Homo Sapience Joseph II by Joseph - HTML preview

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B. Relativity.

C. Polarity.

D. Matter.

This whole structure could be deciphered once again and bèconducted, managed, focused and treated` by us in order to extract out an explanation as could be shown over here;-

(a) Contained intò kinds, sorts, logics and statistics`

(b) Modeled over `codes, grades, features and characteristics`

(c) Fashioned upon `time, space, records and experiences`.

(d) Noted around `types, style, genes and forms`.

All of these zones, spheres, phases and grades could again be reviewed out and manoeuvred again backwards towards where they had all originally came out from in order to confirm that this kind of a treaty is correct and precise.

By means of these frames of counter references then statistics could be scrutinized out from their styles of cross sections through the amounts of ingredients being noted inside their forms.

Hence these existing kinds of nature forms could all be èquated, balanced, matched and twinnedòver again in order to confirm what had been described out from our own sorts of lives as well.

Therefore by means of comparing out the nature form against our lives all the factors of existence could again be logged out forth once more from out of us once more.

This analogue manner of a synthetic style could again be raked out forward once more in order to present the seeds that have nurtured us to evolve over here;-

Àbeing` consist of existence over `time and spacè tenure.

An èntityìs a form that exists in `relation` towards this sphere.

Àself` consists of pixels and bytes having àpolè positioned of existence over here.


Àpersonìs àmatter` form that could conceive existing knowledge out from this current stage.

This complex system could again be changed and altered out from its present state and could be fashioned out into a more advanced style that is beyond our present existing types of lives we now have.

An elevated imaged version of our own kinds of lives could also be defined out through this current system into which we now all exists but could not convey out any sort of meaning from their spiked style which are more in the future than we presently are.

These shadowed future versions of our lives are all contained into the aspects of `souls, essence, ghosts and spiritsàbout which we might be conversant but we are only acquainted with just their spectrums.

Although by now it might have been made clear that existence is paved and lined out into a cube, but our own kinds of lives could only be imaged in the form of a tripod and could only be diagnosed through a style of a hexagon.

These anomalies could also be explained along the structure of this claimed theory as well for as long as those images are being made out from ùs` these contents have features and imagination composed and deducted out by ùsìn order to note our kind or to denote what we have.

Therefore we always tend to describe the framework of the existence of our lives by means of one of ùsànd so we might mistakenly conclude that our system is composed by just three in all, or else we might note all our version by modes of deduction and include our inspecting mode twice which would result in five and not four.

Hence we could all image our current lives to be constructed into the mode of a pyramid that is supported over a quadrant existing frame.

Only our own kind of a Creator has and owns a perfect model of an equated type of a Trinity since no kind of an existing platform could be found to support Him.


Our own personal kinds of physical and pensive nature forms keep on protracting out into existing frames that would all keep their quadrant style all the way.

Our physical conditions that we have could be noted out from the senses of `seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling/digesting` that we possess.

These kinds of nature forms would always become information when they are turned out into thought by means of our own sort of pensive conduct.

This computing operation would `reflect, project, apply and invert`

sensual pulses and present them out to over into formatted types of thoughts.

This whole operation could only be possible managed and directed out by us for as long as existence is being synchronized in the manner of – matter, time/space, relativity and polarity that supports and assist us all to live.

All these details might not be approved since our view of an existing ambient might not be synchronized but focused upon a particular aspect that interest us more than the rest.

Therefore a second opinion out from an arbiter should resolve this case in a definite mode if it is being presented out from an òutsider` who is not a resident into this existing sphere.

Only our Mentor who is not ènclosedìnside these defined parameters is able and capable to state out any sort of a voiced proxy regarding this existing sphere since He is everywhere and His words should prove the best alibi of substance to support what had been said.

Confirmation regarding this case was proclaimed out when our Mentor voiced out His relationship towards us to be known and recognized into the contents of the word of `Yahwehànd ever since then, this kind of a phrase had been considered out to be the axioms of the logarithms upon which this existing system oscillates and the contents of those words were framed out as the slogan that signifies out from where we had all came out from.

This solemn declaration that had been given over to us is cited out 30

through the Bible along the lines of the Exodus in chapter 3, and is still considered to be holy and sacred even during these present times as well.

