Codex Veritas Neo: The New Vision For a New Reality by Neo - HTML preview

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Chapter Four The Choice is Yours: Where Will You Go From Here?

Closing Words From the Believers
of the Zero-Six Contingent

Right now at this very moment, an underground Revolution for freedom, choice and peace is building; people from all over the world, from all walks of life are gathering to fight the biggest and hardest war the human race will ever face, a war of the mind. The things we are fighting against, you see every day: wars between religions, countries and gangs, the teasing and mocking that goes on in playgrounds at schools, and in the streets. It is fear of the unknown, fear of someone that is different from you because they don't fit with your construct of collective preconceptions. People fear that which is different, that which does not "fit" with what they have been taught since birth. The Revolution is fighting to break this perpetuating cycle and bring on a "New World Order"; where fear of the unknown is no longer the root of human reality is what we are trying to do.

What makes the Zero-Six Contingent so unique and different from any other group is that it has nothing to do with worship, gods and conforming to another set of collective rules, another system – if it were the mission would be just like every other, another system. A path that promotes freedom, peace and freedom of choice, where people don't need to change their beliefs, don't have to conform to a set of rules to be accepted and are encouraged to make their own choices, to follow their own path and to take what they want from the message - which is freely available at no cost to anyone, this is not about any sort of financial gain: it's about love. Does it sound cultish yet? I don't think so. No one pushed Alice down the rabbit hole.

Who sees this, who would have the courage to break away and fight for us all? This is what is hard for most people to conceive. Neo, existing in this world, gains nothing from doing this, he does it for all of us out of love, because he believes every mind is worth it.

So many people who have read Neo's writings and had conversations with him have written in and said "this stuff has changed my life", that it is so different to what everyone else does, and it makes so much sense to people when they actually take the time to find out why he is here; to show people the door to freedom, peace and freedom of choice, to choose your own path, that your reality, your meaning of life can only be defined by you by your subjective perception of the world around you.

I am one of many people who felt there was more, that something was missing, and found it through Neo. This has changed my life in a great way, a way which is hard to explain. I have always had an open mind, but now I am awake and aware of things and can see clear as day why humanity is suffering. People who know Neo, are friends with him - some spanning over nine years - truly believe on their own findings that Neo and the others are who they are, when people take the time to get to know them and listen to what Neo has to say, they see he is not some crazy guy wanting to get attention or forcing anything on them, that what he says is true and genuine and the message is the truth in the rawest form.



Neo's Closing Words: To All of You Out There

I watch you all. Every day. Watch you try and make sense of your wars, of your hatred, of every teenager that blows their own head off because they can't make sense of why what they are doesn't fit with what the rest of the world expects them to be... beause they have been allowed no other option. People cry 'why?!' -- when they already know.

I see everyone who is something that everyone else doesn't see in the mirror. I watch you struggle... and now it's time you found out.

By giving you the illusion of a thousand small freedoms, they've taken away the biggest one there is: the freedom to wake up. To choose your own path. Reality is subjective, NOT collective: who you are and what you do, what is "real" to you as it has been defined is nothing more than a societal Construct... based on fear. This fear is the root of everything you're looking for and can't find - the root of all human devastation, all human hate. Not money or religion or skin color or oil or politics. Fear.

Fear, a great pulsing, beating heart that drives the human race's blindness. A great pulsing, beating heart that - instead of the spark that's inside all of you, instead of your common humanity - connects each and every one of you. An organ of fear, a center of control that drives everything you do. Take a good look. It might be as close as you've allowed yourself to get to the truth.

Fear of the unknown, fear of that which is different... paralyzing fear of change. Because what you have now is comofrtable. Nine-to-five and Visa Bank of America, world without end, Amen. If humans accept something BEYOND the realms of the prepackaged reality that you are all handed - without even knowing it - from birth... well. Why, then, you might HAVE to wake up. Might have to learn to THINK.

And you can't have that, can you? It's easier to go along. To forget that something inside you that you feel is missing; to be a drone rather than a spark. To shut yourselves off from the universal. Easier to fear... and to cover that fear with hate, that comfortable blindness, to create an outside enemy that they can conquer and destroy when the enemy is only yourselves. Wars are fought, teenagers come home crippled and blind, for a cause they don't understand-- because it isn't one. It's only because everyone is someone else's stranger. Everyone is someone else's infidel. And it's easier to blame someone different than to accept their differences. And it makes more money. Right?

