Homo Sapience Joseph II by Joseph - HTML preview

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The north has south

The east has west

The top has bottom

What about the rest.

The good has bad

We all know that.


But what`s wrong with a heaven

Without, that damned hell?

Can`t we just have gain

Without any sort of pain?

Bet this been tried over and over again,

Must surely have tired out,

That poor old creature of a,

Homo Sapience

The features of the polarity factors are lined without any sort of an understatement being endorsed into or along this mode.

This diagonal aspect has a latent form that streak past our mortal kinds since we could never grasp any term that is singular positive or just negative for as long as we grounded inside this universe.

Subsequently perfection would remain foreign to us, and `good or bad` cannot ever be expressed if not `termed` with an opposing element to support whatever has to be claimed.

Any concept of a perfect content that is believed out to be exact and precise would always fade and be blanketed away just as soon as we gauge and meter it out into any finite test.

Even items that we deem out to be as `diligent, decent, straight and honest` had to rest over and upon `kinked, strange, weird, or grotesquè formation before they could ever be graded out as such by ùs`.

Along these parallel aspects of lateral forms could be imaged àpolè position that has a target without an aim and tends to race upon a single leg in order to image this factor inside its virgin state.

The profile of this factor cannot be contained since a shadow of this aspect would change the form of this element into àterm`.

Only upon these guidelines and directions could we be able to assess and grade those elusive elements of positive and negative trends that arèknown` by all of us but could never be extracted out into a finite mode.

Hence in order to view out this transparent factor of a translucent 74

formation these elements have to become òpaque, cracked, mistaken or smudgedìnside their nature so that a shadow of their image would surf up.

Subsequently over this cloudy spectrum we have to embark in order to define out what cannot ever be found over here, and upon these shadowed images we have to define and phrase out àdeadènd.

This impossible mission is meant to define out positive element into a finite term and has to phrase out an extinct negative formation inside an existing mode.

This task is now made easier since the model for thèpattern` that had been used to extract the former factors could now be used and utilized by its last form of a computed version now.

Hence these elements that are beyond and above our means should all be presented out forth if the instructions of the pattern would direct this process to be effectively performed.

Along this trail of deduction we can now proceed to compose the chronological order of the next pattern that could only be staged over its final computed style now.

So the same sentences are going to be phrased out but they are now positioned differently along this manner and so these elusive elements should now end up being `made useful to us`.

A. All aspects of utilities have to be described out.

B. Their represented out versions have to be changed and altered out into another stage of a different spectrum that would invert and convert them.

C. Then all the details have to be gathered.

D. Finally everything around us has to be made useful to us.

Consequently then if every sort of utility has to be inspected out by us they have to be classified out into ènergy, force, discourse, and resourcè.

Conversely if we have to treat out all these useful amenities respectively they have to be tackled out by our `self, entity, person 75

and beingìn order to bèjustified, quantified, qualified and be definedòut by ùs`.

In order to voice out any amount of debacles out of these sorts of ingredients a form of resistance has to be made out so as to emulate out any type of response being tuned out whenever these items are contrasted or confronted along with our sorts of lives we have.

Now that a graphic image of this spectrum of utilities had been penciled and bundled up into a uniform code we could be able to study these shadowed images over their `polè position whenever they are back or in front of our kinds of lives that we currently have and possess over here.

Thus in order to explain a comprehensive meaning out from the features of this factor all the essentials kinds of utilities have to be contrasted out along with a spectrum of our own lives in order to find out the meanings of those unqualified phrases that we all dish out whenever we tend to define these unknown èlements`.

Subsequently another tabled form has to be laid out in order to emulate out different terms of positive kinds of elements to be unequivocally phrased out from the compendium of our own sorts of personal lives that we have along these lines;-.

Anything that has to feature out as `just and right` for us could only be defined out exactly by our own kind of èntity` that is qualified to term this phrase upon a rhetoric form of a logical mode.