On this memorable occasion when Moses had met God `face to facè he had asked Him to be contained and enveloped up into some kind of a name by which we could summon and call Him out over here whenever we want to invite and beckon Him to come around into this existing kind of a universe.

An answer that rotated over a pun and contained into an opaque nature was most suited to be given out for us in order to ponder and compare this system of a cyclic frame with our types of lives that we presently have and possess. This imaged bridge between existing forms and our lives had been aligned together by means of a cord that is not curled around like this universe and on the other hand does not depend upon previous nature kind in order to define what is currently being said to support the genes of those words.

That particular reply had been addressed and given out from the font of the Author and Mentor Himself.

Thus the style of the answer that had been conveyed to us does not require a cursor in order to assists those letters to go along with our line of thinking because they hold thoughts to be wound around them instead.

The version that was given out does not have to rely over or upon a priori in order to be acknowledged because it is locked and lodged over its own kind of phrase.

This phrase is not to be considered the profile of the Administrator but a portfolio of the mystery of existence that is versed out by means of the codes that regulates us in order to acknowledge the legitimate proprietor of this whole universe.

Therefore since existence oscillates and revolves around and about this universe in a similar manner just like those words we could only understand them and could never bend or twist them to convey a different message instead.

Thus inside that expression is contained and enclosed all the objects and subjects of nature forms that are needed and required 31

to inform us about this whole kind of a universe.

Although what had been versed out could never have meant out anything to the people of those days yet this version had been relayed over to us inside a sacred `batonànd now has successfully ended up into the palms of our hands.

Their sense of intuition must have made them aware that those words would be most important at a future stage and so they had done their very utmost in order to preserve them in their original state over which those words had initially been proclaimed.

The memorable answer that had been given out is contained into the four words of `Yod, He, Vay and Heànd when transliterated consonantally they are denoted as `Y H V H`.

Ever since that time even these four letters had been enveloped into a safekeeping casing of an Àdonaì being addressed to them so as to protect them from being expressed out into vulgar modes that might blunt out the sacred textured frame into which they had been versed out in the first place. Not only that, but even their formatted style had been wrapped up into an enigmatic content of àpasswordìn order to protect the fashioned type of grammar so as to hold and keep them intact as well. Hence these four letter words were being referred to as thèTetragrammatonìn order to protect them from being profaned in any sort of an imaginable kind of a way.

This kind of a sacred pun that had been given out to us contains the formatted words inside its own version that pronounces the theory of our existence as presented out from the undisputed Authority of this whole creation.

All the logarithms of this whole kind of a universe are contained and enclosed into the format model of that sacred phrase.

When those words had been pronounce out, all of existence was brought out into a standstill in the manner that a soldier or a private would freeze to attention whenever they are being addressed out by the High Command.

In an albeit moment in time the ligaments of this universe had stood still in order to receive fresh vitamins being injected into 32

them so as to continue the mission over the contents of those words. Out from this focal aspect we could inspect our cyclic trend and by concentrating over that version we could confirm that sustainable and stability are currently rotating and revolving just like that framed phrased version which had been given to us.

Out from the trademark of the style of those words we could grade out our own level of intelligence and over that slogan we could frame out the features of all this kinds of an existing sort of a universe.

After all this time the word of `Yahweh` had again been presented out in order to vouch that this universe had been created out from a synchronized source out from which all existing forms had originally been created out from.

Through this panoramic and spectacular scene space travel would seem to be mediocre and the intelligence of science would all look crude when compared towards what is contained into that phrase.

The version of those four letter words have given us more meaning about this existing kind of a universe than all those capsules that had been sent out in order to investigate what had already been confirmed out through the Bible a long time ago. Existence is still being held mummified into those words that are still wound and curled around their own tendered frame which have not extinguished or had ever been proved out wrong as yet.

The ingredients contained into those words confirms that our lives are not meant to remain indefinitely and eternally inside this four dimensional sphere over here. Through the modes of the style of those words all the information that is needed about our existence had been presented and forwarded out to us in order to confirm that our kinds would eventually spiral out from this kind of a cyclic frame of a universe.