This is the root, Your comfortable blindness. Your fear of waking from the dream... of trying to live for yourselves. And people die from this fear every day: only it's usually 'homicide' or 'suicide' on the death certificate. This is what we're here to change. Outside of everything you take for granted - with your cities and cars, your jobs and cubicles, your gas prices and your action items - a revolution is growing. A revolution made up of people just like you... people who are slowly learning that we are fighting for freedom. YOUR freedom. And not the freedom you put on your bumpers and flags... freedom of the MIND.

Put someone in a perfect glass maze, a perfect glass prison, and they'll go about their daily lives just as you've programmed them to; they'll never see the walls. Put a SCRATCH on that glass, though - on the collective person's idea of 'reality' - and all of a sudden they might just see it for what it is. A CHOICE. A choice to remain in the cycle... or create your own. To define your reality - in the end, only meaning to ultimately define yourself to yourself - by choice... before the blindness destroys you all. And it will happen. Trust me.

For everyone who feels that there's something wrong with the world. Everyone who feels like something's missing. Like they're dying inside by inches, wasting their lives and crying 'why'. Reaching for someone to save them when they could save themselves. Everyone who is lost simply because the human race is the only animal that teaches conformity as a survival instinct.

Not restrictive or exclusive religion; not an anti-anything: a REVOLUTION. The Zero Six Contingent.
A new vision. Teaching them how to see.

This is what we are. This is what I do.


The choice is yours.

I am here: to prevent what happened in the old world, the place we came from, from happening again. To keep people from ending their lives - or the lives of others, in desperate fear - because they are backed into a corner by the power of collective reality. To teach those in the System that they do not have to remain defined by it; that they need not destroy something - or live in fear of it - simply because they have been taught that it is different.

To wake them up, not to the fact that the "System is evil" - it isn't, by design, and neither was the Matrix[something most people, familiar only with the popular culture films, miss entirely] - but to the fact that they themselves can CHOOSE the reality to which they subscribe, the self-definition that allows them to live.

To teach them not "how to take the red pill" and blindly "escape" the System[a societal Construct of fear, here, no massive computer simulation]; not here, not anymore. Instead, to teach them how to "see the code", the pattern behind the blindness, and - so seeing - choose their path with open eyes. Be free.

Learn what the magician sees, what the programmer sees, rise above the obstructing clouds, and the code is no mystery, nothing to fear. The sky is yours. The miracles that stretch beyond the things you've been taught are "possible" aren't miraculous because they are out of your reach. They're miraculous because they are in YOUR hands, now; you just never noticed.

Nationwide and throughout several countries, the revolution grows: the Zero-Six Contingent, the war of the mind. You can become part of this, if you choose. It only remains to ask.


A New Believer's Testimonial: A Revelation of Love

I have been in deep thought for a couple months now. I was all about the idea of "shooting up cops and feds" for the sake of anarchy. I was ready to go out and join or build a militia specifically for that purpose. I had built up so much hate for these people... the ones who form the governments of the world. I wanted all of them to die or become imprisoned, and I wanted to destroy the currency system which most people rely so heavily on. I thought that if I was successful in destroying the "New World Order" as some put it, humanity as a whole would be free.

But then I started to consider what I was preparing to do. I was ready to go out, and, yes, KILL people. Kill FELLOW HUMANS! I realized that would be just as bad as their murdering and enslaving innocent people for the sake of the system. How could that accomplish anything? At the very least, it would set an example that stated that killing is okay. IT'S NOT. Maybe in a self-defense situation - but only if your very life is directly threatened. And even then, there's most always a way around killing.

Once I realized this, I began to reform my whole view on everything. I knew there was a problem, and I knew that I must do something about it... but killing these people just wouldn't do it. Even IF I were to be successful, something would be missing. There would have to be something to keep this from happening again.