Anything that has to feature out as `correct and perfect` for us could only be defined out exactly by our own kind of `being` that is qualified to term this phrase upon what is staged over here.

Anything that has to feature out as òrganized and precisè for us could only be defined out exactly by our own kind of `self` that is qualified to term this phrase upon a synchronized aspect that is finite.

Anything that has to feature out as `best and vital` for us could only be defined out by our kinds of `personalities` that owns the 76

necessary potentials to gauge and asses these nature forms.

All of these capsules of positive elements had been defined over statistics that were all èquated, balanced, twinned and leveledùp with our own sorts of lives and therefore cannot be challenged or contested out in any existing mode sincèwè had announced their

`finitè lines.

All of these shadowed images of a positive term could now be positioned out into an inverted spectrum of an òpaque, cracked, stained or crashed` formation that should present out a negative image over their kinds instead.

Consequently these obscure profiles have to be brought forth in order to account for their respective elements of a negative aspect now instead.

Hence these images have to be presented out over a common bench but must be tainted instead.

A negative aspect has been highlighted out by these four sentences along these inscribed lines over here;-

Any image of an opaque kind of nature in our lives is modeled out whenever we are branded or discriminated in any way.

Any image of a cracked kind of nature in our lives is modeled out whenever we endure any mistakes upon us.

Any image of a stained kind of nature in our lives is modeled out whenever we are being exploited out in any form.

Any image of a crashed kind of nature in our lives is modeled out whenever we are used and abused by means of other kinds like us.

All these versions could now be forwarded out as contents of liabilities upon which could be assessed the properties of a negative element to be presented out as a defined mode.

These models could now be fashioned out along a designed role to be itemized out accordingly this way;-

Items that are opaque are always viewed with suspicious just because their intentions, motifs, objectives or targets are forms of elements that are obscure to us.


Items that are cracked could in most elementary cases be mended or repaired, scraped or altered as in every mistake incurred by anyone of us.

Items that are stained have their elements smudged because other kinds are more competitive, better, superior or greater than the one who is always left behind.

Items that are crashed into gravels or crystal, bits or bytes are all elements that are used to construct, build, plan or program another page into the chapter of our current lives we have.

All of these terminal phrases had been greeted with a superior amount of resistance that had burnt up all the contents of any positive particle to be found and as such we have to conclude that this kind of a fuselage is a definite element of a negative format.

These same pensive elements had been aptly proclaimed out by professor Edward de Bono (lateral thinking 1969) as `what is left when something happens and does not completely unhappen`. On the other hand the potentials of this factor could be noticed inside an electric singular pole conduct on its own form.

Although modern technology had managed to amplify the polarity factor into amounts of `volts, watts, amps and current` that flow unnoticed around our homes, yet the actual light of this factor had been given out to us by Empedocles of Sicily when he had selected out `wateràs a basic element.

He had successfully managed to synchronize this universe by baptizing this existing sphere with `water`.

`Polarity` - stage out a new position.

Who am I?


In order to define out exactly my kind of `being` thèpersonality of the entity of my self` have to be brought around to vouch for `mè.

My own profile would be complete for as long as all my characteristics are presented out in order to describe correctly `who am Ì.

We might be satisfied with various kinds of `labels, tags, brands or titles` that we all carry about in the manner of effigies that are indexed in order to be classified to be prepared for the next roll call to be made.

All of these nomenclatures or adjectives might represent our imaged shadows but these sorts of nom de plumes cannot ever be regarded out to be the kinds of lives that we all have.

These imaged features are most important in order to index and classify out our nature forms but unfortunately these sorts of credentials could never be assumed to have any kind of a relationship with the lives that we have and possess.

The qualities of our lives could be totally different from whatever our name might dictate, and when our kind could not keep up with the gauged standard of our name then we might end `livingùp for our featured name and our own lives would end up being screened in the past.

An ailment of an identity crisis would always trouble our lives whenever a form of a mask would take over our personal image instead.

Whenever we tend to reject out our own personal means, than we might adopt another existing `form` but would always be let down every time we ask `who am Ì.

