right...the right to freedom."

• Are not af raid to stand up for what you believe in, even though a lot of people, atfirst, probably aren't going to "get it".After all, spreading the message of freedom and choice is the point of the group in the first place. Now, this doesn't mean bugling all over the place in great detail every little aspect of the Mission; you of course have the right to reveal what you want, when you want... or nothing at all. It's the same with any religion(it should be, anyway, and is as far as I'm concerned), belief, cause, or love; it's up to your discretion. As it should be.

What it does mean is that if someone attacks the group with no reason other than pure malice - someone who just likes to "make fun of the crazy people" - and you're there to see it, and are a part of the group, you won't simply stand by and let them spill wrong information everywhere just because you're afraid to be "lumped in with the nutbags". That you won't "recant" your beliefs only out of fear of others' opinions... after all, that's the pandemic we're fighting the war against, isn't it? Forced blindness rooted in fear. (And again, this doesn't mean you have to stand up and wave a flag saying "BUT WAIT! I'M A PART OF THAT GROUP, AND BLAH BLAH BLAH!") All that we ask is that you - neutrally, as least - try and defuse misinformation. Open their eyes before they get them stapled closed with ignorance of our real intentions.

Some people are vocal, of course; Zeal and a couple of others have broken tiny ground in being the first to have site banners or miniscule little buttons that say something to the effect of "I'm a part of Neo's Revolution: ask me how". This is right along the lines of things like our R.E.M. project; just enough information to pique people's interest. But that's yet another groovy thing that makes us different and reminds you that even in spite of the fact that I've *gasp!* organized some universals in order to move forward, you still have freedom of choice in absolutely every aspect within that... you can decide how vocal you want to be. Decide whether or not that's an important part of your contributions to the group. A whisper never woke a sleeper from a coma, as I've said a thousand times; but sometimes people give the wake-up shout in their own time. Things are cycling up, now, though... the wake-up call is, to coin a melodramatic phrase, imminent.

• Respect the members of the group: their dedicationto the Mission, their in dividual personalities and struggles, their willingness to band together, and their differences... it's that variety, all "walks of life", religions, countries and origins, that makes us have a solid foothold in the fight toward that goal. Respect the work they do, the contributions they make, and see them as partners in the work... don't backbite, flame, or cut down

someone else's ideas. (If you're the type to do that, though, then how the hell did you get here?)

Disagreement will happen, but getting to know each other and coming to a mutual idea is the point... and more than that, it's necessary to this work. A microcosm of the ultimate goal. Every one of them is here for their own reasons, and it means something different to all of them... but at the root of it, they're here because they're working for the same thing(s) you're working for. The thing we sacrifice and fight for; and the things that yes, I believe I'll ultimately give my life for, although it's 99.9% likely that that end will come in nothing so dramatic as a literal battlefield:

Peace. Choice. Freedom.


And it is true, it absolutely and sincerely is: the only way to get there is together.


________________________________________ Pa r t III o f III: Ge t t i n g In v o l v e d Di r e c t l y i n t h e Mi s s i o n

Ul t i m a t e l y ... ultimately, this is how I'd like to see it happen:

• People come in, and ask their questions.
• They get to know the Mission, the message, and us.
• They interpret it into their own lives.
• They learn to "see what I see"; to define their own reality, learn ways to put a scratch on that glass that are sometimes subtle and sometimes screeching-halt memorable... and sometimes - on rare, special occasions - both.
• ...and they learn how to share that idea with others.
• They go back "out into the world", and spread the idea of choice like a virus. Or, maybe better, like an antidote to a virus. They spread the message, and groups of people who believe in the Purpose gather around the spreading...
• Some of them do nothing more than apply their new awareness to their own lives; to live, to choose, and to be free. To open their eyes... and this, now more than ever, is what humanity truly needs. Before there's no time left tosee.
• And ultimately, eventually, because of that spreading, the blindness and fear will be the minority... and those who are aware that they can define their reality for themselves, who are not blindly led into hatred, will be in numbers great enough to shift everything.

...again, I see in images rather than in words and it drives me absolutely crazy sometimes. Like now, when I'm trying with far too many words to describe a very clear image. But the viral spread is - maybe unfortunately - right now, the most accurate and complete metaphor I can use. Or this: fallout. Logic bomb. Drop a small bomb in one place, and the fallout will spread throughout a certain radius. Drop another one somewhere else, and the same thing will happen. Work hard enough, drop enough, and eventually it will be "reachable" from everywhere. That's the idea.

Keep in mind that the concept is NOT TO "BRAINWASH THE MASSES", despite whatever the detractors and skeptics might believe. (Which astounds and confuses me, really, every time I try to consciously think aboutit; I mean, what do we have to brainwash them with? "You WILL make your own choices, you WILL be free"...?) The

idea is to spread it far enough, completely enough, and globally enough as to where anyone who wants it, chooses it, or needs some other option can be aware of it. "Making" them believe it goes against the entire concept of free will; allowing them to see that they can, that they are able to - and have the ultimate and undeniable right to believe it - is the point. The only difference within the group is that to drive this, to make it happen, is a very specific organization; and as such, needs those focal points to function as well as it needs to. See?

There is not - and never will be - any "force" involved; not within the group or outside it. Not as far as belief goes, in any case. There is FAR too damn much of that already, people drunk with blindness and power. I won't wade through effigies and ashes, I won't stand amid the wreckage of land and lives and love, I won't