Homo Sapience Joseph II by Joseph - HTML preview

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A physical impulse has directed me in order to write what my pensive mentality had directed me to do before I even had got hold of a pen to perform these sorts of texts. My `being` has been aware about these details through the èntity òf my `personànd all of these sorts of existing codes would consequently be scrolled out of my own kind of àself` that is called `mè. A kind of a board is set in order to compose out this frame of existence if it is ever meant

`to bè versed out by ùs`.

If `to beòr `not to beìs the logical process that is managed out by this system thus it follows that our sorts of modern kinds of computers machines are trailing behind us and not the other way around. Since we are ahead of these machines that are helping us to plan and program our different kinds of schedules than these contraptions are nothing new to us. This computing aspect that delivers out information through deleted frames of bytes is a mediocre system when compared with our kinds of existing minds.

A clear example over this conduct is the discovery of the image form of thèzerò that contains no sort of an amount but has been currently utilized in order to relate values to be counted out intòtenfold`. Should this ìmaged` `form` had been discarded in the same manner as those kinds of computing module do, then our calculating kind of capacity would have remained backward

`tenfoldòf what it is at this present stage. Other analogue comparisons in the same style as this unconventional mode have shaken us and made us aware that our kind of living is not the same as èxisting`.

Our existing forms that had spearheaded towards specific aims of productivity are sending out clear signs and messages that 4

sustainability is a vital issue that could not be discarded or ignored out from our lives. These forms of shock waves always makes us aware that we are not machines or computer that would produce outwards what they had been fed inwards.

These angles and aspects makes us realize and recognize that existing and living are wide apart and are transformed and revolved for us to be promoted and evolved from their own sorts of source and resources. Over these types of credentials was `Homo Sapienceàwarded the honor and the title of thèMan who knows`.

A nature of a balanced form can produce a stable conduct in order to be promoted towards a higher sphere, whilst only through unconventional modes could any form be verified in order to actually ` bè.

Living is `framedìnto this particular existing `casè that we could be able to recognize and discover if we are able to diagnose it in a detached mode.

These sorts of existing `logistics, statistics of nature formàre all factors over which we conduct our lives and in return they would always leave upon us impacts of different sorts of impressions over which we could relate them out backwards whenever we delve further more inside them.

By means of a rotary process our nature forms could either revolve along over their modes or could caught inside their various folds and so would seize to live by being recycled prematurely.

These existing factors consist of `time/space, relativity, polarity and matteràll of which could be managed or gauged out from their own contents.

All these kinds of existing forms could be explained out from their own types of resources that they own.

Through this process we could divulge out what is currently being done, whilst out from their sources we could be aware about this sort of an existing sphere. Through this revolving system could be scroll out what had been done and consequently could be projected out what is being expected to happen next.

Our kind of knowledge has managed to gain an edge of an 5

advantage over these kinds of nature forms out of their own sorts of contents.

At this current stage we are well equipped and fully furnished to grade out these nature forms out from their own sorts of potentials.

We have managed to gather enough `knowledgeànd therefore must be àwareàbout a frame of `wisdom` that we are currently imposing and directing over this quadrant bench.

These sorts of knowledge and wisdom are forms of tools and utilities that sustain and support our kind of a nature in order `to beìn this existing sphere just like everything else around us.

A sane mind as well as a healthy body are important but cannot ever be considered out as `beingòur own kind of a complete èntityòf àselfìn their `personalities` that are all characterized by `nature forms`.

They are just instruments and tools that are used and utilized for an aim and purpose that is being directed and indicated out by and through ùs`. We are consequently managing these existing forms that are providing us with information about them as well as about their various kinds of sources and resources that they contain. We tend to lean on them but they would never enable us to be upgraded or evolved if we stay motionless and flow along into their stream.

Our potentials had been upgraded when the existing system of

`cause and effect` was harnessed and put at bay.

When humanity was detached and isolated out from this current trend and managed to compose a purpose out from these cause and effect events, then knowledge was segregated and awareness was instated that took control of existing forms that were regulated out by our `lives`.

Over this spherical conduct were promoted out genetic features and upon this aspect was graded the intelligence that must have been possessed and regulated out by `Homo Sapiencè.

