Ivory Heart by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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Chapter 20: Mission Statement


January 23, 2013

Divine Tragedy transfigures our modern day world into that of gods, goddesses, heroes, and heroines. The films adapt the original messages to be receptively understood within our current cultural practices. The objective of Divine Tragedy is to pass on living mythology through to current and future generations. When we pass along stories that help us become better human beings, we integrate wisdom into our society. Divine Tragedy is the modern day bard.

Divine Tragedy is an outreach program targeted at fantasy driven children who wish to learn how that fantasy corresponds to their own reality and as a result the nature of all things behind immediate perception. It is designed to teach children how to decipher messages fed to them by media portrayals and assess whether or not those messages are of a positive nature. And when they are competent to be trusted with the sword, they will be gifted with the abilities to cut apart any messages of portrayal and reconstruct them to receptively convey any message that is on their heart in a format that can not be ignored by the public. And when we are asked whether we provided our children the best level of education possible, I will eventually be able to answer your question definitively when long term results speak for themselves. Because the ink that Divine Tragedy provides children is of an everlasting nature. And when you pack their bags to go to school with the pens purchased on sale over spring break, you have answered this question definitively by the results of our current heartless society.

Divine Tragedy is not a business. It exists under no rules or regulations. It does not function to make money. It is not asking anything from you but your heart. It is the life mission of one man attempting to enable himself to do what he loves best, which will ultimately help a lot of people. It is merely two words put together that lead us to the combination of freedom. It can not be taken to court. It can not be disputed. It is Truth revealed through artistic portrayals of actual truths. It is the essence of what it means for each and every one of us to be human. It is now here for you for free to utilise to help you reach the heights that our collective psychology deems impossible. Because your "disturbed" child is likely a genius that until now would have never had the opportunity to learn how to spread their wings and ...



about the project



project objective:

The purpose of this project is to provide education for free to the world and as a result remove ignorance as a legitimate excuse for unhealthy human interaction. All errors in judgement will become a learning process or an intentional defiance against human decency thanks to our vast highway of electronic information.




Players will be required to turn their life into mythology stories while also communicating, interacting, and entangling their stories into other players. Players will be required to learn how to learn, contemplate, visualise, film, produce, upload, and advertise movies either alone or in a team.



preferred skills:

BOTH a HEART and a MIND. Loving, accepting, tolerant, caring, passionate, dynamic, understanding, and wise will all be character traits necessary to play this game well.




Despite my material, it is ill advised for any child to do any of the types of things that I have done throughout these productions. I am giving you a real life show to demonstrate how eccentric behaviour results in alienation. My work is here to help you along in the years that you need me to aid your personal development. My work is merely designed to paint the vision that I have of a future flourishing human society. All messages to our youth are only intended to provoke thought about what is right and what is wrong.

Divine Tragedy is the healthiest MMORPG ever created and is now available for free to all of mankind. It exists only as a model for a new kind of gaming. Divine Tragedy is searching for beta testers.