Illusions - Maya by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


Life & Perceptions

Universe is one space

It is believed that there is just not one but there are many universes. So the universe is just one among many in what is referred as multi-verse.

 Universe of Universe - multi-verse

Think of the building complexes that houses offices and residential buildings in your society,

It is just one space.

Building complexes are divided horizontally and vertically by Concrete and bricks and several living places are created. This is possible because of Mays!

The difference in (A) densities (Human & Bricks, Concrete), and (B) the limitations of the human eyes to perceive with walls before us. This ability to hide enable us to divide one space into many spaces.

People live in different heights. One lives above below and next without ever being felt.

In the case of Universe, the encapsulating lives in Space-time limits perception creating artificial boundaries in the minds.

This leads to creation of multiple planes and multiple universes.

It might be difficult for many of us to imagine that:

  • Our lives being a part of another, larger specie.
  • As I move around my living places, I may be entering into some other life, without ever being felt by either me or the other life.
  • There are stories where the experience of people who spot apparition. We have learning from them. If only we do not discount such experience as hallucinations or creation mind, we can learn a lot about universe.

Vedic literature suggests that each universe in self contained with a set of Gods attached to it:

(1) A Creator, (2) A Supporter (3) A destroyer.

The two other important functions performed by Gods (that is not given emphasis in religion) that is essential in running the affairs of universe.

(4) One who hides truth (Maya) (5) One who reveals truth! (Gayatri).

This book is all about the acts of Maya, its impact on lives in universe and how to live freed from pains caused by Maya.

How large is Universe?

From human perspective or what is known as human consciousness, it is so large that we cannot comprehend the Universe with our faculties.

Eastern Scriptures & Universe

Eastern scriptures suggest that, there are 14 worlds. Every life form including gods, you and me exists in that one space.

  • Every Life, including Universe, goes through a cycle of birth and death.
  • Thus, Universe is also a life.

Life of universe has four phases. They call them Yugas. At the end of the fourth Yuga, phase, the universe shrinks and disappear.

After a certain time the universe comes-up alive.

Thus the Universe is a cyclic phenomenon. has a life-cycle-time. The vedic texts give an elaborate account of the above life-cycle-time of Universe and various lives in it.