God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty One

Man. I really went overboard last night, huh?

Yeah. You can say that again.

I will. "I really went overboard last night."

You are trying to finish those bottles off. At least you could still type by the time you passed out. I wouldn't try driving though.

Yeah. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. And a few weekends in jail! Learned your lesson though didn’t you?

Yes, not the way I would have chosen but I did learn my lesson.

Think again. You chose every bit of what you got.

Why do I know that's true?

You have a connection, remember?

I do just trying to keep folks on their toes.

I see. I believe you summed up this truth with a uniquely original axiom. What was it?

You can choose the path, but not the process.

Exactly, you impress me sometimes.

I get it from you, must be the genes.


Guess what?

Guess jeans?

You're retarded. You know what I meant.

I have often fantasized about being so.

Now you’re stealing jokes from me!


What do you mean payback?

Who do you think came up with all those jokes to begin with?

I guess you're right.

You KNOW I am. So back to the conversation, you can choose the path, but not the process?

What I mean is, you can decide where it is you want your life to go, but you can't force it to go there a certain way.

What about in a certain time?

I haven't figured that one out yet. I know it's possible, but I think we are not ready for it yet.

You are ready.

I wish I was. I remember trying it. It was amazing! Like time travel or something. I thought of it, and there it was.

But there was a problem, huh? Why don't you explain a bit further so everyone can catch up?

Okay. I'll try. I really didn't want to get to this part, because it is going to take some serious time to write about it.

Think about the time that it will take to read about it!

Okay, okay. Don't let me be selfish then! GOD, I can't ever get a break. You're breaking the rules. We agreed to be a bit more professional. Cool it on the swear words. I let you slide last night in your drunken stupor. I am calling it on you today.

Sorry. I know, saying GOD as a swear word is just as bad as saying JESUS... I guess.

Thank you. I haven't slipped once! Try and keep up.

It is not exactly easy to try and be as good as GOD ya know!

I know it's not. Trust me. You are preaching to the choir.

Alright! I'll try, just drop it. Let it go... Just let it go.

Gone. Now go ahead, you have work to do.

So the problem in getting whatever it is you want in an instant is this:

Yeah, it's great thinking, "I want a red bicycle" and it appearing right away. But the next thing you know, you are riding the red bicycle down the sidewalk!

Why? Why does it work that way?

Because as soon the bike appears, your next thought is, "when will I ride it?" or, "where will I ride it?" or, "do I have time to ride it?" or, "Do I want to ride it?" or even, "I don't like to ride bikes!".....

Okay, so what's the problem?

The point is- you see a bike, and you think about it. You think about how you feel about it, immediately. You conjure up what your opinion is on the subject instantaneously. It's like this, the thing that makes creating exactly what you want every time, exactly the way you want to create it difficult, is the fact that you judge everything you see right away!

I don't get it. I think everyone will agree, when I say, you are confusing me.

I know. That is why it is so difficult to get across. This is exactly why I didn't want to write about it in the first place!

Well, keep going. I am at least going to give you a chance.

Okay. Thanks, I guess. The thing about creation is: No matter what you think of something, you're going to get it! So if you think negatively of riding a bike, you'll end up riding. If you think positively of riding a bike, you'll end up riding. The point is, you are THINKING "bike" one way or another, and the mere fact that what you are thinking of is 'BIKE' is what calls it forth. Thinking of a noun will begin a process, in which it can materialize.

That's a bit understandable I guess. So what you are saying is you CREATE everything that happens to you?

I would say, "Yes," but you would never believe me. So let me offer an arguable fact.

Go ahead.

Look around you. What can you see?

I see a tree, a desk, a laptop, a bed, a window, a plant, and some paperwork. You know- everything.

Exactly! Everything.

So what's the point?

Now, what can't you see?

The air conditioning and the smell of carpet cleaner.

Good one. But what I meant was you can't see the room next door. You can't see your mom downstairs cleaning. You can't see your dad downstairs working. You can't see the mailman driving around town delivering envelopes. You can't see your co-workers busy in the restaurant. You can't see nearly anything!

Yeah. But I am aware that stuff is happening.

True. But you can't SEE those things until you come into the perception of them. What I am trying to tell you is this: You can create instantaneously, but you choose not to because if you think of the wrong thing, you will end up with it. That's what space and time is good for, at this point.

So that you won't end up with what you don't want?


So that you will actually have to make a physical effort to get what you think of?


Because you are not quite confident enough to walk in my shoes, huh?

Well the problem with this instantaneous creation is in the FEAR category. Nothing bad could come of, per say, riding a bike, but all the previous thoughts you have associated with riding a bike is what gets you. For instance, falling down on the bike. Or riding out in front of a car, on the bike. And so on, and so forth.

So why not just think of something else?

That is the secret, I know. It is just the conditioning of our entire lives that makes us apt to think in the wrong direction.

Not to mention the strength FEAR has over every one of you, knowingly or not.

Yes, fear creates things so much faster than Love. It is ridiculous.

Only because the extreme importance your society has placed upon fear.

What do you mean?

Your country, and most of your world for that matter, thinks the only way to control it's people is to scare them in to subordination with the threat of jail sentences, death, or disgrace.

I get ya.

Look at Europe. Much lower sexual offense statistics. You know why? Because couples are not ashamed to make love in front of their children.

Lovemaking is natural, indeed it is harmonious and joyful. Their commercials are not even censored! Thus people don't have any sexual 'pent up desires'. It is expressed openly and thusly 'controlled'.

Lead by example, not fear of persecution.


Fear is so strong, because you look at consequences as Absolute. You see truth in FEAR. Thus you harbor more Faith for it. THAT is why it is so much easier, and more common, for people to have a 'BAD TRIP' on acid than a good one.

You're doing it again!


Condoning drugs!

I am not. I am simply using it as an example. Besides, you did the same last night with your whole, "we should smoke pot instead of drink" speech.

I was theoretically speaking. And besides, it's true!

You're right. Believe it or not, things you enjoy are not bad for you unless you deem them so.

I'm going to burn for this, I know it.

At least I know you care. Blame it on me. I'm the one saying it.

Yeah, they'll definitely believe that.

Have faith brotha. Heck, look at you for example! You been taking that damn cold medicine by the handful for the better part of 10 years, drinking nearly every night, smoking a pack a day, then working out while you’re high or drunk! If I were a punishing GOD, you'd be in HELL already.

I thought you were a punishing GOD for keeping me alive this Long!


There's that word again. Damn, it's a damn trip talking with you. Anyone who has this much fun talking to themselves should be institutionalized.

There you go again, punishing yourself for the things you take the most joy in.

You're right! It's not you punishing me. It's me isn't it?

You along with the rest of your country and most of the world.

You are making it seem like OUR country is worse than most of the world or something!

I'm not trying to, I am simply speaking the truth.

Well, I'm just saying people won't like it.

Well people, in general, have so much misconception about everything that they keep themselves from the glory of human life.

That is true, I guess.

You better believe it. Did you know that the main reason alcoholics can't stop drinking is because that they believe when they quit, their whole personality will change? They actually think that if they stop drinking at night, their personability will disappear during the day!

Oh my gosh. You're right!

I know I am. I am not afraid to admit that you may be a bit irritable for awhile, but your 'one liners' and joy joy personality will never run away just because you didn't have a drink the night before.

Are you accusing me of being an alcoholic?

Not at all, I am speaking to the masses. You do pretty well of accusing yourself of being one, so I was leaving you out of it this time.


You know it's true.

I know. Actually I had thought of a pretty good axiom that my mom said was great.

What was it?

The only person I judge is me. That's pretty good.