God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty Nine

So you finally quit, huh?

Yep.  Never going back.  I also haven’t gotten drunk since!  I mean, I will have a drink, but not to get drunk.  It’s strange, I still love smoking cigarettes though.

Because you’re already high strung without that medicine, you just couldn’t see that.

Isn’t that the truth!  Speaking of truth, another thing I remember during my ‘Panic Attack’, absolution, enlightenment, or whatever it was, was something you had said to me.  You told me that some astonishing truths about the world would be discussed in the next book, not only personal achievements of my own.

I did.  Are we ready to move on from your problems, to problems of a larger, more global scale?

I guess so, seeing as I have no problems, now. People are going to hate hearing you say that!

I don’t think so.  Maybe they will not believe me.  If they slightly do believe me, they may feel a little jealousy.  I don’t think they will hate me though!

Perhaps you should remind them that you still work at the local fast food joint and still have no money.

You just did.  So, it’s true.  My life is exactly how it used to be.  I have been the only thing that has changed.  Though doing so, has changed my world!  What will happen will happen, there is no other way about it.