Codex Veritas Neo: The New Vision For a New Reality by Neo - HTML preview

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I h a v e n e v e r in the 28 years of my life come across a person that has so

much love and compassion for every single one of us in this world and is willing to give up his life to help show people there is another way.

Why is Neo an inspiration to me, and why do I believe? For starters he made me realise more that I CAN in-fact do anything if I tried, there has been a number of times that I felt to tired or lacked the confidence to do something but then I think to myself, if Neo can do what he does then I can do what ever it was I thought I could not, as it has to be easier, I then get the burst of energy that gets me through. He let me know that its ok for me to believe what I do (more on that further down), and it is not up to another person to tell me what I should believe. The fact that he is the ONLY person in the world doing what he does every hour of his life for the past five years, why you ask…because he can.

And the people I have spread the message to have told me how true Neo’s words are, and these are people I go to college with, family and friends. The problem is most people do not want to know some of the things Neo has to say, because they might have to stop and think, they might have to change the way they look at the world around them, and that means change… something most people don’t like or fear even if it's something great.

It comes down to this: you either believe, or you don't. And belief can come in degrees.

After reading about what true prophets went through and experienced, so much resonates with what he experiences... I am now convinced that this is what Neo is: a prophet.

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