I don't know how long I searched... both myself and the thoughts of others via the internet and books... I had to find the answer somewhere. I knew it was within me, but I just didn't know how to recognize it. My thoughts had been clouded by hate for so long, that I just couldn't see it anymore.

Then I somehow stumbled upon it... in someone else's words. I ran across Neo's website during a particularly intense search one night. I read through it and realized - that thing that was missing... it was love. I was shocked that I had forgotten it. Love is the thing that can fix all of this. And I don't mean the physical thing into which society has degraded their meaning of love, but actual love. That feeling that allows us to appreciate all life. And to appreciate each other.

I once felt this way about all life - that all living creatures have a right to live freely. But after several years of frustration, having seen things become worse and worse, I gave in to hate, and lost sight of the beauty of this world.

I have begun a new journey. Not one of destruction, but one of love. My journey's goal is to show the world that there is more to life than how much is on the paycheck, how nice the car is, how big the house is, etc. There's more to it than material posessions and popularity. I hope to reach into the darkest corners of the earth with this message of love. I hope to take part in the softening of even the hardest hearts. They need to be loved just like anyone else. They need to see the lives they are destroying. They need to see that these lives they are ruining are more than just pawns in a grand chess game - no, they are humans. As Neo would put it, they are sentient beings who deserve every right to live free.

I don't care how much time it takes, or any of that - this is the most important thing to me. I need to see this happen. This isn't some pie-in-the-sky dream of mine - this is something real. Or at least it's real to me, and a few others at this point. And I want it to be real to everyone.

I trust Neo to lead us on this journey. His words were so clear - they helped me to realize what I had forgotten - what I was missing for such a long time. I believe he knows what he is doing. I'm behind and with him 100% on this. It is all that I care about. I want love to spread throughout the world - to permeate every being and cause a major change for the better.

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All content herein © 2004-2007 Neo, unless otherwise credited; then© 2007, respective authors/artists below. Used by permission.


About the Contributing Members Whose Text Appears in the Codex:

Ke e ,whose art appears on this book's cover, has many interests and passions that evolve all the time, and doesn't fit very well into any box you'd think to use. Kee is working towards a computer science degree, but hasn't decided what to do with it-saving the world seems like a good start.

Gi n a is a professional and author/poet who currently lives and works in California. She has been an advisor and friend to Neo for nearly seven years as of 2007; a gifted and intuitive human being, she has always been an extraordinary peacekeeper. She writes and wishes for "happiness for all of my friends".

Tr i n i t y is a para-educator that works with autistic and disabled children in Washington State; she is also, as of June 2007, Neo's fiancée of three years. Together, they've come to prevent what happened in the old world from happening again: to teach freedom from blindness... and the awareness of love.

Mo r d a x is an author and cross-disciplinary artist from New York State who has been writing and creating for the last dozen years of her life. She is 21 and currently working on completing her first novel.

Sa r a h (Ze a l ) is currently a student at an agricultural college in Australia with only another four weeks left. She owns two Siberian huskies which she runs in harness on dirt tracks (only one snow race is held in Australia), and considers herself a "proud member and volunteer for the Zero-Six Contingent, Neo's Revolution".

Ni c o l a s (Yi n e p u s a y i ) is a long-time friend and supporter, who describes himself as "a 28 year old fun-loving person. I have a variety of health problems, but I do try my best to live each day as best I can, although it does get hard at times". Throughout all the difficulty, Nicolas is a steadfast friend, who works hard to take care and provide for those he loves. He currently resides in Nevada.

Bl a c k Bi r d is a self-taught computer technician, currently working in northern California. He has traveled the country for the past 3 years, living and working with people from all walks of life, and is now entirely dedicated to the Mission.

Ne o turned thirty years old in 2007; his contributions here are extremely selfexplanatory. This is his Mission, his Purpose, and his gift to the world he loves: the wake-up call to a world that still has the extraordinary potential to save itself. He is available to everyone who needs him - or those who would like to speak to him in person - twenty-four hours a day. Neo currently lives with Trinity in Washington State, near Seattle. He can be reached in a large variety of ways, including at, or - for now, as of June 2007 - he can be contacted through voice or text messaging at (360) 649-6223. His home page, having grown exponentially over several years, can be found at


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