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Chapter 8
The End is about Time

The above image illustrates the last six ages, plus the start of the new age, using a corrected and simplified zodiac as a timeline chart. As demonstrated throughout the previous chapters, the symbology of the four elements, the zodiac, and cyclic time are pivotal to proving the truth and grasping the wisdom that flows from the last six ages. To truly understand the import of what we’ll cover in this chapter, it is first necessary to grasp the details presented in all of the previous chapters. The above chart shows the short and long cycles encoded within Genesis, Revelation, Ezekiel, and related texts. As redundantly encoded by the sphinx and pyramids, it starts at the Age of the Lion.

Pay close attention to the positions of the four elements and the four fixed “signs.” The cross and the four elements are in the center of the four associated houses, which clearly illustrates the true source and meaning of the Druid-Celtic and Iron crosses. It also demonstrates why it was so important to Christian Rome to eliminate the Druids and their astrological wisdom. Then, just as with every other wisdom symbol, Rome recast it as a Christian cross and lied about its source.

Using the corrected zodiac and the symbolism of the seven stars, angels, and seals we can now prove exactly what these ancient sages wanted us to grasp, before it is too late for us also. After the seven seals were opened, what emerged were two groups of seven angels-stars-cycles. As shown above, one group spans the seven ages from the Age of the Lion until now, the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. The other spans the seven 360-year cycles on the Hebrew calendar from the 11th to the beginning of the 17th (one full age plus a seventh cycle). The short cycles (360-year) are marked by the short lines and numbered, from the age of Taurus the Bull (Hathor, gold calf, etc.) and stretching until the start of the seventh star, angel, and cycle. The twelve zodiac houses and their associated ages are the 12 large 30-degree segments. The dotted line traces the path of the last six ages and shows the halfway mark at the start of the Age of Taurus.

Pay very special attention that the entire last age (six 360-year cycles from the 11th to 16th) was during Pisces (the fish). It was also the age of Christianity, which has used the symbol of the fish for Jesus, since its inception during the early years of the Age of the Fish. Equally eye opening is the fact that the miters worn by Bishops, Cardinals, and Popes are actually based on a fish’s head, with the mouth opened to the sky and stars, hence to the constellation of the fish. This couldn’t be more obvious, yet it was long deceptively denied and violently suppressed. They even went so far as creating very specific stories in the New Testament to hide and confound the astrological symbolism (fish, water) used by early Christians and Jews alike.

Some were surprised at the zodiac found in an early synagogue in Israel. As I have demonstrated, the zodiac was far more important throughout ancient wisdom and religious circles than the later centuries when Christian Rome brutally suppressed certain streams of knowledge. Now you can see with your own eyes and fully and truly understand why they were so desperate to squelch anything associated with the stars, because they help prove that Christian leaders have been knowingly lying since the birth of Christianity. This is one of the things that the seven angels were designed to reveal about the past. As already shown, it is only the proverbial tip of what we’ll delve into in this chapter.

Now again contemplate the fact that Rome killed and terrorized myriad people over the centuries for trying to understand the truth about stars, symbols, and Christian history. Though they clearly based Christian symbolism and their calendar on astrology (a.k.a. the stars), they later undertook a violent and desperate struggle to hide these now easily verifiable facts. It should be clear to everyone that they have long understood the meaning and purpose of “apocalypse” and have been desperately struggling to bury the truth, as Revelation 12:12 at the end of the previous chapter relates.

It should also be clear that they became desperate about star and zodiac symbology after learning something very distressing about their canon, of which they were originally unaware. Since most of the New Testament is a product of Rome, their fears clearly stem from details throughout Revelation. Notice that the verse number at the end of the last chapter is 12:12, a dual reference to the zodiac in the same chapter about the “woman” with a crown of 12 stars. It is also how the Egyptian models of cyclic time (Amduat, Book of the Dead, etc.) and the zodiac are structured, hence twelve above and twelve below. Time symbolism is a primary focus of The Apocalypse because it is a vital key to exposing long-term religious lies!