Aesthetic images of attractive forms are most desired by all of us but discarding the fibers that had wound up our initial frame render us a spectrum void of any type of heritage.

Whenever existing is being considered out to be more important than living than our form tends to loose contact with the genes of heritage out of which we had all originally came.

Different sorts of examples could be cited out when these kinds of 79

strings of heritage had been broken and the cords that were linked to our ancestors had left no mark for future generations to trace out their genes, due to this synthetic line that had sterilized their image inside a dream.

Some characters might try to do their utmost to keep their lives attached to an effigy that had long been burnt out from them, whilst other would never accept the fact that their fiery pep had long departed their nature forms although they keep on scratching wax to kindle what had long run dry. Botox cream might do the job in order to hide the wrinkles whilst `toys of guys and dolls` could keep some characters dreaming on a little more until they look into the mirror and find out that a stranger has lodged amongst them.

All these sorts of apprehensions might not be aligned or synchronized upon the current abilities that our lives have or possess and therefore an identity crisis of some form would have to be covered or masked up away from them.

Some might do their best to be turned into a rainbow, whilst other would make sure that their shadowed spectrum would stay locked and hidden inside a closet away from all of them.

These kinds of human mistakes are regularly being adjusted out by us every time we tend to chew up more than we could munch and therefore we are constantly discovering out our existing forms of abilities and capacities that are regularly positioning out our lives upon a chart of an organic font.

Over and upon this current benchmark we could gather out all the necessary òats` to bale out a proper name that has to be respected out by everyone since the godfathers are going to be chosen and selected out from ùs`.

Thus in order to select, grade, assess and define out an identity that would prove to be beyond reproach it has to be ànnounced, hailed, expressed and composedòut from our lives in order to suit ùs`.

Our personal abilities over which we could diagnose out any existing form could only be carried out by means of our senses of

`tasting, feeling, hearing or seeing` which have to be sorted out upon the modes of `reflecting, projecting, application or 80

convertingìn order to be zoomed and presented out as a conduct of our lives. These are the chromosomes of our own lives being equivalent towards the DNA structure of our blood cells and should they be altered and changed out then our kinds would become foreign and alien to what we are now.

Across this panel of a quadrant mode we could be able to construct a proper identity that would suit us whenever it is being hailed out.

This inscribed term of our sorts of personalities has to be laced over what we currently own and posses.

Hence our own formation has to be stripped out bare in order to grade out the details of our own sorts of finite elements that we all have.

This process could be conducted out along these lines here;-

Any person is complete if it consists of àbeing, entity and a self`.

Any being is complete if it consists of àself, person and an entity`.

Any self is complete if it consists of an, èntity, being and a person`.

Any entity is complete if it consists of àperson, self and a being`.

Consequently an existing `cubè had been inverted and converted out into àtripod` that in each and every case it had been portrayed, projected and framed out from us.

Thus an existing aspect had consequently been transformed out into a variety of chromosomes upon which we could now be able to construct out a version that is certified to be true and correct since it is going be composed out of those personal loops that all had initially been extracted out from us.

This kind of a birth certificate has all the necessary ingredients upon which we could now phrase out the qualities that that we all possess but an appropriate modem upon which this cleavage has to rest has still got to be tacked and traced out as well by ùs`.

This `peerageùpon which we could anchor all our existing credentials have got to be extracted out from nature forms that are all around us over here.

So if our own `lives` have got to be graded out through the pulses 81

of existing features then thesèconcepts` have to be perceived out by us as well.

These pensive modems could all be described out by us through these methods here;-

Our kind of àbeingìs currently modeled out from the contents of

`space and timè to be reflected over her.

Our kind of an èntityìs currently modeled out from the contents of `relativity` to be applied over.

Our kind of àselfìs currently modeled out from the contents of

`polarity` to be projected over here.

Our kind of àpersonìs currently modeled out from the contents of `matter` to be versed out inversely over here.

