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Chapter 7
Opening the Seven Seals

The Book of Revelation and other symbolic Hebrew narratives utilize a rich body of symbols to encode vital details. The words used as symbols also have literal meanings, which is how they permit the authoring of narratives with both exoteric and esoteric messages. On the other hand, texts like Revelation are so obviously and heavily symbolic, that to expect the exoteric level to literally mean much of anything, leads to great error. In fact, one purpose of such narratives is to prove that literal interpretations are both erroneous and deceptive. Thereby, in such heavily symbolic texts, multiple levels of meaning are deeply encoded. It is necessary to understand the true meaning and purpose of the symbolism to have any chance of grasping important details. Since most people haven’t grasped the relevance and importance of ancient symbology or the narratives that use it, religious leaders and others have been able to represent them literally, and thereby falsely. Though we have already explored the general rules for symbols and symbology, use the Apocalypse Symbol Guide and Revelations from the Apocalypse for more insights and greater detail.

Revelation 5:1
And I saw within the right hand of She that sat upon the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed within seven seals.

Revelation 5:2 (reconstructed)
And I saw a strong angel crying with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?

Revelation 5:3 (reconstructed)
And no creature upon the earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.

Revelation 5:4 (reconstructed)
And I wept much, because no creature was found worthy to open the book, neither to look upon.

Revelation 5:5
And one of the elders said unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

Revelation 5:6 (reconstructed)
And I
beheld, and, lo, within the midst of the throne and of the four creatures, and within the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the Seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Revelation 5:7
And he
came and took the book out of the right hand of She that sat upon the throne.

After making it this far through this book, you should have a little better grasp of what these verses symbolize. I’ve included The Apocalypse Reconstructed in the addenda. You can read through Revelation chapters five through seven for a more complete picture of what I present in this chapter. I’ll cover some of the highlights to get you started. To decode the remainder of Revelation, you’ll need the Apocalypse Symbol Guide and Revelations from the Apocalypse. Before then, I’ll take you through some of the more important symbols and explain some of what is encoded within this segment of Revelation’s narrative. As I said at the end of the last chapter, the truth about the past must not be ignored if we want to gain the wisdom necessary to avoid repeating it again.

Grasping the Seven Seals

The “seven seals” symbolism is multi-faceted and incorporates several pivotal concepts. In its most basic definition, a seal is a verifiable mark, signature, and/or code meant to secure, protect, and validate both the source and the content of whatever has been sealed. Its purpose is to encapsulate, protect, and serve as a test of validity. The seven seals are multi-dimensional, like the seven dimensions. As I have already shown, Revelation uses the seven stars, angels, and seals to represent its hidden time codes about the symbolized cycles. Thereby, one of the pivotal aspects of the seven seals symbolism is the hidden star-angel time code demonstrated in the previous chapters. It is used as a test of validity in numerous ways that religious interpolators throughout the millennia failed to grasp, until it was too late.

Another meaning of a seal is that of a mark of distinction or hallmark, as in the term Solomon’s Seal. Solomon’s mark of distinction and signature characteristic (hallmark) has always been wisdom, not a hexagram as has been erroneously asserted. On the other hand, the symbolism when understood as referring to the wisdom of ages is more accurate, and the Doctrine of Two Spirits is the key to wisely navigating cyclic time. Important keys in the above verses are “found worthy” and the Seven Spirits of God, seven eyes, and seven horns. These are the spiritual marks of distinction and signature characteristics that are the key to unraveling all of the symbolism. Thereby, verses 5:1 to 5:6 tell us clearly that of the keys to opening the seals are the Seven Spirits of God, which are the top of the Doctrine of Two Spirits. Thereby, the first stage of opening the seals is to grasp the symbolic keys that unseal ancient wisdom as demonstrated in Chapter 2.

Once those keys were “in hand” (grasped) we moved on to the proofs about the zodiac, stars, and angels. Now look again at verse 5:6 and notice how it includes the seven spirits, other groups of seven symbols, as well as the time symbolism of both the four creatures and the [24] elders, hence zodiac and sidereal time measurement, stars, and angels, as we have already covered. As the narrative proceeds to Chapter 6, it begins to unfold in the same pattern that the dual groups of seven angels are subsequently presented, hence looping through seven cycles.

Another associated symbol not discussed so far is the throne, a.k.a. God’s throne. This symbolizes the seven hidden spiritual-conceptual dimensions that precede and define (a.k.a. rule) space-time. Once again, here we have a pivotal and defining group of seven that were vital to grasping the purposes and meaning of the symbology demystified throughout this book series. As explained already, the Doctrine of Two Spirits is based on a profound understanding of the structure and functionality of our universe and resulting realities. Thereby, the Seven Spirits of God (seven pillars of wisdom) and the seven hidden dimensions are inseparable concepts.