The allusions surrounding the term apocalypse are closely tied to phrases like the end of days, end times, end of the world, Armageddon, etc. Then we have the mystery of the rapidly approaching date of 12/21/2012, which is supposedly when the Mayan calendar ends. Since it is a circular time chart just like the zodiac, it should have already been obvious that only the current cycle was ending, not the whole world. The associated fears are based on clearly erroneous expectations that the earth’s tilt relative to the tilt of the far away galactic center will somehow have a supernatural effect.

These and similar expectations flow from horrendously bad reasoning and a complete ignorance of the simplest symbolism or physics. It still amazes me that many who get worked up about this actually consider themselves to be enlightened. As you can see on this zodiac chart, it is the very same situation with Christian prophecy assertions about “the end times.” First, it is the end of an age and several smaller cycles and soon to be the end of certain old things and ways. On the other hand it is also a new beginning, just as all the related symbolic prophecies and narratives actually assert and the wisdom of cyclic time validates.

The purpose and focus of this wisdom is to assure a positive new beginning, by preventing a replay of the unimaginable destruction and chaos that ensued at the end of Zep Tepi. Consider again that the Egyptians focused on truth and justice as the solution to chaos, in part because they were emerging from the chaos and destruction of the previous epoch. Something about the behavior of that doomed civilization and what happened after its collapse, led those that followed to crave truth, wisdom, and justice. Grasping the reality of cyclic time, it should be clear that we are repeating their behaviors and are now reaping the consequences.

On a similar vein to 2012, the phrase “Novus ordo seclorum” (new order of the ages) on the Great Seal of the U.S.A. elicits both mystery and fear. Understand clearly, the so-called “New World Order” is a deceptive attempt by the Vatican and its rich and powerful cohorts to cause fear and confusion to hide the fact that the symbolism of the Great Seal actually promises a world freed from money and is also no longer ruled by those that control money. As we have seen, all such fears and assertions are based on ignorance of the intent and meaning of the original symbolism. Keep in mind that as in other endeavors, those who explore and use symbology are not all of the same groups and mindsets. Some have your long term well being in mind and some only think of themselves. Many of the rich and powerful see you as their slaves and livestock to be milked and slaughtered. Their primary tool of control has long been deception, but especially using money, religion, and politics.

It has been vitally important to Rome and its royal and aristocratic cohorts to confound the meaning of ancient wisdom symbology. It has also been their focus to make people fear certain symbols, concepts, and topics so they’ll fail to understand the truth about them. This chapter will bring an end to those deceptions and the resulting fears. Since the old “order of the ages” is based on money, religion, and politics, any truly new order must include an end to those ancient deceptions. That is one reason why the pyramid is unfinished, awaiting truth, wisdom, and justice. The other reason is that those who created this symbolism knew the awaited change would not happen during the previous zodiac age, but within the new one we just recently began. Thereby, the “new order of the ages” encodes great changes at the beginning of this new age, the seventh star, seal, and angel.

As this chapter’s title alludes, the end is a question of time, as well as timing. Before people could truly understand the messages encoded using time and time symbology, it was first necessary to prove the truth about the correct configuration and purpose of the zodiac, four elements, and all of the related symbology. As you see on this zodiac chart, most of the last six ages were through the bottom half of the zodiac. Based on what you now know about cyclic time, dualism, the Doctrine of Two Spirits, and the four elements, the history we’ve experienced was purposely and accurately associated with earth and symbolized as a period of darkness. Humanity’s passage through the recent ages and the character of the events and outcomes were very accurately modeled and recorded millennia ago. Just as history has demonstrated, we have lived through the bottom half of the Doctrine of Two Spirits, both literally and symbolically, and our collective karma has been very bad as the result.

Back in Chapter 2, I demonstrated that the proper way to create a positive existence was to progress counter clockwise around the four elements, from fire upwards into air just as the sun does. On the other hand, going from fire downward into the earth results in a deeply negative existence and its consequences. As you can see on the zodiac chart, that is precisely what we have done throughout most of the last six ages, both literally and symbolically. The starkly negative quality of human history over most of the last six ages directly matches the symbolism of the zodiac ages we have progressed through.

