Illusions - Maya by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Magic of Maya!

There are two aspects of Maya:

(1) What all the illusions Maya create?

(2) How Maya accomplishes the same, so that those illusion are created.

I will be wrong to say that Maya used a particular process or in particular way and produced the illusion.

But If the same task is assigned to me, I will do as described in the following pages.

Perhaps any one else today (say, a chemist, a mechanical engineer, civil engineer, an artist) may approach the same differently.

In the age of Science and technology, the method employed to accomplish the tasks of Maya will greatly differ from one to another.

The Maya - Illusion that is described below provides necessary back ground for the universe to be established and as per a predetermined script.

What Is important here to understand

1. how the great force or power called Maya that produces illusion in th minds of every life that is created?

2. How such acts help Maya to create and run universe?

3. How these illusions cause misery to lives?

4. How to escape from the clutches of Maya and live life with minimum pain.

Tasks before Maya

Let us list and briefly discuss the tasks before Maya.

Task:  (1) Every specie in universe is  encapsulated into an imaginary capsule  called Space-Time.

(A) This ensures that each specie occupies a definite extent of space in the universe.

(B) Every life has a typical maximum lifetime. It is said that, every life, including celestial lives live for 100 years in their plane.

(2) Maya ensures that no two lives are similar in looks, actions and thoughts.

(3) Maya acting through thoughts!

Every one of the life believe that

(A) it has a purpose in life and it is important that they live and importantly,

(B) have a desire to live long. So every life run and fight for survival.

(4) Maya, injects two important falsehoods.

There are two Illusions that are created by Maya.

(A) The idea of I and Idea Mine.

Look at our world of sports. A few prctice for long hours in order to be in the running (or other forms of running) race.

Not every one take part in running race. Those few participants see value in the “reward and recognition” as a winner.

In essence, it is easy to imagine that, one needs a purpose and a goal to run. In the absence of both, it would be tiring to run in the universe. When all the lives stop their run, the universe might collapse.

Every life in the universe run with one or the other of several arbitrary goals.

Every life that run are injured. Typically, the Injuries are caused by:

(1) losses to people and material that we gather in order to secure our lives.

(2) Harm that come to physical body.

(3) Harm that comes to people whom we think are Mine.

(4) Failure to reach the set goals.

Some lives, driven by fatigue, severely injured , find ways to end their lives.

Different capsules

For different planes of existence

The scriptures tell that there are a large number of species in the universe. They appear to be spread across 14 different planes or worlds.

There are not any physical divide in the universe. The divide is caused by Maya.

The act of Maya is called Hiding (one life from most others). This is not difficult to conceive.

In any house we are conscious about only a few other who lives in our home!. ou know that in the small world that we know, there are millions of Species. The viruses, bacteria, micro organisms, invisible and visible insects, earth worms living beneath the earth’s surface,

There are the other lives, more in number than that we spot now and then.

Majority of such fellow residents (such as Ants, fungi, termites flies, mosquitoes live) live and interact in our lives without drawing our attention.

There are countless lives in air water and land.

Why Maya Hides lives?

The mystics suggest that that the universe Is a single entity and all the lives are parts of it.

They all need to work together, seamless so that that the universe is on its course.

It would be scary to work for any life with lives that occupy larger space that itself.

Life-cycle & Space in Universe

The life-cycle of each specie varies with the space that they occupy. Smaller the space they occupy, shorter is their life-span.

(Some one may ask “why not universe have lives that are of same Space-time)” The answer is simple. Just one needs to imagine a world around us. Man, Mosquitoes to Elephants of the same size and life time.

We get answer by logical thinking.

  • An aircraft or any transport utility we build consists of large number of minute screws, nuts, plastic and metal parts, to small and big metal parts.
  • An Army cannot have only Generals or Soldiers.