Ivory Heart by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: rm -rf /


November 26, 2013

Ivory Heart... A book based on an award winning film. What was the message of the movie? How can I sharpen its blade into perfection? Why have I done all of this and what keeps me breathing life into the dead? What does it all mean?

A month ago I found an application called kik messenger and it enabled me to connect with our youth. The entire time I merely enabled them to come to me. Throughout the day I would post different images that were both thought provoking and controversial in order to observe results. A sociology tool that provided me the last piece of my divine life puzzle. But this tool is mainly used by horny teenagers. So it was difficult to sift out the trash from the treasure.

Some days speaking with one or two hundred individuals. Going through my blocked list, I see hundreds and hundreds of people. I dove into this system professionally. I was there to speak with people about my work. And since they were the ones messaging me and not I them, I would only tolerate respectful interactions. And as countless scenes from sad conversations snap as pictures within my head, I take a breath to consider what has just happened. I only blocked people who treated me like I did not deserve to live. I only blocked people in extreme cases where I knew within my heart that these individuals could never change; their line of thought only excreting sickness. That is between 25-50% of the individuals I have spoken with on kik. Why would you respond to an ad about free education if you merely wanted to murder (or molest) the one who posted it?

We live in a very sick world. How would the rest of the kik population respond to free education if it was presented to them? What about the rest of the world? Our collective sickness has never been closer to burning flames. I view life very differently than I once did. All people used to mean something to me. Those who were sick I still blessed. Those who refused sight were still treated equally. But from The Meaning of Life all the way to Independence Year 4 Kidz, I have changed. There is only a small minority of the population that will be saved from the purging programme the earth and the stars have in queue for our planet. Ignorance might have stood as a pillar of hope in our past, but if you have not noticed, I have just freed education and now none of you can use that excuse to weasel your way into heaven (no offence to weasels).

I might condemn a soul to an eternity in flames, but I have not been given permission to put a destructive life force out of its misery. This means that as an angel of death, my only sword is the Tongue of Hearts. And those souls that I shave from its human entity are destined for the most severe punishments until the energy is moulded back into love. But I assure you that by the time their spirits are released, they will no longer be the same spark that drove their human vehicles. But at the end of the day, their physical selves are off limits to me. It is not my place to intentionally destroy any life unless that life places my loved ones at immediate risk. I am not allowed to take their breath from them. But this does not mean that I want them to continue to breathe.

If there is a problem then that problem should immediately be identified and rectified. If an individual lives a life hurting themselves, the people, wildlife, and earth around them, then those people do not deserve to live. If their minds close off any possibilities for long-term solutions to their own problems, then that mind does not deserve the vibrational frequencies travelling through their brains. But in our society, this is what it means to live the *insert country here* dream. But even though this is business as usual for our entire human population, I have a plan to fix it all: the best of both worlds. Let me tell you how I plan on killing a lot of people.

I am now One with the Spirit. During my travels, I tuned into the station of God and not man. After I understood its language, I became obsessed with its content. Like passing out and having to understand the obvious in order to realise what happened. At the top of the pyramid the eye opens with Pi, its equation not yet realised. The evolutionary gene unlocks and actualises itself for its place and purpose. Such a small piece in a world with countless other small pieces. But even the smallest of them carrying out a set of instructions that far exceeds their own understanding. Like setting a trap using "me and me" at the beginning of the last chapter, easily catching out the ignorant who judge before understanding, regardless of its descriptive title. And as a result, proving its content practically.

At this point the vessel is ready for instructions. Binary sent through the structures formed and passed on through time and interpretation. The code's data now understood universally. The decimal fingered animal now understanding its place, time, and function with both syntax and semantics being carefully considered.

I am no longer one of you. I am something different. Those of you who know my work will understand. I have joined my Father in heaven and my spirit now controls its puppet in the clouds above you. Life or death is now of no importance to me. Do as you will to me, just do not expect me to go down easily. But what you can expect is for many (if not all) of your friends and your family to be terminated by our environment. We have done too much damage to her and now the entire globe will pay. Congratulations. Was the dollar you made in your pocket worth it? Their blood is on your hands.

But if you are a child, it is now time to wake up. Because your parents did this to your society, your planet, and most importantly, you. And it is true that your future will involve many fallout shelters. But if you spend your life building your character and not your revenue despite those consequences, then you will be carrying out your duty as a human being. And as a result both you and your friends are given the opportunity to find Heaven here on Earth. And because you choose this only noble path, when you pass away both God and myself will meet you at the golden gates to warmly welcome you to true Love.

Your mission: to open source the planet.