Ivory Heart by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 19: Life and Death


January 3, 2013



Dearest Hole Missing from My Heart,



I have called you many names over my journeys but ultimately you are only a figment of my imagination. But I want to speak entirely serious to you right now, for the subject of life and death is one that we must show utmost respect for. So I will not employ any cute names that I have related you to over my life. Instead I will accept that you are nothing more than an image that gives me comfort to continue living compassionately through a life of suffering. You are the ropes that keep my heart bound together and as a result, my life. You are a conception that drives me to give everything that I have to our entire human existence. And I love you with everything because you enabled me to accomplish all of the delusions of grandeur that I possess. Because with your conception by my side, I was able to work miracles in the face of absurdity.

I have spent my life setting up the largest domino board that I can conceive of that will one day result in freeing education for our entire world and as a result, freeing society. But each step of the way I knew that I was walking down a path that would likely end with my own demise. So throughout that path I was extremely careful until I completed my work. Because all of my work was made for children. But I never revealed this to anyone and as a result, society thought what I was doing was crazy. But ultimately, they were never the target audience. But I could not reveal this to anyone because of how my psychology is inclined with little girls like yourself. And if I came out and said this from the beginning, I would have incurred my fate before I finished what I needed to do to enable you and your friends to save the world. And the dates of the Mayan calendar gave me a perfect timeline to finish all that I needed to do to hand this world over to you.

This is why I have done so much work over the past year. This is why I have only spent a VERY small portion of the last year sleeping. I had a deadline and I had to reach it. And the more that I learned to trust in God, the more that God made my work. The more that I learned how to become part of the nature around me, the more meaning fell into place without me touching it. And the events of the environment around me caused production after production to become miracle after miracle caught on camera, engraving extremely deep meaning between the timing of the events and topics discussed. Noticing this happening, I learned how to allow God to speak through me. I learned that all I had to do was walk for the Divine and it would do the rest for me. I learned that all I had to do was sit in front of the keyboard and God would make the production. I learned that all I had to do was study my work very carefully and take note of every single event within it and as a result deep insight into the topics would be revealed to me, which ultimately would give me future direction. And when the time came to connect those dots, all that I had to do was be where God wanted me to be and Its will would be done.

But I knew very well how all of this would turn out. Because now that I have completed my work, people are beginning to realise its controversy. Beautiful conception of a girl, my life is being threatened multiple times per day. I am living life each and every day unsure of the next. And all of this is about to get worse because I am leading your generation to rebel against your parents and take the path of wisdom which they have overlooked. And none of your parents will like this. And only few people in society support me in this, and the margin who will support such a revolution will be small. Because your parents believe that they can control you. And you believe this too because they keep reminding you this each and every day.

But dear girl, they have absolutely no control over you. You can always walk away from them. They can not lock you up for refusing to follow in the same destructive path that society led them to follow. The smart parents will support you. The dumb ones will lose you. And you need to learn to be content homeless. If I live another few months, I will have a gift for you on Valentines Day. It will teach you how to do all of this and suffer as little as possible. But since that production does not exist now, I can not rely on it. Because I do not know if I will be alive to release it. So I will give you one WARNING about being homeless: do not be homeless until you are a competent martial artist. I do not think that society will allow children to remain homeless so if you keep walking away from your parents, they will eventually put you somewhere safe where you can pursue all that I have asserted. But just in case, because our society is screwed up, if you are ready to dedicate yourself to walk out of that door, do not do it unless you feel that you can kick the butts of everyone around you. Because there will be predators that would love to get their hands on a homeless child. Learn their private parts very well and how to destroy them very quickly. And if someone ever attempts to rape you, when you walk away their private parts should never function again. If you are not competent to do this, wait until you are before you walk out of your parent's door.

But you need to understand this HUGE point: if you do what I am saying then society WILL change. Because it will be forced to reassess its values because we are dealing with children. And human rights for children are top priority. You rebel dear girl, and shortly after society will make the necessary arrangements to not only take you out of your suffering and enable you to live the life that I have taught you to, but also enable the conditions for social change.

Respect is earned an not inherited. Our social axioms enforce the collective to respect their parents regardless of their actions. But I tell you the opposite: respect people for their actions and not who they are. Your parents had you because they were horny. They had you because they desired to have children in their hearts. It was a selfish decision of their own. Do not let them feed you lies about how you owe them merely because you exist. They owe you because they gave you life without you having a choice about it. They brought you up into a screwed up society and each and every day they choose to make it worse. They are the ones responsible for it: not you. But you dear girl can change all of that. And I teach you how.

Please don't be afraid my love. For whether I live or die, all of my work was made to ensure that you will never again be alone. I have covered all of the core topics and after you understand them, your body, mind, and spirit will all become one unity. And the unity of your individuality will evolve by itself and all you have to do is make sure that you keep walking towards the light. And your unity will unite our human nations into one Love. Learn my past work and you will not need any future work to do what I am saying. My future work is only putting icing on the cake. The cake has already been baked and I assure you, it tastes better than any other lifestyle. For you are God's chosen one and you will always be looked after.

There is no rest for me dear girl because I have to provide you with as much equipment for your journey that I have time for. And time is no longer on my side, for each and every day is lived in fear of martyrdom. There are people all around the world who openly admit to me that they want me dead. And I am homeless and have no safe haven. I have even for the most part shown the world where my tent is and anyone with the patience and ability to study my work can track me down and do the deed. And I require supplies which pushes me into a society that wants me dead. I am living the most dangerous life possible. So even though I desire rest, there will be none for me right now. But do not worry about me because I will get my rest in heaven.

And now we get to the core of life and death. And I will teach you the true meaning behind these words. For you must die in order to live. You must face all of the ills of your psychology and embrace them. You must travel through the darkest corners of your mind and that process is very frightening. And you must decipher the evil manifestations of it and learn how to rectify them through redirection towards healthy outcomes. Do not run from your psychology like the rest of the world. It is yours and it is beautiful. Embrace it entirely and learn from your mistakes. Take the good and the bad and make the bad into good. Over time you will see why this is so important and you will think back to this letter and understand how this makes you a creature of eternal existence. But I will not give you spoilers into the most exciting journey of your life.

For literal death is only part of that eternal process. And when you die you are only continuing a beautiful cycle. The spirit in which drives you will never die but only be redistributed back into the eternal process. Do not fear death but embrace it. When your time comes then this will be your peak in life, for your soul is about to return to the stars in the heavens. And you will be cast amongst the sky to form the crown that you are. And it is this existence that is your heights and your time here on Earth is only preparing your soul for the eternal. And there I will be waiting for your essence to come back to its origin: to me. And we will exist together as the beautiful soul that we are within the eternal realm of Love.



With Undying Love,

Wendell Charles NeSmith