That phrase could be imaged out as some sort of a capsule that orbits over its own axles and consternates around its belt in a similar manner just like our own kind of a universe that is currently spiraling around an unknown item that has never been revealed or discovered out as yet.


This finite or terminal spot over which we direct and steer our nature forms could only be recognized out through the model image form of a Trinity as otherwise our version would keep on spiraling around in circles in a similar manner as this universe is trailing towards an unspecified aim at the very end.

Modern kinds of technology cannot ever be able to extract any new devices out of the sacred phrase of `Y H VH` since those holy words had been composed out by the Author and further computation over this version could not furnish or supply us with more information than we could possible load up our mortal minds.

Only through respect and reverence could these sacred words be utilized in order to help our version so as to evolve into a higher graded rated sphere than we are currently and presently being staged upon right now.

Our present existing version had been addressed out from a station that is stable and fixed although our own personal kinds of impressions makes us all believe that we are straight and everything else is crooked and bent around our linear kinds of lives. The contents of those words had made it clear and obvious that the nature forms of existence are all synchronized over a cyclic aspect that could be imaged out from the version of that phrase that had been presented out over to us.

The Latin dictum that had been ranted out by the Christian church since medieval times and is contained into the words of `Verbum Carum Factum Est` could have been derived and copied out of the version of the Tetragrammaton.

The original version of `Yod He Vay Heìs presently better known now as `Yahweh`, whilst even this word is currently being colloquially pronounced out as `Jehovahìnstead, due to our form of dialect.

This word actually and literally means àwitness` by its own kind of a defined mode of a design. Therefore by the support of this alibi that had been cited out to vouch for us, we can now conclusively state out that the factors of existence are all 34

synchronized over this cyclic atmosphere of;-

`Time/space, matter, relativity and polarityàs had been confirmed out by the only suited kind of Authority over this subject that is outside these parameters of this entire frame of an establishment.

Over this current version our lives are being `generated, engineered, geared and guaranteed` so as to live and exist forevermore for as long as we have faith upon and over the Original version contained into that `hallow phrasè which were directly presented out to us by the Creator Himself.

Where have we come from?

Searching and tracing our own sort of origin is a fundamental quest that humanity has always tried to discover.

Investigating our òriginànd `creation` would not be complete if either thèbeing`, `self`, èntityòr our type of ``personalities`

would be left out of this process.

This `casè cannot leave out any angle unaccounted out of thèframed` theory that had been presented out in these papers.

These verses must adhere, follow, support and sustain what had been previously been defined out.

Once again a rotary process of a cyclic trend would have to be intersected at various stages, in order to belt together life experience along with existing details in order to reach a common version that is acceptable on all front.

Over this platform has to be based imaged kinds of information that are related towards the objective of this current subject that is about to be undertaken.

By means of the physical abilities and pensive capacities this process should present out sane concepts for as long as they arèbalanced, equated, level and matched` with our kind of body and 35

frame of mind that binds together existence with our style of lives.

We are all aware of our sensual conscious by means of the four senses of àudition, digesting, sight and feeling` that we normally exercise physically.

We manage these modes through an intentional framework of

`reflection, application, projection and inverting` that we are ultra-conscious aware of as well.

Our own kind of `physicalòrigin had been handled and tackled in a professional manner by Darwin, a respected and eminent scientist as well as an anthropologist who lived more than 150 years ago.

His works was consequently published out and defined out into a book calledÒn the origin of the species`. It had caused quite a stir, and even up to these days some prominent and influential characters are doing their utmost in order to discredit what is actually happening and occurring all around us regularly.

This kind of bedlam came about because the Christian church was concentrating over what has been written inside the scripture that never suggests that our ancestors had ever been the àpes`. What had been presented out by Darwin`s theory was thus seen as a challenge towards the literature contained inside the Holy Bible.

This historical conflict could have been avoided if our `nature forms` were regarded out as èxistingànd `living` separately.

Our kinds of genes had been created and versed out in order to evolve and be transformed towards another sphere from which we had been `formedànd as well as `madè.

Over these conditions we could inspect and speculate our origin and heritage that have tòstartànd ìnitiatè from an organic structure as well as from a venue of creation that both have awarded us with noble qualities of `livingànd èxisting`.

We are currently being strained out and by means of an existing phase and consequently we all hope to return back to where we had originally been made as well.