Now you can clearly see what the ancient sages wanted you to understand. The last six ages plus the start of the current one are called angels in large part because of the wisdom they deliver about the past and the future, which then shines a bright light on many dark and mysterious topics. You now have ample evidence and insights to understand that the zodiac and associated wisdom about precession and cyclic time are deeply ancient. They were encoded using the sphinx and pyramids and the very same symbology used for millennia in ancient Egypt and then within the Hebrew narratives.

The zodiac and the related symbology provide verifiable proof of the great age and reality of the prophecies described in the Hebrew texts, which clearly were the products of a precise plan initiated several ages earlier. The combination of zodiac ages, precession of the equinoxes, the Hebrew calendar, and 360 and 2160-year cycles symbolized as stars, seals, and angels decisively prove the truth about many things.

It is thereby vital to grasp that the symbology we have explored, plus the proof presented using the corrected zodiac and Hebrew calendar, is precisely what Christian Rome and the Vatican have long struggled to prevent people from ever reconstructing and making widely known. This is why they violently suppressed groups and scientists that were exploring the symbology and/or making progress understanding the science associated with the sun and stars. It has been vital to Christian Rome to confound the understanding that the zodiac and Hebrew calendar were purposely synchronized to eventually deliver redundant proof of their lies.

One of those is proof of how and why they coordinated the Christian calendar so the second millennium matched the beginning of the new zodiac age and the 17th cycle on the Hebrew calendar. This is also proof that they have always lied about the birth of “Jesus,” when in fact that date was a very precise placement on the Hebrew calendar and zodiac. The supposed birth date of “Jesus” is exactly 160 years into the 11th cycle on the Hebrew calendar and start of the age of Pisces, and 1+6+0=7. The precise year on the Hebrew calendar is 3761 (3+7+6+1=17), which is precisely 2000 years before the start of the 17th cycle (5761), a.k.a. the seventh star within my right hand. These are not mere coincidences. Also, since “Jesus” supposedly died in his 33rd year, that would be year 3793-4 and 3+7+9+3=22, once again, no coincidence since this is a very important number in Hebrew symbolism and mysticism, the number of characters in the Hebrew alphabet, and 11x2=22.

It should be obvious that those in Rome used a “Jewish astrologer” to set the birth date for “Jesus” using numerology and astrology, during the Age of the Fish. Whoever did this was also very familiar with the date math presented in various narratives. The other thing that should be obvious is that the “astrologer” they used purposely embedded a trap using the date math of the ancient zodiac and Hebrew calendar, just like those before and after them did. Thereby, whether under duress or other enticements, someone purposely followed the ancient plan, while outwardly pretending to help early Christian leaders. They too sent along proof that Christianity was a purposeful lie and one of the keys to unlocking that proof is using the corrected zodiac in conjunction with the Hebrew calendar.

As earlier demonstrated, human history was purposely used to model deeply profound science and spiritual wisdom. Even more profound is how long ago the model was conceived and sent through time so we would have irrefutable proof that these ancient sage-scientists actually knew what to expect from the future. They expertly recorded redundantly verifiable proof that they prepared for (and against) predicted future situations in numerous ways. One was the creation of the Hebrew calendar to be used as validation of pivotal dates and timelines, throughout their future. Someone with very precise knowledge of pivotal future events and situations and where they fell on the ancient zodiac created the Hebrew calendar to eventually prove its purpose, source, and functionality.

As covered earlier, the Hebrew calendar was also used to juxtapose seven 360-year cycles against four 1440-year cycles to precisely model the dual structure of our 11-dimension universe, hence four large and seven small dimensions. Similarly, the previous age is used as a microcosm of all six previous ages in the same way that the early years of the seventh cycle serve as a microcosm for all previous six ages. All of these are purposely based on the ancient configuration of the zodiac, which I’ve only partially reconstructed above. Creating a visual chart of this timeline using a corrected zodiac that includes the 17 cycles of the Hebrew calendar presents another enlightening time-based model. Its purpose is to help grasp the reality of our current situation, as well as the wisdom required to successfully navigate the coming waves, tempests, and upheavals. In this chapter, I’ll use this clear illustration of the redundantly symbolized timelines to solve some additional perplexing mysteries.

