Illusions - Maya by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 13

Space-Time capsules


Why encapsulating of lives?

As a designer I will have the lives produced identically.

I Will produce capsules that are of different Space-time units. The Capsule will have the definition of Lifetime and Space occupied by the life that it holds.

Then depending on the needs of each one of the logical (14) planes the lives are encapsulated in different capsules.

This approach takes care of another, important requirement.

During the four (Yuga) phases of the live of Universe, the live-span is reduced.

All that is required to accomplish the changes are :

Redefining the Lifetime, and space parameters of Capsules by dividing by appropriate number at the end of each yuga.

Why do we need lives encapsulated in Space-time capsules?

Let us look around our society. There are Governments that is run with people with different capabilities, education, salaries, powers.

There are jobs in government such as the attendants, drivers, cops, defense personnel, fire-fighters, clerks, teachers, that offer low pay fewer powers and privileges. But they are more in number.

There are people in the same government, with higher pay, authority power, that call for higher education and knowledge.

The examples are the Lawyers, Doctors, judicial officers, scientists, technologists as part of government.

Then the elected representatives of people with most powers without any prescription on Education, abilities and deliverable.

Each category of people are isolated from the other through protocol. The isolation does not stop them interacting with the others.

The lesson: If the system need to work we can not have people with equal capabilities, equal pay and equal powers.

We use capsules in our life!

We have an imaginary capsule for every job in our society. The capsule restricts what one can do from within and what they cannot. Sets powers and limits.

We push the people who seek to do that job into an appropriate capsule.

The person, inside the capsule, irrespective of his education or age ) behaves in a way as allowed by the capsule.

The above concept is applicable to an Industry or an Army,

Examples from modern science

Take for example the Electromagnetic waves generated by communication and entertainment gadgets all around us.

(Mobile phones, TV transmission, radio and various civil and defense communication systems).

We known that they are there.

But we cannot perceive any of them with our sensory organs.

So we can say that is made invisible by placing inside a capsule

It is possible that these Electromagnetic signals interfere with each other and mixed-up.

First capsule: We can imagine that each one of them are put inside a large virtual capsule in a way we don’t feel its presence through our five sensory organs.

Second Capsule: Now let us place the first  virtual capsule into a second capsule. This second capsule ensures that the signals from the similar devices do not get mixed up and rendering it unusable.

Third capsule: All the electromagnetic waves from mobile devices are put into another virtual capsule. One capule for every application: Exaple TV channel; Mobile phones; Radio applications; Civil, Military communication.

Benefits of encapsulation

(1) Creating lives with different Space-Time. (Various sizes) .

Universe need lives with different capabilities and powers.

(2) Make lives perform certain, assigned, routine tasks tirelessly, non-stop. Metaphorically, we Call this, Running.

Lives should believe that they run for their own glory.

They should never realize that they are running for their Creator.

(3) Every Life that was originally created, should have been of same Space-Time parameter. (Of same size and life time).

For universe or any system to work it calls for lives with different Space-times.

Change Space-time of lives with

Changes in Yuga.

The eastern scriptures suggests that the space-time of lives changes with the Yuga. Some one need to manage it.

(4) Hiding: Lives are of different sizes and yet to needs to interact with the rest of the lives.

So, barring a small extent, every other objects and lives needs to be hidden.

Hiding lives from most other lives to ensure necessary isolation.


Imagine, the Mosquitoes in our environment. It is so small that will not come near us if it ever knew our dimension.

(We are scared to get near an elephant).

They could see us as a agriculture field.

The following explanation might help understanding the act of Hiding.

Every life form has its own space-time.

1. Encapsulating lives into different Space-time.

What does this imply.?

The Physical space occupied by different species vary. An ant and most insects typically occupy far less space than human beings, birds and animals.

Smaller the space a life occupies, their lifetime is proportionately shorter.

What are achieved?

A. Smaller time-space lives perceive lives with larger time-space lives, proportionately larger.

B. Universe is too big for humans. Universe neither big nor small. It depends on the Capsule in which one is encapsulated.

C. Every specie will perceive only a small range (time-space) encapsulated, specie around it.

Beyond a some point, they do not recognize the existence of other lives which are, both smaller and larger that itself, at all.

D. The species has another problem too! They cannot perceive smaller objects / specie. Objects located away looks smaller. Beyond certain point they become invisible.

Why are these done?

Every life in the universe has a role to play in the universe.

Not only that, every life needs to interact with several other lives with smaller and larger Time-space entities, to accomplish the assigned task.

Readers with science (ESP life sciences) back ground is aware, there are several thousand insects all around usody in our living environment. Some of them are visible, a few through can be known through instruments like microscope Many are invisible.

Life Within Lives

  • Physical body - (human, plant animal and  every lives) are composed of lives that are encapsulated in far small Time-Space.
  • The earth worms and bacteria in the soil enable healthy plant life for many lives such as human, plant life, animal depend on for survival. We, without being conscious about its presence, feed them and ensure that they are healthy.

You Would notice that Deserts do not have these lives that help grow plants.

More Example from our own life situation.

Take any man made machines such as a car, aircraft interact within themselves

They are all built with several thousand parts. Many of these are very very small. There are fewer big parts as well. They are all made from different material. Their strength are unequal. Pace of movement of each part are different. But they interact and accomplishes the designed goal.