Wisdom and knowledge evolved and rotated into us by motivation that were steered out from àcause and effectìnto a diagonal process of concepts and perceptions twinned with forms of images.


This conduct is fashioned out in a sustainable manner over its own kind of merit whenever it is being framed out into our own minds.

Acts, deeds, and all sorts of performances that are staged out have got to be supported out by whatever is situated in this existing sphere here. This rotary process is carried out through a past existing sphere towards a future programmed life that is planned out by ùsìn a detached manner that is aloft from a cause and effect that is revolving here.

Our nature kinds evolve over this conduct, whilst our existence rotates over this computed mode of a static format that is regulated out by whatever had been logged into it. This is a direct line of perception that centers over our physical and pensive kinds of qualities that we have and posses but they could never be considered or even regarded out as being any one of ùs`.

The ways and the manners of how we physically and pensively operate our system is managed and directed out by an analogue manner that is exercised out by all sorts of nature forms, the only difference is that we regulate them and not the other way round.

Information about nature is gathered through awareness by our sensual conducts of `digestion, audition, feeling and screening`

whilst through `reflections, applications, projections and inverting`

we are able to model out thoughts. This diagonal process could be imaged out into any feature, whilst imagination could be composed out into any amount of information that we might verse towards a framework of thoughts out of these physical and pensive nature forms that we might compose.

By means of these modes we could develop, evolve, revolve or verse out forms and by their own kinds of means we could contest, test, protest or accept any item that is, or had been staged before or after them as well.

These sorts of paths, lane, tracks or highways might direct and convey our nature forms in order to travel towards any style that we might `conceiveòr perceivè. These kinds of journeys might transport us along routes ranging from straight to crooked, and then might be curled and get twisted up into an adjacent conduct of 7

an analogue mode that might lodge us over any sphere that we could imagine around this cyclic stage.

These spheres would always contain a type of an environment that would have established out their kinds of habitats over a cause and effect role.

These galaxies could circulate round and around any sort of a serene and relaxed state that could turn out into a volatile and a tempestuous sphere that might be checked out into a static format of a morbid kind and then again could be versed out into a calm and a future harmonious stage once again over another bench upon another counter of a divers zone once more. All these trips could become possible by means of all types of nature forms of existing kinds that are currently staying àlivè.

Knowledge about this systematic structure was gained and collected when the pensive nature and the physical forms had been sorted and diverted out from each other and therefore enabled us tòscreen and monitor` this existing sphere our from an ìsolatedànd through àdetached` phase. By means of this pause we had managed to stop the stereotyped effect that would always result out of nature forms and regulated them over our personal and pensive wishes and intents. This attitude had made us aware that existing and living were not the same.

Awareness that we are living and not existence was confirmed when wasting was avoided and a nature of investment had dawned upon us and motivated us to prepare for a future kind of a sphere that was recognized since we had distanced ourselves from the present state in order to think about future consequences. Hence a style, a fashion, a method, along with an infusion of existing kinds were reflected, applied, projected and inverted and were all delegated into modes of `thoughts`.

Developing, production, converting and preparations were therefore designed in order to conduct existing forms and not the other way round.

Consequently nature forms were forked, formed, formatted into all sorts of images and hence manipulated in order to tender out more 8

for the future that had been made clear and obvious by the past that was remembered and exploited through these intentions that brought awareness into ùs`, about the differences of living and existing.

Whatever had ignited these initial sparks in order to be kindled out into our own minds cannot be included or validated out into these papers here since only existence is being defined and not `living`.

Humanity had managed to be promoted and evolve into this existing sphere by means of essential kinds of information that had been relayed over from generations to others for no apparent reason, purpose or motives since the messengers or couriers were often unaware of the meanings of their contents. Although these kinds of messages were probable not even understood they were commonly relayed and transmitted from generation to generations either through traditions, folklore, saying or ritual in the manners of gestures, customs, adages or prayers, through occasions of joy, sorrow, pain or relief and consequently have ended up into our own laps right here and now.

These strange and enigmatic kind of messages holding the most amazing kinds of cryptic codes of messages in their emblematic forms of contents were strangely enough never discarded, dumped or just ignored which would have made the lives of these poor souls of messengers or prophets a lot more easier for them considering that they could never make head or tails what these sorts of `mumbo jumbò that they had been stuck and burdened with had contained in them. It is a mystery how and why these messages that had no apparent value had eventually ended up being forwarded and presented out to us.

