Illusions - Maya by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Life in Universe

The role of lives in universe.

The mystics suggest that Life itself is unreal. An illusion.

Such a thought we entertain ( that the life is real) is because of the trick played by mind to believe that we are real.

Every Live believes that it an important to live the life.

However insignificantly small part of the universe a life might form, lives are important for the universe.

We will discuss Life in a greater detail in a book titled as Life-is-a-Script.

The waves in the ocean is part of the ocean, the music from a Music Cd is a part of the Music CD, then, every life is part of the universe.

Purpose of life is Running!

Metaphorically, the lives in the universe are there, to run!

The running of lives is essential for the universe.

There is no other clear answer that is available now.

There are a very large number of lives in the universe. Humans are just one among. All of them run, in different dimensions and different paces.

Life in universe are transient:

Each life in the universe can be thought of as a visitor or guests to universe. At rebirth, the life has no continuity with its past lives:

The experience, the knowledge, people and objects associated during a live time of an individual life evaporates at death.


The tides or waves in a ocean appear real. They have power even to topple a boat or a ship.

The water in the ocean is permanent. But  the all powerful waves are only transient.


This justify the observation of Eastern thinkers that Life in Universe is an illusion.

We see around us several species each one is different in every possible way.

Most importantly, they have different lifetimes, and also occupy different extent of Space .

Lives perceives differently.

Each lives perceives the lives and objects around them in the universe, differently. Example:

A piece of Cake, will look like a huge mountain of food for an ant.

There are many lives too small that live in our living environment. If only they perceive us the way we are, the small lives will not live among us.

It is possible for anyone to see through (Imagination) the mind’s eye that a smaller life would perceive an object larger than what a larger life would perceive the same.

Thus, the appearance of the lives and objects around us in the universe are not same for every life.

So the Mystics suggests that what we perceive in the universe is a partial truth or more precisely, the Maya.

Why and How does Maya accomplish the task of making different lives perceive differently?

Encapsulating the conscious entities into Space & Time parameters.