God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty

You know, I see that life is beautiful. I understand the concepts that you have helped me lay down in this book. I even enjoy seeing others succeed despite my misfortune. I do have a question though.

Go ahead then. Ask away.

I just can't help thinking to myself that the reason my life has been so miserable is only because of whom and what I have chosen to be.

Yes, everything in your life indeed has happened because of what it is you have chosen to be. Still, you call your life miserable, though it is exactly what you wanted.

I mean, okay, I am who, and what I chose to be!  But it sucks.  It really sucks sometimes for me.

Back to square one I suppose.  Let us try to solve your riddle before we close this book.

Good, because I was really losing faith.

Trust me, you can't have much less faith than most of you harbor right now.

Gosh.  Low blow.  I am not even going to try with a come back.  Let us just please try and get to the bottom of this.

Fair enough.  First off, state again who and what it is you are trying to be. If you need help, look back in your own book here.

Okay.  Let me think.  I should know this right off. You should!

Alright, I am seeking to be, and doing a pretty good job of it by the way, the light, the bringer of peace.

Good.  You are doing a good job of it.  I agree.  Now answer the next question: What sucks about your life?

How difficult it is.  Day to day working, and getting nowhere, people really not even noticing me.  They don't even notice my hard work!

You feel unloved?

Yes, I really feel that I give, and give, and give one hundred and fifty percent all the time and no one notices!

Did you think it would be easy?  Did you think that bringing peace to a mostly chaotic world in a time of economic downfall would be nothing?

I guess not.

That only means that it is worth it to you to be the better person.  You would not be putting out 150% and getting nothing for it if it wasn't something dear to you.

I guess not.

The only problem in your paradigm is this: You fail to reap the enjoyment of that which you so long sought to sow.

I am not enjoying myself?

Precisely, was it pleasure that you sought in taking on this huge task? No.

Was it riches?


Was it power?


Then what was it that you sought?  What did you hope to gain from all of this 'hard', as you call it, work?

I don't remember!  I don't remember!

Good.  Then you have achieved the first step.  Let me assure you, my son. YOU WILL.  When that moment comes, you will realize that you have reached the grand moment of encirclement.  You will have done unto others, as you wish them to do unto you.  You will have given yourself to yourself, and you will be at peace.  So help you GOD.  AMEN.

That's it!  PEACE!  I just want peace.  I want the service I provide to others to become so easy that it is just natural.  I want to become that which I am giving on a day to day basis!  I want to be peaceful.

And so you shall, SO Mote It Be. Unless I'm not.

Exactly! ~We both laugh together~

So is there not some sort of parting advice you can leave me with, something to help me bring about this peaceful state of mind a bit quicker?

Your state of mind is up to you.  I can tell you this, "Whatever it is you are doing.  Whatever it is you are being.  Try to ENJOY yourself.  Put JOY into yourself and the moment that you are experiencing.  Remember, at times it seems hard, have patience with one another.  You are all fighting the same battle.

And if all else fails?

Then change your mind about who it is you truly choose to be.  Parting advice?  I can only say, "If you are seeking to be the bringer of peace then you will own the turmoil.  If you are seeking to be peaceful, then you may find yourself as the calm in the eye of the storm, the peaceful one among calamity."

So there must always exist this fight between opposites?  The outside and inside can never truly be one and the same?

As I said once before, "When the realization comes to you that YOU ARE ALL THERE IS, you will then, only then, choose who and what you are with everything else in mind."  You will truly understand the statement:

I – A - O


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