Illuminating the darkest of times

Now reconsider what we covered in Chapter 2, where the four elements and Nut and Geb were overlaid atop the Doctrine of Two Spirits. You can clearly see the four elements within the zodiac. The horizontal arm (dipole) between fire and water splits it into upper (air) and lower (earth) halves, just like the sun cross and astrological symbol for earth. You can also see that most of the last six ages where through the bottom half, which is directly associated with earth, darkness, bad karma, and the underworld. Human history has seemed like hell while we were traversing the lower segment of the precession cycle that is symbolically associated with death, darkness, and the underworld. In other words, we have existed through a very long timeline of greatly reduced truth and justice, hence the seven spirits of evil.

One reason that people of the recent ages were symbolized as the “dead” and “blind” is because we have been traversing the symbolic underworld during a long period of ignorance. Darkness is where the dead and blind dwell (focus, live, reason), exactly as the Egyptian imagery associated with the Duat and Amduat (a.k.a. Book of the Dead, Book of Gates, Book of What is in the Underworld, etc.) illustrates. Unlike these ancient wisdom models though, we have been going the wrong direction (way…), thereby traversing time “against the natural order” which is the hard and stupid way. It is important to keep in mind that the symbology and zodiac were created many ages ago to ensure we could finally understand the truth about cyclic time and how to end our long-term negative existence.

This symbolic model of cyclic time was purposely created to illustrate the period we have been traveling through over the last six ages. It is not a magical tool to divine the will of gods. It was created based on precise foreknowledge of specific future patterns and milestones along the timeline. Thereby, it is also designed to stop now, ergo the end of days and times. The reason it ends here is because humanity has been given the wisdom to free itself from this long ignorance-driven existence by forging wise new behavior patterns that create better futures. The alternate ending would be where humanity stupidly destroys itself again, which also makes future use of this zodiac configuration pointless. Thereby, this zodiac will no longer work as a predictive model because we will have evolved beyond the need to navigate through the negative effects of our own misdeeds.

As discussed earlier, the stars and constellations don’t cause human behaviors. They have merely been used to illustrate an unequivocal lesson written using the long-term flow and character of collective human activity. To do so required the ability to precisely map the future, as well as sending forth an advanced symbolic system to encode proof throughout the darkest of times, and then be ready to enlighten humanity at a very precise moment in their far future.

Pay close attention that this book is being published just prior to the 11th anniversary of the Grand Cross alignment and solar eclipse, that occurred on my 44th birthday during Leo, August 11, 1999. Notice how the start and the end of the symbolized periods are clearly marked by the constellation of the Lion, which is associated with fire and the sun, which has literal 11-year cycles. Furthermore, proof that these are the correct answers is redundantly recorded throughout numerous ancient concepts, texts, and monuments, and clearly visible on the corrected zodiac chart.

Various aspects and renditions of this wisdom were also symbolized throughout Egypt, but most has been mischaracterized and misinterpreted. Thereby, architecture and art showing procession through 12 sidereal hours of the “underworld” are referring directly to the precessional passage through the time period matching the underside (earth, underworld) of the zodiac, which they were currently living through. They were also much closer to Zep Tepi and pivotal memories and knowledge had been preserved. They were not just expressing the daily or yearly solar cycle, or even the slightly longer cycle of life and death. They were modeling the passage through the “dark ages” of the long precession cycle, which included a very long string of life and death cycles.

This is another clear example of wheels with wheels, since the modeled wisdom describes details about passage through cyclic time and the same forces, as modeled by the four elements, drive short and long cycles. They were so focused on truth and justice in part because they were living through the most negative segment of the precession cycle, hence through the darkest of times. They also used the passage of the sun through the dark periods to symbolize that truth and justice always survives the darkness (ignorance, deception, religion, etc.), thereby illuminating the wisest path.

Human history has been used to model science, symbolism, and symbolically encoded spiritual wisdom so large numbers of people could finally grasp the profundity of what was accomplished, and why. In this way, larger numbers would heed the warnings and wisdom that this long line of sage-scientists ensured would actually reach you, at this very specific time. This is the wisdom required to break our long-term negative and destructive patterns and reset the clock. Finally become the masters of your own destinies, no longer at the mercy of cyclic time and deceptive leaders that are able to use hidden knowledge against you due to widespread ignorance and misdeeds. It requires widespread cooperation to succeed, hence the focus on enlightening large numbers of people in a short time.