Furthermore, the seven dimensions define and “rule” the four dimensions of space-time, which is one aspect of the throne symbolism. The seven spirits are also the rules for karma, which regulates the outcomes within space-time. This is better understood by the symbolism of Maat as the source of universal laws and order. Now pay close attention to what verses 10:7 to 11:1 are saying.

Revelation 10:7
within the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as She has declared to Her servants the prophets.

Revelation 10:8
And the
voice that I heard from heaven spoke unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book that is open within the hand of the angel that stands upon the sea and stands upon the earth.

Revelation 10:9
And I
went unto the angel, and said to him, Give me the little book. And he said to me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make your belly bitter, but it shall be within your mouth sweet as honey.

Revelation 10:10
And I
took the little book out of the angel’s hand, and ate it up; and it was within my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

Revelation 10:11
And he
said unto me, You must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

Revelation 11:1
And there was given me a
reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.

The definition for the symbolism of “reed” and “rod” are measuring sticks to ascertain the character, nature, or dimensions of something based on a set of predefined signature “marks” (hallmarks), ergo verifiable truths and wisdom. Reeds were also used in recording knowledge, as both writing instruments and as the raw material for papyrus scrolls. The “temple of god” is defined as the seven spirits of god, which are the same as the seven pillars of wisdom in Proverbs 9:1. Likewise, at the center of the temple is the altar, which is the symbol for self-sacrifice. Once again, notice the convergence of the symbolism here around the seven spirits, dimensions, throne, and other symbols? Use the Apocalypse Symbol Guide to better grasp what is meant here.

Once again, let’s consider who is opening those seals, holding (grasping) and wielding the seven stars, and later measuring the temple. Verses 5:5 and 5:6 encode specific details about my birth dates and astrological symbolism, as I have already detailed. These verses give the numbers of my birth year and date as well the fact that I am a Leo (August 11, ‘55), born during the year of the Sheep (new born lamb). I am now publishing this book just prior to my 55th birthday, which is also the 11th anniversary of the August 11, 1999 Grand Cross alignment and solar eclipse on my 44th birthday.

To further reinforce this, verses 5:1 through 5:6 use redundant zodiac and time symbolism to leave little doubt about exactly what is encoded here, once the seals have been opened for others to see the light within. Thereby, the symbolism of these verses provides the future details of who would open the seals, as well as proof of what seals symbolize. Likewise, opening the seals allows us to view history against what we have been told by religious leaders over the centuries. The angels and stars have kept their encoded meanings quiet, waiting patiently to sound off.

So let’s proceed

Cycling through the seals

I won’t go into as much detail here as I do in the subsequent books, but I do provide insights not covered in the previous editions if you happen to read them before the updates are available. It is the same with the definitions for the seven seals and related symbols. This book proves the point in multiple ways, but for greater detail read through the other books, most especially the updates that follow the publication of this book.

As described already, the seven seals are presented in Revelation in the very same manner as the seven angels, which follow after them, hence looping through seven cycles. This is a vitally important detail because it demonstrates that the seven 360-year cycles from the 11th to the 17th on the Hebrew calendar represent one of the most important aspects of seal symbolism. The seven stars symbolized in my right hand, which are the first instance of the related symbolism within Revelation’s narrative, set the stage for the seven seals. Notice that the book is also in the right hand of She that sits upon the throne, just as the seven stars are in mine. Consider the symbol for ka again, which shows both left and right hands to symbolize that dualism and deeds are determinant of “spirit.” The right hand is positive dualism and thereby directly related to the upper half of the Doctrine of Two Spirits. After I “take the book in hand,” other seven-symbol groups come into play.

As I have repeatedly described, the seven stars, angels, and seals are first focused on the 11th through 17th 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar. First and Last are mentioned throughout it to symbolize the first and last of the seven spirits, hence truth and justice. It is also symbolizing the numbers 1 and 7, thereby also alluding to the [1]1th through [1]7th 360-year cycles, the first and last of the seven stars, as well as the associated seven ages. In the subsequent books I provide greater detail explaining other clues validating this. One of the later ones I encountered though was during research and analysis of the Vaticinia Nostradamus images shown on the front cover. Images 11 and 17 are purposeful symbolism for the first and last of the seven seals and the associated Hebrew calendar cycles. Also, first and last refer to truth and justice because one vital aspect of the seven seals are the Seven Spirits of God.

