My philosophical ideas 2 by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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The devil does not exist

The guardian angels

The false god

The true concept of God

The new idols

The essence of happiness

False philosophy

The loneliness of a philosopher

Vanity of sects


Poverty and dignity

Personality of Jesus

A new Christianity

The doubt

The inner sun

The final contact


This book represents the second part of the items shown in my blog (The road to the new era) once gathered a certain amount of them I turned into PDF and get on the Internet so they can be downloaded for free. The truth is that the reason life is obtaining happiness and not getting money, because money can help but does not guarantee it. The main objective of these publications is primarily encourage free dissemination of ideas and encourage readers accustomed to think freely, without submitting to the topics of each era.

This book has been translated from the original Spanish version.