Grasping the truth about Astrotheology

Astrotheology is a term that has been in use for three or four centuries, but the evidence for what it addresses stretches back into ancient history. The topic has grown popular in recent years because people trying to uncover the truth can see the blatantly obvious astrological relationships of many Judeo-Christian-Islamic assertions. The symbolism we’ve explored so far has also led others to conclude these religions are merely rehashed sun worship. To anyone not familiar with the symbology, that would seem a reasonable conclusion. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny though, because these same “gods” are also associated with very specific stars so there is obviously more to the story.

Prime examples are how the Egyptians and Babylonians (and many others) associated “gods” with constellations and other details of the zodiac. Though the reasoning and symbolism were not always compatible, this practice was both widespread and expected in the ancient world. Besides the religious aspects, it also shows that zodiac ages and precession were widely understood and used by religions and sages around the globe for many millennia.

Keep in mind that the current zodiac age is determined by which house (30 degrees on the wheel) the sun rises into at the spring equinox. This is the astrological reason why Egyptians and others associated deities and neter with specific stars and the sun, because that is how it has always been determined. The focus of this book is on the Egyptian and Hebrew streams, which provide proof of Christian Rome’s long-term deceptions and abominable levels of evil. The object lessons that flow from exposing their lies apply to all religions.

On our zodiac chart, it is fairly easy to see how the primary expressions of spiritual concepts within Egypt are directly associated with the current zodiac age. Transitions do not occur immediately but shift over a short period and then remain in place for most of an age. They also didn’t completely go away when that age was over, but were incorporated into the evolving whole of Egyptian symbolism, philosophy, and religion throughout time. It is important that we focus on Egypt because of what it proves about Judeo-Christian-Islamic assertions. We’ve already touched upon the fact that Christianity has used a fish as the symbol for Jesus throughout the age of Pisces, along with some of the evidence of why they struggled so desperately to hide this fact.

To demonstrate that it flowed directly from Egypt into Judaism and then into Christianity, let’s look at our timeline chart again. The first of the six previous ages is symbolized as the Lion and associated with fire and the sun. Considering that this was when Zep Tepi flourished and then died, it is an appropriate symbol. It was also called a “golden” age, which matches the color and symbolism of both the sun and Lion. All the evidence also shows that the sphinx and Giza pyramids are from this same age. Lion symbolism is found throughout the Nile Valley region from the earliest signs of recovering civilization. Seeing the sphinx and pyramids in their prime would have certainly ensured this remained true throughout the next several ages. Accordingly, lion bodied sphinxes with the heads of the current gods and zodiac symbol are found throughout Egypt, Babylon and other ancient civilizations of Africa and Asia. Consider the long avenue of ram-headed lion-bodied sphinxes along the entrance to Amen’s temple complex in Thebes (Luxor, Karnak).

After the age of the Lion comes Cancer, the Crab. Now contemplate how after the death of the last great civilization and most of its people in great floods, the following age is symbolized using an aquatic carrion and flesh eater. Most of the people of the previous civilization did in fact literally become crab and fish food. But the other aspect of this would have been the desperate and chaotic period characterized by survivors preying upon and exploiting the remnants of the dead and dying civilization, as well as the weakened survivors. Going from the lion to the crab symbolizes a period of empires like we have known in recent millennia, followed by a period of scavenging, desperation, and struggle over scarce resources and the remnants of the lost civilization, hence a dangerous time.

Next, we enter what is now called Gemini, the twins. It shouldn’t take much of a leap to grasp that this referred to dualism in Egypt, which is interesting since this would have been the period when the philosophies of dualism would have been taking hold among those wanting a safer and saner existence. As we see throughout Egypt and the symbolism of neters like Nut and Geb, Isis and Osiris, and Amen and Amenet, the philosophy and symbolism of dualism took hold during this age to set the stage for what followed in the subsequent ages. This would have been the period when populations were increasing in Egypt due to a drying climate and desertification. Those already there were purposely following the ancient plan to propagate their symbolized wisdom and philosophy to those forced by changing climate conditions to settle in the Nile River valley.

