God's a Trip! by Jay M. Horne - HTML preview

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I use to think that my luck was definetly the worst in the world, but lately I have met a few people who have just as bad of luck, or worse. The title of this book came to me just tonight as I worked at a local fast food joint.  You see, I have been telling people about my book coming out for weeks and never thought for a second that they may not believe me!  Then tonight I heard one of my fellow employees’ say, just loud enough for me to hear, “We’re author’s, we’re smart!”

The thought that ran through my head, at that point went something like this:

Okay. Go ahead. I can take it.  Judge, Ridicule, blame, doubt, and curse me.  These things are nothing new to me.  I have been the target and the scapegoat for nearly anything imaginable.  If you think you can make my life any worse, go ahead, take a shot!  Let me warn you though, you had better get a number and stand in line, because it is going to be a long wait.

At this point, a smile came to my face as I remembered something I had read in a book by, Neale Donald Walsh, “What you judge, you will one day become”.  I remember, as a kid, not believing this girl in my grade school who had told me that Chuck Norris had come to her house and had dinner with her and her mom.  I had judged her a pathological liar immediately, and therefore saw what was happening to me now as a true to life experience of Neale’s statement.  Karma, kicking me in the ass, so to speak.  I thought to myself, “Man, these people must think that I am lying just because I have done such amazing things with my life and now am simply working in a fast food restaurant!”  which, by the way, I am only doing for the pure inspiration it brings me to write these books!  You don’t get much inspiration sitting at home all day staring at a computer screen.

So, as I scrubbed out the grease trap I was thinking on the subject and a solution came to mind.  Late, as usual!  If I would only have taken it as a joke, started laughing so that they knew I had heard them, and shot a sarcastic remark back at them, then perhaps I would have cleared the air and solved the situation.  If only I wouldn’t have been so quick to judge, which we all are, and taken it as a joke FIRST, then maybe things would have turned out better, happier.  So, the first thing that Karma had taught me was to always assume FIRST that someone is joking and then work from there.  It keeps you from negatively judging people, and affecting your life in a negative way.