These useless types of strange codes of information (some of which are going to be mentioned and cited into these papers here) had after all successfully managed to reach us just the same.

A universal plan seems to keep unfolding in order to present out some sort of assistance towards future generations that are always ahead of us.

A regular media for these sorts of messages are the various types 9

of religious rituals that human nature had often performed all along through various different kinds of civilizations.

The fact that we might not approve or understand these kinds of activities does not necessary mean that these ceremonies do not have any valid aim, reason or intent in their crazy or weird acts that some of them might have.

These sorts of unfamiliar events could also be noticed to be happening even around us during these present times as well.

Most of us, who are grandparents might have requested assistance from our grandchildren in order to give us some sort of advice so as to handle some sort of a digital device to which these young toddlers seems to have been well acquainted before they had been born. On the other hand most of us of a certain age might still have memories of the acrobatic feats that we used to perform which used to get us more in trouble than into hospitals because we had an urge to exercise our body more than our brains.

Nature seems to be preparing our children towards a digital kind of future age and had done its best in the past decades in order to build us towards a physical environment that was awaiting inside a factory for us to exercise what had been gained.

Our nature kind seems to walk astride with existing forms towards a future stage that is ready in store for us. Through this mode our physical abilities are being pedaled along our pensive thoughts that are revolving around existing forms that are being strained to present us more with the results that we would want in the future.

Thus we might state that we are currently `screening, supervising, monitoring and sanctioningàll this kind of a sphere by our physical abilities and through our pensive conduct that enables us to manage and regulate whatever should happen next out of a selective conduct of a past existing tense.

By means of this detached attitude that could manipulate certain forms according to what we expect to get from them we had became the official administrators over this whole kind of a universe. All of this was possible because current affairs were being debated in an orderly manner, and the physical movements 10

were being exercised over the limits that we had managed previously.

Existing barriers were currently opened and new domains were explored by means of ambition that was motivated and directions that were studied well beforehand.

All of these ambitions had been ingrained into us during a primitive age, but these sorts of missions had been officially determined out into a regulated system when `democracy` had been fashioned out into a formal manner.

These events had all occurred in a systematic manner around 300

BC over in Athens.

The cradle of philosophy along with awareness of physical fitness are widely attributed to the Greek classical era that both were taking place circa 300 BC.

Epistemology seemed to have been cultured and flourished over there as it had never ever been done at anywhere else. Knowledge was discussed and debated over at that particular place in a manner that had never been made or managed out ever before. Great philosopher had emerged and a quest for knowledge had ensued with great minds that had contributed towards wisdom as has never ever been equaled as yet.

A great exponent upon this field was Socrates (469-399BC).

He had excelled so much in this field as to be decreed by the Greek gods to bèthe wisest man that had ever lived`. A form of an expression that is synonym with the character of this great man was when he had expressed those unforgettable words that `he only knew that he knew nothing`. This simple phrase has been repeated out frequently ever since.

The tabular raza attitude or as it is most commonly known, in the academic field as àblank slate cleared from any previous cobwebs` mentality is regularly being advised to be adopted by new students who must make space in their brain to learn out a new subject. Teaching could only be learned through a conduct that is based upon a clear platform that must be uninhibited by other contents that would obstruct a new subject to be learnt.


This sort of an exercise suggests that the tools and instruments have got to bèpolished and cleaned` for another mission that could never be made possible if it has not a finite ambition laid out upon which it could flourish.

All the past forms of inclinations and orientations have got to be cleared out of the way in order to make more room for furniture in order to hold new looks for fresh items to be installed into our heads. The body and mind have got to be directed over a new sort of format, whilst the brain must have enough space in order to retain and hold a fresh attitude to accept inside them new

`thoughts`. A kind of an Àcademyànd a sort of an Àrenà have got to be managed and directed by a syndicate that could govern and administer a system for the benefit of the establishment.

This was `democracyàt its best since the èstablishmentsànd thèsenates` had successfully administered a nation for the benefit of the people with the mandate that was delegated out by the residents for a limited term.

A system that is based over these aspects have to rotate over a pensive conduct and would need to be based over physical capabilities in order to be effectively employed and successfully performed.

