My philosophical ideas 2 by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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Few people know that in fact the flu does not need any medication to cure because it is the immune system itself that heals us, it is nevertheless true that the difference between healing is quick and easy or slow and difficult it can depend on how we treat it. Here I propose some tips that I think are useful. First a measure that I consider advisable not to spend the duration of the illness in bed, because even bother not why we canceled as people, the horizontal position may favor the onset of fever and headache with increasing pressure blood in the brain, also causes an imbalance in sleep rhythms making it more difficult to sleep at night, right is being horizontally alone at night. It is also useful to combat the disease avoid possible cough, infection usually attacks among other body parts throat, but the more you cough more irritated and cough worsens, is only useful cough when phlegm formed in the coughing and breathing tube is then suitable means expel, it is also recommended nose blowing gently to avoid breakage of fine blood vessels that are found in it. Another useful measure is to avoid excessive temperatures in homes, it contributes to increasing fever and also dries the airways, it is also helpful to avoid excessive shelter, especially in the afternoon that is when the fever rises. Another useful measure is to avoid over-medication, as usually is our own immune system that heals us, why rush into taking medications can be a hindrance rather than a solution. Fever in mild form may also be useful, as it increases body temperature causing blood is more fluid, besides inflammation often associated increases the diameter of the veins allowing the arrival of more blood to the infected area and therefore helping more antibodies to fight infection, so it is advisable to use anti-inflammatory only in case of high fever. It is also useful to do some form of exercise during illness, as this apart from strengthening our body stimulates blood circulation.

One of the symptoms that may indicate the onset of flu is the

sense of smell of burning caused by virus activity in the olfactory glands or changes in the way we perceive the flavors.


In fact, many headaches are caused by allergies, so it is necessary to be informed whether you are experiencing one with the aim of preventing allergies to pollen or dust are well known but one that may go unnoticed is allergy moisture, this allergy begins with inhalation of steam, this steam burn the skin overlying the sinuses causing a small infection, in order to promote blood flow and eliminate the infection, the body causes an increase in the size veins that connect the nose to the brain resulting in fever and headache. Nasal symptoms of this infection can be confused with cutting digestion, because the dilated veins in the brain compresses other vessels may cause loss of vision, memory or feeling of paralysis of the left side of the face. Water vapor could also explain some cases of asthma or pneumonia, because being exposed to it in excess could encourage spore or virus attack our lungs.


It is a misconception that children are people without importance, because it is in that part of life when they acquire their personality, even in the stage of babies is important not to forget about them and actively participate in their education, parents should provide their legs catching them children in their arms to show them things, because although they can not walk their vision and memory capacity are widely developed. It is also necessary that parents are best friends and play with them, that it should not be seen as an effort for children give the same care they receive.

The good thing about children is that when they are young have not yet acquired the prejudices that are common in an adult, because there have been prejudices at all times, sometimes result from ignorance, and other manipulation of the facts so interested, the problem is that real few prejudices are sometimes considered

as such at the time in which they have and only later recognized, therefore it is important to analyze things objectively trying to avoid drawing hasty conclusions, i.e. what today it is considered an adult personality is the result of assimilating many wrong but practically forced acceptance by the mass social beliefs.

Adults should learn from children the joy of living, because regardless of how old you are, every day is a new opportunity to be happy, as our body allows us must do whatever we want within our means.

It should also take into account the views of children, because although they have less knowledge than adults does not stop having feelings or they can be right sometimes, for no one for many knowledge you have can know everything besides talking to them and listen to their views is positive in its development.

A child is a person not a cabinet and when it is small has a great desire to learn, but it's as if you were at the bottom of a dark pit in which only light at the end is why adults should help them directed towards the light, giving them the knowledge they lack to be adults.


In all activities of life would be desirable to establish an order to things done more effectively, the order consists of performing the tasks in an hour or so preset is not only a tool to facilitate the smooth running of tasks but it is also good for health as a continuous change of customs hampers farsighted ability of our body, a good practice would be for example sleep seven or eight hours a day and these hours of wakefulness and sleep were the same and the same hours both weekdays and holidays. Another positive measure would not interject holidays in the middle of working days, this would lengthen life and improve health. It is also true that abuse the development of customs can be counterproductive, it is what is called compulsive or hobby activity, this behavior can have two main causes, one is caused by a deterioration of health, and the other occurs as result of nerve pressure and stress. This means that when a methodical and organized person by nature is subjected to great pressure, tends

unconsciously to exaggerate customs in order to leave more free mind and increase your concentration before the possible occurrence of these unforeseen problems that cause stress. While it is true that excess in the planned customs is inadequate, it is also true that perform daily activities in an orderly manner reduces errors, increases concentration on tasks, and can increase the available memory capacity, being automatic, provided many of the usual processes.


Today it is very common that any deviation will end by calling disease, this is because we live in a very competitive society in which no one wants to consider loser, why, it'll hide the vices presenting them as alleged diseases. An example is the increasingly widespread practice of using food as mere entertainment, as a result of obesity, in fact, it appears in developed countries this is already the qualifier epidemic. It is true that there are some people with a genetic predisposition to gain weight, but this predisposition does not require them to eat more than necessary, but acts to increase the feeling of hunger.

Therefore, it is clear that only with dietary control can prevent overweight and vice hide behind the illness is not exactly a very healthy behavior.

Another example is the use of alcohol or drugs often this ends in the development of an addition, but to keep the good name now drunk sick call themselves, however, is an act of hypocrisy appear before all as alleged sick, but at the same time they forget that this addition was the consequence of vice of drinking beyond what the body could bear, but recognize that of course would stain his good name. Society should not make the mistake of collaborating in that vice presenting him as alleged illness disguising, because all additions are the result of a defect developed for a long time and although it is true that this defect causes an addition is also true that the origin of this addition are the bad habits. Moreover, any can be eliminated if the substance is gradually reduced the causes. Society should not make the mistake of covering up the habit, much less accept the existence of mitigating for those who

commit crimes while under the influence of drugs, because the only way to eradicate such behavior is precisely not protecting them when their vices hurt innocent.