Codex Veritas Neo: The New Vision For a New Reality by Neo - HTML preview

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I want to tell you a few things I have known of him, he says that I am able to see right

though him, thats only because he sees though me. He's my hero for many reasons, one of which is the fact that he is worried about all of you, [all of us]. However he barely worries about himself. That is a mark of a hero, of a leader, I don't care what people say about him.

I have seen such greatness in him, my dear friend...

Neo, thank you for doing what you are doing. For speaking the words that need to be spoken. I see your strength and your love for the people who are around you. Yes, there are people who are not ready to wake up so they spread lies or say things to hurt you.

But with the passion and truth you speak others find you and they wake up. They find themselves standing before you, like a child wanting for to help them across this world to find themselves. You can do this.

Keep speaking because you speak words that have such a powerful meaning that they reach into people and pull something out, sometimes, yes people will be scared of that. Yes, people will worry because they aren't sure what it's supposed to mean, but if you keep talking, if you keep whispering the words out there into the world, then maybe it will finally sink in. And people won't be scared, won't try to push out too much. They will finally be able to listen and hear. I have faith in you Neo, not just because you are my brother, yes brother, my best friend and closest friend. But because I've heard your words.

00008.jpgGina (California, USA)