This process had been performed by humanity when the physical and the pensive means had been stopped from rotating into aspects of cause and effect cycling without an aim and were concentrated and focused upon what was best and useful for ùs` to do.

The Greek `democratic` system had been copied out from the human body and conducted upon a nation in a regulated institutional format.

The senate were delegated to administer the potentials of their citizens because they had been chosen for their integrity and leadership that they owned and possessed and positioned out as syndicates.

Over these same gradients and lines are the movements of the body when controlled by us to perform whatever we might decide to do.

These very same potentials were initially used and utilized out by 12

`Homo Sapiencè who had gained the merits of àman who knows` by these abilities that were being steered by what this creature wanted to compose.

This was thèsecret formulà that had made the Greek nation the center of civilization and had also been the method that `Homo Sapiencè had been strained out from other primates and effectively our kinds had also came out.

The period when the Greek nations had reached the peak of a democratic state was when the àcademyànd the àrenà were being managed and directed by the senate in a detached manner that was isolated from both these sorts of establishments.

Epistemology and physical fitness were being exercised, practiced, tested and contested into two separate and divers fields that were left to be administrated by the organizers that were experts and professionals over their respective spheres. Consequently an arena that concentrated upon physical fitness was being encouraged and recognized for the standards achieved by means of discipline over the body, and intellectuals were being respected for delivering clever thoughts that had been debated at the forum to be utilized by the state.

More information was being given out to the citizen and stronger soldiers were being disciplined out even more.

Both these establishments grew, developed, matured and became distinguished for their great works and achievements because thègoverning bodies` revered and respected their `nature formsànd avoided to interfere or intervene into their respective fields since their aims and targets were directed and aimed at the benefits of the state to be enjoyed by the citizens of that nation.

The present kinds of Olympic games that are still being held worldwide are a reminder of those days gone bye.

Harnessing, controlling and managing the conditions of the physical abilities of the body are the optimum targets that are aimed during these forms of exhibitions. Whilst on the other hand epistemology was also born during this period when philosophers were also busy tackling out issues that were most important 13

towards society. Àdemocratic` state that was staged, directed and managed in accordance to current sorts of necessities was being rolled, evolved, tackled and steered towards what was best for the state and the citizens.

Although both these enterprises were independent over their own administrative roles their finite aims and objectives were always towards promoting and evolving more the state and the citizens.

On the other hand thèstate and the peopleàlways paid due respect and reverence to both of them in return. The esteem that was versed out towards the philosophers was because they educated the people more whilst the respect for the athletes was because they were presenting out more security and protection towards the state. These kinds of ideals may still be above our present forms of standards because we still tend tòstone the messengerànd ìdolize our computers` rather than toil and nurture more our own heritage and appreciate better our own roots by educating and cultivating what we have for our own sake rather than to brag about what we don’t have or own.

During those past days the Geek nations gave us the best sorts of examples of how to be de-marked and be organized in order to decide and conduct over what is important and essential without being restrained into a stereotype style of a cause and effect fashion that would render us sterile and impotent if ever we get caught inside such an existing morbid frame of a cyclic trend.

By means of exercising the physical abilities at the Olympics games and through the various forms of intellectual debates that they were regularly conducting the Greek nations had considered themselves to be more civilized than their neighbors whom they regarded out as being `barbarians` because they had no class.

Their neighbors who lacked over and upon these qualities and abilities were deemed to bèsavages` just because their personal control was lacking and they never cared to be better informed and consequently they were easily snared whenever they were coaxed inside any kind of a trap. This progressive attitude had been gained by means of controlling the vibes of the sensual body towards 14

effective movements and by treating mental issues before they happen to occur in order to be well prepared for any sort of a casual existing event.

The Greek nation had successfully managed to direct and control àbody and mind` through an èntity` that governed without being ìnfluencedòr ìnclinedìn a strict mode towards a targeted defined end.

At the philosophical academy precious kinds of virtues were being appreciated for social reasons, whilst at the gymnasium physical talents were regarded as essentials in order to safeguard their various sorts of enterprises. A cause and effect process was controlled and managed by deviating and managing it over its own kinds of merits that was revolving over its own priorities of credits by restraining and harnessing sensual passion.