Darwin had tried to tackle the quest of origin from the genealogical aspect without involving the font of creation, whilst the Christian church relied upon a model version of creation without taking into 36

account the heritage of our forms of genetics models.

This research could have been more successful if existing conditions would have been investigated and an aspect of living would be accepted along every discovery being made.

This process had to be operated over two sides that had to treat our

`nature formsòut together since èxistingànd `living` has to go hand in hand.

It is amazing how the Christian church had managed to overlook this `crucialàspect that our existing nature forms are to be recycled whilst the contents of our lives are to be retained and kept by us.

Sacred teachings had been transformed into academic form of meaningless sort of detailed kind of information.

The very same teachings that was being preached, hammered and imprinted upon all its followers for thousands of years as a sort of àmission statement` was not being comprehended and understood at all because it failed to consider thèverbòf the sentences that was being expressed and formed. For it had all been clearly explained in a very simple way that man had been `formedànd

`moldedìnto a being of an èntity, person and a self` just like our Mentor of one God in `Three different kind of Personalities`. The Holy Bible seems to be able to reveal all of this basic and precious kind of information from which we can learn a lot and perhaps preach so very little.

In order to understand better this version and extract out an explanation from both ends we have to scrutinize better what the Bible has to say and keep in mind whatever Darwin had tried to define out as well.

Thus we have to note information out from the Holy scripture regarding creation, and also study whatever Darwin had found about our current form of surviving.

Darwin had based his theory over our kind of a person, whilst the Bible referred about human kind of creation sort.

Overlooking and disregarding all of this `kindòf information could have been the reason why the Christian church had objected 37

and rejected the theory that was presented out by Darwin regarded the nature of our `lineòf origin that could have given the impression that Mr. Adam was some form of an Ape.

It must have been most distressing to accept the fact that our own father smelt so much, was so bad looking and did not even have the decency to wear a leaf!

Although the Christian church could be held guilty of not accepting the theory of evolution it was also due to this obstinate attitude that the mystery of the Holy Trinity had managed to reach us to these present days.

The Christian church had always persisted in a most courageous manner that our Mentor of a singular kind of a God possess three different kind of nature of personalities that are independent and distinctively different as well as autonomous in their infinite power and potentials, which must not be considered or decreed as three different kinds of separate sort of divers sorts of gods.

This proclamation had presented our present civilization with the greatest form of a contradiction contained in a classical paradox that had never been equaled out as yet. No form of an organization or society worth its salt could have kept on existing after presenting out a paradox that could not even be understood by its own followers and members let alone by the outsiders of unbelievers.

Most miraculously the Christian church in a most amazing manner did manage to survive such a dreadful kind of a test in a most convincing manner, and what’s more it was achieved with full flying kind of colors as well!

The Christian church was never able to explain in a logical manner the mystery of thèHoly Trinity`.

Since no clear form of any sort of an explanation could ever be found or contrived in order to explain this puzzling form of a concept it was therefore concluded to be considered as a form of àTheological Mystery that would rests upon Faith`. This decision must have led many of her followers to go astray and away or perhaps they must have opted out from it, whilst other religions 38

must certainly have ridiculed this form of a rigged type of a statement.

Many great thinkers were assigned in order to explain and reveal such a Mystery but no success was ever made upon this topic.

Even the church most wise, thinker and philosopher, St Augustine of Hippo (354 -430 AD) had to give up upon this matter and quite plainly and bluntly concede out defeat upon this particular episode.

The Christian church having based all the teaching over the element of truth had ended up preaching the biggest contradiction of all times. This church went even a step further as to categorically state that it had to be accepted and professed by every follower as a dogmatic sort of a truth, which must be rigorously upheld and be believed blindly in a most strict and diligent manner by all of its followers. No known society, or establishment could ever have survived after presenting such a bland and evident contradicting form of a fallacy by an establishment that had all along championed thèTruthàs the emblem of its own foundation.

This church most bravely insisted that God is personalized in the image form of the Holy Trinity, but on the other hand had always been reluctant in order to accept the theory of evolution as had been presented out by Darwin.