Now upon this bench we could categorically suggest that this professed standard is the basic grade that would exactly identify out a version of the present kind `Homo Sapiencè.

Should we be satisfied over this primary stage then èxisting`

forms would have to be considered and treated out to be as our type of `gods`.

When this attitude prevails `mother natureìs the mentor of primitive culture whilst modern personalities chase an elixir of illusions.

In extreme cases that we change our present ìmagè then our form could also become foreign to us as well.

This is when `livingànd èxisting` presents us with a crisis that could not loop up over our personal type of an ìdentity` that we have and posses.

Our present personal bench mark has currently evolved to a standard that could tell the difference between a living phase to exist and an existing image.

Whenever this `gap` could not be tolerated out by us is the moment when an ìdentity crisis` takes control over us.

This form of an ailment could be traced as far back as when a witch doctor was around to the present days when we tend to forget whoever we really are.

Although this existing gap has to be around in order to motivate us 82

to head towards an idealistic form our personal image of our own kind of heritage could not be discarded whenever we have to trace our genetic bond.

Therefore our common genetic father has to be remembered regularly since He is the stable bone upon which a universal modem of our form could ever be composed.

His name has to be hailed out properly for if it is being tainted or tampered up, then our heritage could not be directed out in a decent way.

Our genetic ingredients are as important as the existing kinds and therefore we have to survey out this bridge upon daily basis in order to remember our past and look forward over what should become of all of us.

If our past and future have to be brought in the present to inform us who we really are then it follows that àVerb` becomes more important than any sort of an èxisting` kind.

This kink should supply us with all the details about our form if we tend to àpply, project, reflect and convertìt without being inclined tòlook, taste, feel and hearèxisting remarks that to morrow never comes.

Our past has to be brought forth in order to verse out exactly whom we all are.

Over the same logo that had been dictated out before, the same dictum of `Verbum Factum, Carum, Est` has to be repeated out once again in order to extract an answer about `who am Ì.

Out from the ingredients of that phrase all nature forms could be brought forward to vouch for our identity and from those details information regarding living and not existing becomes apparent to ùs`.

So if we should feel an individual rather than an effigy, we could rise up from amongst the crowd and get down upon our knees and address, Òur Father, who art in heaven Hallowed be thy Name…….Amen`.


Where are we off to?

`To a hospital`, is a common answer when the nest is being sought for us to return backwards towards where we had all came out from, before we had arrived here.

Àshes to ashes and dust to dustìs a universal anagram that could be suitable inscribed out as a common epitaph at the footage of our corpse when the time arrives for us to exit and depart from out of here.

Subsequently a conjunction would normally be inscribed at the dormitory of this scene in order to augur us to remain and stay in

`peaceòver at the next place somewhere else.

If our style of ìrony` should be kept at bay and our `cynical`

conduct would refrain from making fun out of what had been just phrased, then this symposium could now proceed and continue along the previous chapter that was left dangling at the end.

Our present human version had previously requested to be kept untouchable from being embroiled into any sort of devious context so as to be eligible to claim a noble title that would be given out to us after we had begged and implored this imaged form to shield and protect us during this terminally phase over here.

This finite aim contains all our future intentions that steers and motivates us all to toil, labor, slave and do whatever is deemed necessary for us to accomplish out an aim which cannot ever be stipulated or expressed out into a logical statement or term over here.

We might conclude that we are doing our best to achieve harmony and tranquility that have never been found out by anyone of us and we are also unable to describe them out as well.

Upon this concept of default we could now embark towards the next stage ahead, and over this prospective twist that only little 84

children perform whenever they could not explain out things precisely we could now explore whatever we are heading for.

Once that we believe into these sorts of tokens that could never be cashed over here then this attitude of innocence could enables us to discover what is shielded out to our clever and intelligent minds that we have.

These sorts of arguments cannot ever be considered to be valued into any rhetoric stance whilst the syllogisms of these logics are flawed in any empiric format exchanged out between us.

