God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty

Let's talk about drinking.

Talk about drinking, while you're drinking? Not a good idea!

Right! No better not, but I thought I would jot a few ideas down so we can come back and touch on 'em.


Let me see... There were a few things that had crossed my mind. I am just gonna put down some random thoughts and see what sticks out, okay?

Go ahead. It will be a good warm-up for your note section. You haven't experienced 'confused' until you look at that stuff!

That's funny. But I do see the truth in it, sadly. Alright here it is-  I was thinking about helping my dad stop drinking by quitting with him.

Yes, and?

Stop. These are just notes, you don't have to respond. I have a movie on pause and WOULD actually like to enjoy myself before I sacrifice my drinking!

Okay, I'll leave ya alone.

Man that sounds bad! I never thought I would ask GOD to leave me alone. I guess booze do have serious addictive potential. Well, that or the movie I wanna get back to watching. Or maybe it's the combo. That's it. I am being selfish, huh?


Oh yeah, I asked him to leave me alone. He/She is still here though. You know how I know?


Cuz I can feel her/him. Hell yeah! I got this for now! I just wanna scribble these notes real quick so that I can get back to enjoying my drink and movie with GOD. How's that for an honest answer:) Finally. Yeah. Definitely have to write more about drinking, but me and dad talked about smoking pot instead of drinking, IF IT WERE LEGAL, of course. We agreed that it'd be healthier if we would just stop drinking and instead just take a couple of tokes after work to get back to Enjoyment and then just play some tennis in your free time to keep your lungs healthy. That's the truth! They need to legalize that stuff. As far as drinking_ have fun if that is your box of chocolates, but it is A WHOLE LOT HARDER, and takes ALOT MORE TIME, to lose the weight drinking puts on then to clear your lungs from a puff off a joint!

Hold up.

Ahh. I thought you were leaving me alone?

With you spouting off like that?! You were supposed to just jot a couple of notes!

Alright, guilty as charged. I'm getting back to my movie. Okay. I am way too fucked up to be writing. but I am anyway. I just wanna say something to everyone out there that thought, or thinks they are better than me, I may not be the MASTER of Ollie kick flips like Justin and I may not be the MASTER of tennis like my brother. I may not be the MASTER of spell casting like Carl and I may not be the MASTEr of humbleness like Jeff and Johnny. I may not be the MASTER of childbirth like Jillian and I may not be the MASTER OF MOVIES like Chris. I may not be the master of grappling like Itamar and I may not be the MASTER of feeling comfortable in a unique situation, but my son, MY BOY I AM the master of: LOVE.

wow. so many expected a different response.

I know. It is only the fact that I feel more connected than ever, that that came through!