Revelation 6:1 (reconstructed)
And I
saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the voice of thunder, one of the four creatures saying, Come and see.

Revelation 6:2
And I
saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat upon him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The first four seals are most famous for the symbolism referred to as the “Four Horses of the Apocalypse.” They set the stage for what comes afterwards in the same way that the first four cycles set the stage for what followed after them. As in the above verse, we see that the first horse is white. A rider on a white horse is a well-known symbol for a hero, hence this symbolizes hero-worship. Now look at image 11 on the front cover and in the Addenda. It shows a Pope, hence a symbol for Christian Rome, as the rider on the white horse. Standing off in the distance admiring him is a woman, which symbolizes a religion. The illustrated (or illuminated) prophecies initiated by St. Malachy and this special edition by Nostradamus and son correctly identify the primary focus of the first seal, which symbolizes the 11th cycle on the Hebrew calendar when Christianity was born. History is clear about Christian Rome’s deeds, so I won’t spend much time relating them here. The crown as a symbol of dominion and conquering are also self-explanatory and redundantly validated by the long history of Rome. Image 11 also shows the Papal tri-crown to validate that Christian Rome is the intended target of this symbolism.

It also makes a point to refer to “he,” which means a non-spiritual group, in other words, a government (or corporation…) wearing the robes of a religion as a crown of dominion and source of power. Also, the crown is on the head, denoting mindset and thoughts, which are first and foremost earthly power (money, religion, and politics). Once again, a very accurate prophecy of what Christian Rome would do throughout the ensuing next age following the authorship of Revelation. Similarly, he is sitting upon a horse, which symbolizes a driving force or engine of the history we have experienced and witnessed. Sitting atop the horse symbolizes being in control of what the white horse symbolizes. Since it also represents a group of people, like all such symbolism, “he” is controlling those who worship the “church” and its fantasies by controlling and manipulating the concept of hero-worship to his advantage. In other words, people have been deluded into worshipping Jesus as a hero-god, not for the benefit of worshippers, but for the benefit of the “Church.”

Daniel 11:36
And the king (Vatican/Papacy) shall do according to his will (against the Creator’s will); and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself (vanity and arrogance) above every god, and shall speak marvelous things (infallibility, miracles, and more!) against the God of gods, and shall prosper (grow rich and powerful) till the indignation (Justice, Armageddon, Judgment) be accomplished: for that, that is determined, shall be done.

The next symbol in verse 6:5 above is the bow, which like all of the other symbolism has been presented literally. To validate the true meaning let’s return to Genesis and the story of Noah again.

Genesis 9:12
And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:

Genesis 9:13
I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

Genesis 9:14
And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

As you can see, it tells us that the “bow in the cloud” is a token, a.k.a. a symbol for a covenant, which is another name for a testament. In other words, the bow carried by the hero on the white horse in Revelation refers directly to the New Testament. Also, since the first seal is the 11th cycle (first star, angel), it also perfectly matches the time frame that Christianity emerged. The other important detail about the bow is that it belongs to the hero on the white horse. It is not in the “clouds,” so it’s not the “bow from God” described in Genesis, but a new one. In other words, the New Testament and those who wield it are not the Creator’s servants as they claim to be, according to the author of Revelation.

Image 11 presents us with more vital insights into the meaning of the symbolism of the bow possessed by the hero on the white horse. On the arm of the rider/pope is a bird, which symbolizes a philosophy. Thereby, these Vaticinia images correctly identify the “bow” as the philosophy of the rider/pope, hence the Judeo-Christian religion and canon. Furthermore, the bird is a hunting falcon, an allusion to a predatory philosophy. In Egypt the falcon was also the symbol for Horus, the falcon-headed god who was said to be the son of Isis and Osiris. The connection between the Judeo-Christian canon and Egypt has been well established herein and by many others. It is also a pivotal understanding within Freemasonry and other “mystery schools.” Besides, the Bible’s early narrative is deeply intertwined with Egypt and it is no secret that AmenMoses was Egyptian.

One of the biggest controversies revolves around the assertions of an Egyptian source for pivotal details throughout the stories about Jesus. These debates are centered directly on the numerous parallels between Horus and Jesus. The Vatican is fully aware of the philosophical and symbolic connections to Egypt. The Egyptian obelisk in St. Peters Square is undeniable proof of this. It was a well-established tradition in the Greco-Roman world to link their gods with those of Egypt. The New Testament even claims that an angel directed Joseph to take Jesus into Egypt to protect him from Herod. So, the “bow” carried by the rider on the white horse symbolizes Judeo-Christian-Islamic religion and their Egyptian symbolic and philosophical roots.

