(Maltese language).
(Imjassar b`xi dieqànfittex is-sliem
indur lejn is sema w `nhabbat il bibien
nhares lejn Alla, lejn id dnub, lejn ix-xemx indur fuqhi nnifshi w `nsib li ma hemmx
la hena la fama la biedu, la tmiem,
imhasseb jien wahdìngerfex gol holqien
midrus f`din il morsa mahkuma biz zmien
f` sistema mffassla blaèbda qisien
Ingawdi, nisghar nahdem w ingorr
Gewwa din il magna li tibni w tholl
Inzomm dik it trejqa li taghder u thenn
ghax taht id dell taghha sejjer nistkenn
mel` ngharbel lil abjad lil iswed w lil griz Sabiex minn mohhi intafhi kull piz
inkun aktar ghaqli, izjed bizell w onest
Sabiex fl ahhar ezami nisperra nkun lest.
Inzomm dawn it traversi li fuqhom m`hemmx kejl Sakemm il gurnata tinbidel mal lejl.
Il harsa ta ommhi w tbissimmha tax xih
Ser nerga ingawdhi meta nsib il nistrieh.
Flimkien mòhthi, huthi qrabathi w il hbieb Nergghù ninaghqdu meta jinghalqhu l`bibien.) TO- OUR LADY OF SORROWS
My dearest Lady of Sorrows
You gave me your days for my tomorrow.
Made me big, strong and wise
By your toil, love and sacrifice.
You invested in me through your beleives
Well aware of the futur greives
Waiting and slaving for all of us
Never waivered away from the cross
In return I trampled over your name
And though its late Ìm still ashamed
So dearest mother my truest friend
Tis most unfair if it should all ends
Lost or discarded in any vile manner
Without thanking the best Mother.
So Father, please help me compose
Words of graceful thanks towards my
dearest `Mother of Sorrows.`
Extract From Nostradamus, Quatrain III.XC IIÌLe divin verbe donra a la substance, Comprins ciel,terre, or occult au laict mystique: Corp, ame esprit ayant toute puissance,
Tant soubs ses pied comme au siege celique.
Words of divine structure, composed out of physical and pensive formats would furnish out a spiritual font that would be supported upon logics and stated over current events.
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