Two autonomous and separate bodies of two different skills and abilities had been appreciated for their existing roles by the authorities of ancient Greece who had a senate that was controlling and supervising all of this in a detached and isolated manner above and aloft from them both.

What `Homo Sapiencè had managed to conduct over existing forms, the Greek nations had utilized over their state and later on the Roman senates exploited it in order to occupy the known world of those days. The secret weapon that was behind the Roman Empire was contained in the mode of discipline and organization that their legionnaires practiced and employed over the battlefields.

These professional soldiers exploited out their own potentials by taking advantage over the conduct of their opponents who used to be driven into chaos since they lacked organization and discipline that was the secret weapon of the professional Roman soldiers.

The Roman generals were most successful due to the orderly manner and skillful discipline that they used to practice and exercise in physical and in the pensive fields which they were promoting and monitoring regularly and so they ended up being experts over these qualities. Strategic formations over strong positions used to be manipulated and exploited by the soldiers and 15

generals who were expert at this game of chess but were not the owner of this `board`. Over these kinds of principles a nation ènthroned an emperorànd upon this conduct the citizens of Rome were feared and respected all over the world in those days.

These kinds of historical details might soon be forgotten and erased out from our minds. This is because that since these events could not present or furnish us with a new outlet from which we could develop something else we tend to discard all this sort of useless information away from us. This is a natural cycle of life that has to spiral over and away rather than keep on circulate round in an innuendo form that is bound to get us nowhere if it has to aim in the terminal end.

We had experienced various episodes when an invention had lost the genes of its own heritage.

One clear example is the mode of how our various forms of languages had all evolved into these present sorts of colloquial conversations that we are able to hold between us and none of us seems to know from whence all these gestures had arrived or begun. Another case in point is how we had managed to compute the imaged form of thèzerò that is in itself the biggest kind of a paradox if one has to think and ponder over its contents.

Ironically we tend to compose so many adages and proverbs that all connects us with our past but the mother of these sorts of paradoxes that must be awarded toward the imaged form of thèzerò has never been made up yet to remind us of this dark and empty sphere. Surely it is the most hilarious, funny, entertaining joke that anyone could make out from this empty space that is bound to interest and fill us all with gust of laughter at no expense at all if it has to be explained in full. This is most understandable because no one would want to keep on ranting over a cyclic kind of a repetitive role that could never be awarded out any sort of merit since this form is void and empty of any sorts of credits.

Our current kinds of needs directs us in order to concentrate over a specific future topic that sometimes alienates us away from the very reason why we had initially followed along these sorts of 16

lines of logics.

For example some of us might even have forgotten that in the olden days distances used to be calculated out into the numbers of paces made in order to reach a destination which later on they were named out as `feetànd are currently being deleted out into a metric system that would eventually erase the origin that had been developed out of our own kinds of personal organs. We are currently being more precise and have to define better our conduct and performances in a more exact manner and might need to meter these gauged amount even better still than these present ones. The needs for existence inhibits us with an attitude that would not allow us in order to look back at useless nature forms that could not be milked out anymore. The origins of these modes would eventually be buried, discarded, dumped or disposed from our recollections because we could never extract out anything from these versions that have become obsolete since our current needs do not match them anymore.

Our own personal version that sustain and supports us are all contained into our pensive and physical sphere. A brief description of these two vital and important `nature forms` might explain out better our physical academy and pensive arena that we all have and possess.

The physical kinds of exercises that we currently perform in order to keep us all active and fit are conducted out through the sensual movements of `vision, audition, feeling and digestion`.

A two way kind of a system manages the directions of these pulses and impulses that we tend to regulate and also command towards a better grade that is also being defined out by us.

These sorts of physical pulses are regularly being felt, indulged to some kind of an extent of a degree until over indulged, regretted and would be regressed and reversed to be corrected, refined and adjusted in order to try and satisfy ùs` towards a better merited grade at an extreme end.

The graphic image of this arena takes the form of a zigzagging path that could alter and be changed whenever it needs to be 17

charged and extended out further more again and would be steered upwards if it has to achieve a higher gradient along a next phase.

All of these sorts of physical movements could be imaged by various forms of modes of vibes of `pulling and pushing`, `waving and vibrating`, butting and rubbing`, as well as `picking and ticklingìn order to elicit out àpixel` that would be transferred over towards our pensivèboard`.