Ivory Heart by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: The Ungendered Species


November 23, 2013

Today I purchased a kimono from a dear friend. Me helped me to modify it to remove the inner lining and cut a vent space under the arm to add style and accommodate for Australian weather conditions. It is nearing one hundred years old and sleeps comfortably around my body for warmth. And the silk is light, leaving my body completely unrestricted in movement. It looks and feels good even with no shirt on. Maybe even better without my shirt, the daemon inside finally given the opportunity to see.

But as a result of my epic, I have gained sight. The friend was neither he nor she. One helped me in my time of crisis. But one was not normal and even though when we first met I soon after fled politely, I recognised the same characteristics held within myself.

What am I? What does it mean to be me? How did I come to the current state of affairs? What is going into me and what is coming out? How does input stimuli effect the causal chain of its output not only within the world, but also every other individual out there? With all of these added into collective value, what is our civilisation worth?

The first step is the most fatal and weeds out the scum from the treasures. Because our first given examples become our bodies. And as we reflect at the image that we are, we then develop obsessions with them. The members of the party become world leaders and our drive to be recognised starts its engine. But with an empty tank, personality is overlooked and physical features to "improve" their obsessions, the capitalistic market which governments enforce on its people; highly conflicting personality traits end up together and do damage to each other, their environment, the people in their environment, the fruits of their labours, and the fruits of their offspring's labours with an endless cycle of repercussions. Only few find their happy ending and they usually do it rich in blind ignorance with the core of their heart missing. And their offspring will usually suffer as a result.

You are all so easy to work out because I know how you think. I am you. I am each and every single one of you and I can spend my entire life deconstructing your thought so that you might one day come to see the farce that has been played upon you. Maybe the literal chess game is not my forté, but my opponent playing it is. I have never played my life literally. But by turning my world into a game of chess, eventually I literally won. The game is already over and I said check mate just after 6 6 6 (Welcome to Open Source University). But you will all see as my sight (site) is passed to the souls of my students.

A mental obsession with one or more particular physical characteristics will sometimes lead the individual to expand its mental aspect. Thought and some of its methodologies both taught and learned freely. Expediency the ideal employment bombarded by a collective desire to be better off than the one beside you. Entering a cut-throat dog-eat-dog world, good choices turn against themselves. The goodwill of the people turn hostile inconsiderate of the truth behind the situation. Talk becomes cheap and running away from home and living in the wilderness away from the apes (no offence to apes), oppression becomes the dominate form of emotional expression on both sides: enforcement VS whistle blowing.

Because the collective's value system is nothing. It is not a sustainable model. When mutations occur within the bloodline, those tailed beasts are despised. But when these mutations are given the support and guidance they need in the years they make decisions about their long term future, we enable those who possess great potential to turn their lives into artwork that our civilisation will never forget.

And from our mind floats the spirit within. Electrical impulses designed to be recycled until the unit is no longer operable. But some vehicles are given more than one in times of human distress. And it is these daemons that our Christians cast out that are most needed within society. Because they will reveal messages sent from beyond our world. And if we cast out these messages then mother nature will be forced into dark times. And this would result in your species no longer being required for her to make beautiful things. A wake up call from a possessed individual is a wake up call beyond the realm of your understanding.

I was a really stupid kid who wanted to find his perfect girl so much that I got out a book on witchcraft from the library. I found the love spell and ignorantly modified instructions to cast it on myself. But the target was the girl that would spend the rest of her life beside me, not away from me. And instead of wasting the years together, we would give our entire lives to the public and each other. I was very young but had this planned out since then.

Later moving countries, running away from home, and eventually marriage, I never stopped trying. But she did not enjoy my company and just wanted to party in life. A bad choice which enabled me to do all that I have done. Because it taught me many lessons about this ultimate question: who am I?

I am very snobby about my clothing. I would rather wear them worn out than wear the wrong ones. 13 years ago I took my earrings out. The other day I purchased a blue feather that hangs off flowing into my naturally growing hair. My Native American blood paints a blonde Indian. My style of art expressing through its Japanese martial. And currently, shorts only fit for the Pan. Kunai cleverly placed around me, a tree, flying discs, and flying kunai and people to train with: my life is what it should have always been. But let me assure you that this version of Naruto is very real.