Revelation 1:7 (reconstructed)
Behold, he comes within clouds; and every eye shall see him, and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him.

Revelation 1:12
And I
turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks,

Revelation 10:1
And I
saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed within a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire:

Now also look at verse 1:7 above and notice the mention of clouds, hence an allusion to a covenant based on wise deeds. Also notice that one and seven form 17, hence the “time” of his “coming.” It also refers to the first and last of the Seven Spirits of God, hence truth and justice. Just a few verses away, starting at 1:12, the nature of the covenant is revealed as seven golden candlesticks, hence the Seven Spirits of God. Verse 10:1 goes a step further to put the rainbow (seven colors) and the cloud together to leave little doubt.

Similarly, the cloud symbolism throughout Revelation refers to the rainbow and covenant from Genesis. Since clouds are bodies of water in the upper air, they symbolize deeds far removed from the earth, as well as within the vicinity of mountaintops. In other words wise deeds and the seven spirits/pillars, which include wisdom. In the subsequent books, I go into great detail demonstrating how Christian interpolators recast the seven candles and angels to refer to seven literal churches. As you should be able to discern by now, all of the symbology long preceded the existence of churches and was designed to encode spiritual wisdom, not to deceptively represent literal churches.

Before moving on, I also want to point out something important in some of the reconstructed verses shown here. Look at both 5:6 and 6:1 to notice the word creatures. Some of the translations, like the King James Version, had the word beasts here, but most have correctly translated it as creatures. As described in earlier discussions, a beast symbolizes an empire, while a creature is a more general word for any animal or human symbol. As seen in the descriptions of the four creatures in verse 4:7, each was a different type of creature and one is a man. The difference between beasts and creatures is important because it totally changes the meaning of the intended symbolism. I went to great lengths to validate the meaning of the symbology used, as you’ll see when you read through the subsequent books. If you compare, you’ll also see that I have continued to fine-tune my research and conclusions since the earlier editions.

Since I cover the seals, four horses, and riders in great detail in the subsequent books, I’ll be brief here. My focus in this chapter is to explain the meaning of the images on the cover and their links to the seals. These illuminated (illustrated) Vaticinia images take care not to match all seven seals to produce an obviously perfect link between all seven images and seals. They were designed to be ultimately verifiable, while remaining encoded to keep most details hidden, until now. This was during the reign of Christian Rome when those exploring “heretical” topics (seeking the truth…) faced torture and other horrible deaths, just as did the earlier Essenes, Gnostics, and Druids. In such a climate, secrecy was necessary for survival if one was determined to resist and survive. Thereby, the seals are symbolized by images 11 and 17 (the first and the last) to avoid making their meaning too obvious, while still encoding a verifiable pattern. I’ll briefly cover seals 2-6 and spend more time with seal 7 and cycle 17, hence the seventh star-angel.

Revelation 6:3 (reconstructed)
And when he had
opened the second seal, I heard the second creature say, Come and see.

Revelation 6:4
there went out another horse that was red: and power was given unto him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

As an appropriate follow-up to the first seal’s statement of conquering, comes the rider on the red horse with the great sword. The conquering in the first seal-cycle was done more so through the auspices of hero-worship and religion, but as history shows us, it quickly turned to the quest for empire, as Rome is well known for. The red horse has two important meanings, one is bloodshed and the other is the connection between cardinals and aristocracy over most of the last two millennia. Certain colors were reserved for royalty and aristocracy in Rome and other empires. Purple was the most expensive to make and was also legally reserved for royalty. Scarlet (or cardinal) red was the next most expensive and was worn by aristocracy and later adopted by Rome for its Cardinals.

The symbolism in these verses intentionally connect both groups and history because war has been a big business for the very rich, as well as the way the “Church” used to “conquer more souls.” The great sword of this rider symbolizes an instrument of war and history has also shown that Judeo-Christianity and Islam have forged vast empires using religion. It is thereby important to grasp the connection between religion and the quest for empire, greed, and war. The rest is pretty self-explanatory because the violent history of Christianity and the resultant great wealth of Christian Rome validate the meaning and accuracy of this symbolism. For more detail read the definitions in the symbol guide and chapter three of Revelations from the Apocalypse.

Revelation 6:5 (reconstructed)
And when he had
opened the third seal, I heard the third creature say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat upon him had a pair of balances within his