However these premises could nowadays be analyzed and rationalized for us to make some sense by modern techniques that have outdated an existing trend of a primitive style of àcause and effectànd are now being swiveled upon psychological bench and projected out for us to discover what had not been known before to us.

We had successfully managed to get promoted out from this law of the jungle when we became conscious that this old method of àcause and effect` does not get us further more than `thisànd

`thatànd so we had inserted a conjunction of an ìf and butìnto this equation that was rotated and extended out to present us with more future results out from the past.

This strategic conduct enabled us to trespass over what we could not see and made us all conscious of things that were impossible for us in the past to believe. Thereupon we had blemished ourselves with a mark of guilt since we had ventured out more than our basic means and our abilities were thus altered and changed into liabilities that could help us to progress or regress back again.

At one side of the coin a guilty conscious had been shed upon us that still haunts our kind whilst on the other hand we were pleased with ourselves that we had flaunted out an existing conduct to be regulated out by us in the future.

We have been blessed out by the phrase of `peaceànd cursed by the burden of an ònus` that could be spun upon us whenever we open our mouth.

This new fashion enabled us to recognize the meaning of living by 85

governing ourselves through the potentials of existing forms that we got hold of.

Existing forms that have nòpity, shame, fame or regrets` were being treated out with respect since their diligent methods could never be flawed like the lives we all have.

So a law of the jungle had ended up into an urban mode controlled out by syndicates that were bound with corruptions but were compensated with grief and pity to make good and amend for the mistakes that they incurred.

Human nature had managed to have access towards this nature of a paragon by means of correcting faults and adjusting mistakes that were no longer being just added on or subtracted away, but were currently being divided and multiplied into future problems to be solved whenever a similar need arose.

Floods, fires, earthquakes and beasts that used to cross our paths had supplied us with enough experiences and raw material to practice out more these problems that educated and regulated us to avoid and correct previous types of mistakes.

All these sorts of experiences were consequently being collected out into thoughts and locked up into our memory chamber to be used and utilized for future reference instead of letting them all drifting intòcause and effect` circulating around in existing forms.

A rotary mode had jammed and changed a cause into a useful net and a situation was projected out into a web of information to help us out whenever we got stuck again.

This new mode had presented us all with opportunities to avoid future mistakes and supplied us with information over which we could be able to chart and plan the next day ahead.

The element of fire and stormy weather must have given us enough material upon which to exercise these prospective conducts that were vital for conceptions and perceptions to be processed upon thought that were spiraling out further more than our organic potentials could afford to understand.

Eventually the element of fire had been controlled and utilized effectively, whilst stormy event must have made us appreciate 86

more the springtime of our lives by the blooming aspect that was enjoyed by the company between us.

This rosy garden had its thorns as well when familiarity was exploited and brought out contempt between us, whilst feeble characters that took longer to mature tried to balance out this anomaly by savaging those who had more possessions than them.

So a dual process that at one point avoided confrontations began to protest to evolve out more and at the other end objections that had no valid reasons to be made had to be condemned.

A breaking point was reached that had copied existence as a model conduct that guaranteed out progress to be reached and achieved, whilst the organic potentials had to submit towards an ideal aspect by means of dialogue.

Perceptions and conceptions presented us with rules and regulations of how far we could stretch our arms or poke our nose into other peoples` lives without being found guilty of breaching existing rules that nature had been justly conducting before we took control of the lives we have.

This was the break of dawn when humanity was made aware that this period of existing was not to be considered out to be the same as living by anyone of us.

Along this diagonal process a phrase that augers prosperity and security was composed into the term of `peacè, and at the other end a curse was spun to burden up anyone by the formation of the ònus` that stains and leave the mark of guilt upon anyone that defies out authority.

These kinds of nature forms still haunts and flaunts our lives under the veils of preachers or solicitors who direct their potentials towards the ligaments of thèfaith` that they profess in their trade.

These diagonal versions had all been based over what we all expect to be done next that could sp