And as I paint my fiction into reality over time by implementing the things around me that are most comfortable, eventually the satisfaction of the physical self is granted. But it had to go from its body to its mind to its spirit. And from this Heart it had to go back through its mental and outputs the physical. Our primordial energies directing from the god within to your brain in attempts to understand what is going on so that you will know what to do. As I type this there is a huge domestic disturbance next door and there are children involved. This has been going on since I travelled to this location. A guy with kids one time asked if he could help and they cussed him out just like they do to each other and their children.

A shooting star with no audience to view it. But one captured in time will never leave the Heart of the Internet. And whether you like it or not eventually I will obtain many like-minded students that will become great online teachers. And you do not have to be involved but keep your unresearched opinions away from both me and my students. And the ones who truly understand, let them throw the first stone. Because those few individuals will realise the situation and what action must be implemented within their own lives to see beyond the mere appearance of things. Those will be the stones that will both flatten and rebuild our cities upon solid foundations. And if you can live up to the standards that you preach, then you are protected by divine powers. But be careful because destiny will not always be there to save you. And as a result you need to make your body, mind, and spirit One. Each one needs to reach its full potential. And when it does, it will never stop. The perfect human being is formed regardless of its history being what necessitated the One to bless you with divine abilities. And if you are the best that you can be at all times and manipulate your input stimuli to do this naturally, then the lady next door and her boyfriend might one day be persuaded to be nice to each other or break apart destructive relationships. You would live without regrets in the best mode possible.

A beautiful lizard travels past my feet and I see It and It sees me. It looks at my toe that was wounded while throwing knives yesterday. I shrug because I know It realised that the kunai had come from my own hand. A battle wound against oneself for a poor decision that was made while targeting objects moving in fast on me. Because yesterday It was here with me experiencing my environment while I also experience One's. The trials and tribulations one puts their attention on eventually fruits from their labours. And at the end of the day, if the model speaks for itself, then its expedient method (what was required to produce the end result) is irrelevant as long as that individual did not hurt another doing it. And that individual can then not be held responsible for the outcomes of their actions. It is given to fate to decide because revealing divine information publicly is not a crime.

A collective oppression fulfilled by the people who refuse to consider alternate modes of lifestyles. The scam industry putting people off seeing true light. A method to obscure reality by encouraging people to enslave others to perform their responsibilities. The crocodile escapes only to one day wreak vengeance on all pirates. Time catches up with those who utilised it for their advantage. And it can never be an advantage unless it advances all of that species.

Pretty things. Looking very young throughout my life. People mistaking me as a girl. My obsession with innocence. Fairies and little girls flying conditioned my heart every time I saw them. Their heart had not yet seen the truth behind the scam. The purest of hearts corrupted by being mistreated by others over long periods of time. Dreams overlooked as impossibilities while the bravest of princesses looking for me. Integrating the cute colours of my Heart into my environment. Platting hair and using girly hair clips. Obtaining a pure balance of both masculinity and femininity injected into what you might call my personality. The best of both worlds but with an obsession to win the heart of a little girl. A right that I should be entitled to, deriving from the same species. But society automatically rejects these notions without considering truly what I am proposing. But every second becoming more worthy of her.

What I am is irrelevant but what I have done is of upmost importance. You can slander me all you want but at the end of the day I am revealing fact. And facts will remain facts whether or not you believe them to be true. Because I predicted not only what has happened before it happened, but also what will happen. And if you have problems with its accreditation, then earn your degree so you can expose to the world the fraud that you claim me to be.

At the core of my Heart houses my nine tailed friend that is persecuted. And he hurt me a lot throughout my life. But eventually I learned how to take care of it. I nurtured the feelings and then laid them out on the table. Finding some objective within my reality. I became strange because of what it put me through. But then I was commanded to love all things and it did not want that from me. But over a long period of time persisting, eventually he warmed up to me. It was cruel to me but I was both kind and just. And in my soul I not only came to grips on what I am and It is, but also what we together make. And from the input stimuli that a hard life of homelessness and study produced, the output stimuli paints with many colours into this phone in which I very quickly type this. Because when we learn how to synchronise our bodies, minds, and spirits, we can then also interdependently use them. And with a mind that understands, the spirit can be enabled to speak directly to the physical.

A perfect individual will be its best potential when their fruits speak for themselves. All good trees bare good fruit. The ones that do not should be chopped down. There is no man and woman but only men: to think. The number of a man is two divinely inspired individuals uniting together physically, mentally, and spiritually. That number is 666.