The theory of evolution had been rejected because the Bible gives another version regarding our own kind of creation. The extract which deals over this subject is contained inside the episode of the Genesis, Chapter 2 vers 7, quote, Ànd the Lord God found man of the dust of the GROUND and BREATHED into his nostril the BREADTH of life; and man became a living soul`.

Since all this information was being taken literally it must have given the impression that Adam our great, great g, g, ,, father had been manufactured over a production line and his freckles should still be noticed whenever we take a bath. The Christian church must have concluded that Adam had been developed into a civilized, modern kind of a bloke in the stature of àSir squire or a kind of a mister of a citizen of an Adam kind of a family`.


This church seemed to have overlooked the fact that Adam is also an extended particle from our own Creator as had been proclaimed in various other parts of this holy book as well.

If this information has to be accepted thus it follows that we are all a trinity in the image of our Mentor who had created us in the first place.

Keeping all this information in mind we could now focus back over towards our organic structure once more.

The fact that we were transmitted over from a BREADTH gives us the impression that our gene must have been ignited out from a bacterial kind of àGERM`. This conclusion would eventually and effectively also alter the form of Darwin theory in order to regress such a claimed imaged forms of the apes into some form of a kind of a bacterial type of àGERM`. Breathing is a most effective way that germs and bacteria are spread around by us. Once that this process had been sparked out, than an evolutionary aspect was bound to ignite that must have spread out like wildfire.

It would have been most possible that `hermaphrodites` would consequently evolve and be developed out by means of multiplying their quantities. These kinds of worms reproduce and multiply by a method of `dissecting` from their own kind of a body. Even this process seemed to have taken place as well, when from the body of Adam had came around over here Eve.

How our other half came to be about is narrated in the Genesis Chapt 2 vers 21 - 22. Ànd the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept; and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 and the rib which the Lord had taken from man made him a woman and brought her unto the man`. Trailing further more along this line of thoughts should presents us with a vast amount of computations that could involve hybrids of tadpoles, frogs, snails and lizards out of which human kinds at some time or another had been `vampedòut.

This DNA structure of our physical origin had been intersected with a pensive awareness that is also recorded inside the Holy Bible as well. Along the trail of human development our mind had 40

embarked upon an unconventional path and due to this major kink that had deviated us away from these crawling models we had opened our eyes to accept that fruitful results are only made possible by means of sacrifices.

Out from a bipolar aspect our version had managed to obtain another leg and thus was `deportedòut from that singular stage that had no grades to assess our kinds.

The ideal example of a bipolar creature that graphically represent one single base over which it crawls and wriggle is best given out by an image of a serpent. The symbol of this creature had been chosen since it was deemed out to be the craftiest of these sorts of reptiles. Yet although this creature is known to be wise it is still attached towards the ground as in the ancient past.

These are some of the features that had been crucial towards the evolutionary aspects that had versed us towards this present sphere.

A gate of existence was versed out when we had been able to grade the good and the bad.

It had been by the intuition of Eve that Adam was consequently involved with this experiment that is still an ongoing process since our physical impulses are currently being steered by our pensive means. This process that infused our nature kind had to start from a binary aspect of a simple device that had changed and altered in a decisive mode.

Out from a static and morbid state that had been rotating upon a calm and harmonious environment another sphere that was directed towards a serene and a relaxed habitat passed through a stage of a tempestuous and volatile form in a synchronized manner that is still evolving and revolving around this current type of a universe to these present days as well.

These had to be all the ingredients and qualities needed in order for this universe to be kept `balanced, equated, matched and tunedòver the same habitat and environments of this current kind of an existing formation that we now have.

A state of enlightenment had been logged out from a dark stage.

Confirmation regarding all this computed details of positive and 41

negative aspects could be noted out again from the Holy Bible just after Adam and Eve had sampled out thèforbidden fruit`.

It was just after that stage that they had trespassed into this new domain and the characteristics of `shamè had been impressed upon their heads which would have still had remained unknown if an opposite notion of `pridè had not also been installed inside our

`livesàlong as well.

This elevated form of nature state had to be staged over àforked`

phase that based intelligence over deleted bytes and invested wisdom out from previous forms of mistakes.

Pulses and impulses were invigorating nature forms to be managed by physical and pensive reflexes in order to steer and motivate us to enter into this current domain.

Prior to this stage