The next age is that of Taurus the Bull. Besides the prominence and importance of Hathor, the feminine “cow-goddess” during this period, we see numerous uses of cows, bulls, and their horns in myriad settings, with the sun between them. Taurus is also the element earth, which symbolizes the deepest, darkest, and most difficult (masculine) part of this precession cycle. The vital importance of truth and justice (Maat, sun) and the wisdom of how to successfully navigate the darkness and dangers of the “underworld” were so important because sages knew the time period they were living through. Hathor was thereby a symbolic example for living life with a feminine mindset during the masculine Age of the Bull. Avoiding the deeply negative flow of things during this age was a laser-like focus of their wisdom and philosophy, hence the purpose of Hathor and placing the sun between the bull’s horns illustrating the vital importance of a mindset of Truth and Justice, ergo Maat. Also, notice that Maat was regularly shown weighing hearts in the underworld and those symbolic images were created during the ages on the zodiac symbolically associated with the underworld.

The Hebrew calendar begins during the Age of Taurus and during Egypt. Notice how the story of Joseph in Genesis relates the tale of how the earliest Hebrews came to Egypt because of the long drought, hence the desertification and shifting weather patterns of surrounding regions that drew populations into Egypt, where there was water. This is also directly related to the story of the gold calf in the Exodus, which takes us into the next age. This is another demonstration that these texts have been misinterpreted and embellished over the millennia.

After the Age of the Bull comes that of Aries, the Ram or Sheep. This is the animal most directly associated with Amen, but there were other Ram headed neters. Once again though, we see a transition from Hathor and bulls to sheep, rams, and their offspring, which are lambs. The lion-bodied and ram-headed sphinxes of Amen are from this age and clearly embody the time period from Zep Tepi to the Age of the Ram in their symbolism, during the Age of the Ram.

As mentioned above, this transition from the symbols for the age of the Bull to that of the Sheep and Ram is central to the story of the Exodus and the gold calf. “Aaron” wanted people to stay with the old religious traditions, which were forged during the Age of the Bull, when the Hebrew calendar started. A lamb is the offspring of a sheep and ram or simply a newborn sheep/ram, which was an apt symbol for the Hebrew stream and canon attributed to AmenMoses emerging (newly born) from Egypt, during the age of the Ram. The ram’s horns used by Hebrew priests come from the practices associated with Amen, during the age of the Ram, because the “god” of AmenMoses was Amen, during the age of the Ram. Notice also how the symbolism of both the lion and lamb are pivotal within Revelation and throughout the earlier Hebrew canon. Furthermore, since Amen was symbolized using the Ram, AmenMoses and those who followed him are symbolized as a lamb. Similarly, those who escaped the angel of death during the plagues were said to have put lamb’s blood on their doors. Afterwards, clueless priests literally sacrificed lambs to their god, during the zodiac age of the Ram.

As you can see, it is easy to prove the ancient pattern of using precession and the symbols of the current zodiac house to characterize their neters and related symbolism. It also undeniably flows unbroken from Egypt into the Hebrew stream and its symbology and narratives. Then, as the great engine of the ages clicked over into the Age of Pisces the Fish, and the 11th cycle on the Hebrew calendar, Christianity emerged and immediately started using the fish as the symbol for a hero character in their parables named “Joshua” that would later be deceptively renamed “Jesus Christ.”

The early groups that are now deceptively bundled together and called Christians, before the Greco-Roman “Christ” was ever heard of, had no problems with zodiac symbolism. In fact, any hero-god worth their salt was expected to be associated with the heavens and the new age was that of the fish. The early Christian leaders went to great lengths to create a new hero-god by matching and bettering the standard expectations of the time. From those efforts came the use of the fish, because it was during the Age of the Fish. We already touched upon the fish-head miters of Christian leaders throughout the Age of the Fish. Unlike those that came before them though, the leaders in Rome decided against the open use of astrology. One can see the transition to replacement symbols, first with the Chi-Ro (XP, first two Greek letters in Christ) and even later to the crucifix.