My philosophical ideas 2 by Antonio Pinto Renedo - HTML preview

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What is the true definition of the devil? In my opinion is the wrong course of action that leads to suffering. Can you then say that the devil is not a living being? Not necessarily because when a person becomes evil in its raison d'être then it gives life to the devil by himself. When vanity becomes the determining factor in how to be a person at that moment it is like the devil incarnate who lives through it. then it is not about any kind of possession as normally understood, but a psychological issue, it is the consequence of having oriented the wrong side, therefore, the proper way to expel the demon is simply to teach the consequence of their actions to the person who commits sins by teaching or punishment provided.

So what are the exorcisms? In my opinion, the so-called possession as understood in a common way may have several explanations, on the one hand may be the result of the attempt by a spirit of someone dead to return to life trying to steal the body of one who had put contact him through methods like Ouija or similar table. In this case and in order to avoid expulsion spirit intruder represent the role of a supposed demon when questioned respond in line with the preconception that it had Those who perform the exorcism. The so-called ability to speak in tongues would be one of the qualities of mind, but for those who accept life before birth and after death this would not be so strange, just at birth memory spirit is deactivated so as not interfere with the new plane of existence.

It is also possible to confuse mere emotional disorders with alleged possession of an evil spirit, in this case it may be that the person subjected to exorcism is limited to playing the role of an alleged possession in a mental state that would be more correct to define as hypnotic suggestion induced exorcist, no doubt that an organization like the Catholic church full of scandals for their wicked behavior both past and present, find it extremely beneficial to appear before the world as alleged saviors of the

exorcised people, it's like he asked a demon who would save someone from the possession of another. Although it is also true that no one is evil absolutely.

In any case I do not think it ever existed or ever will exist a real possession, if we understand how such a spirit steal the body someone, what if it happens is the attempt by some spirits for stealing the body to those considered most vulnerable however this is impossible by the strong natural link between the spirit and body of all persons therefore only manage to cause emotional disturbances but never steal the body or control you will, for the evil that may have a person It never is induced by a spirit but by his own degeneration.

Perhaps the reason that an evil spirit adheres to a person or because for some reason your body accidental act as a gateway between the other world and this. Because it is well known that sometimes the spirits are served objects or homes as a means to that end. If this is true, most would be nothing that the close connection between a person or rather his body with a spirit that because of that link would be found linked to allegedly possessed person. This evil spirit does not dominate the person, but it would not be easy to avoid that sometimes cause interference to your mood or things that surround it. The existence of that link or door, causes whenever that spirit comes back from beyond this world first is what is the possessed person rather should be defined as more possessed by the spirit door. These spirits are characterized by not being able to take his own death and try to return to the world going backwards instead of progressing in the spiritual world and prepare for a new reincarnation. In a way they could be defined as lost spirits.

I also find it surprising that there are people who believe that you can produce a moral progress is necessary that there are beings dedicated only to do evil, so that people become more cautious.

Do not understand that to err handedly is not necessary since it is enough for that one. Because the truth is that whoever does acts selfishly for their own interest and not help anyone. In addition, serious sad life of these hypothetical superior beings, if they had it all his time to devote to doing evil. I think it's difficult enough evolution with all its faults, so that over beings have to be

dedicated to that purpose pathetic. For this reason it is logical to consider that only makes sense the existence of the devil, as a symbolic character to represent those beings who made the mistake of choosing the wrong fundamental behavior of his life, but without representing a being in itself.

Indeed, the devil or evil that is, is essentially psychological in origin, it could be defined as the conceited behavior when it becomes the main feature of a person or a spirit and only creates problems by giving you a unrealistic view of things. Therefore, the demon must destroy and eliminate him from our minds and society, since who intends dealing with evil weakly, only gives you options grown, with evil can not act with ambiguity must be destroyed completely. It is necessary to defend well as a core of our being, because if it is ambiguous about evil grows and destroys wearer. A sensible person should be good to good people, but also strong with bad, because only the stupid are good with evil people, we must not confuse justice with weakness.

Because self-defense is not only a right but also the pillar on which all social order rests. The truth is that the fate of all beings is directed towards good, because it is the only way to live with our neighbors and thus achieve happiness.

It is also regrettable that there are those who invoke the devil hoping to profit from this, these people do not realize that when they do that only attract to himself spirits of criminals and psychopaths that only they can cause damage, they seek evil to others, and Stupidly it They cause themselves as spiritual laws are not like human laws and those spirits can not act in the world as they wanted. Because when a spirit loses its body also loses its ability to influence the material world, except in very exceptional cases. They naively believe that if you make a pact with spirits their actions may not have consequences, but they have to think that everything in the universe has its action and reaction and if they seek evil for others resorting to the spirit world logically that world also have those they ask them accountable for their actions.


Many people believe that there are higher spirits who accompany us throughout our lives to guide us in our spiritual evolution, I think this belief is mistaken, because I consider it unnecessary for a spirit has to stop living their own lives to deal with another.

However, if it is possible that the spirits of dead people especially our own family join us to help us during the time it takes to become reincarnate. It is also possible that aliens or higher spirits perform functions guidance in exceptional situations. These functions would guide not everyone, because it would only situations in which it would make sense this exclusive dedication to the value that would be for the good of all humanity.


Today, many people saying that denies God does not exist and that if there should intervene in human life, but citizens would be willing to lose their free will in exchange for an order imposed by superior beings? The answer is certainly no. Since in this case would live in a dictatorship, the world needs to reach the truth that makes free through their own free will to them.

But people feel dissatisfied and do not understand that a vitiated atmosphere in which everyone is confronted with all breathe, this occurs because more than miss God there is a false god, i.e. that society has come to worship the false god called Western materialism, proclaiming its defense of democracy but only apparent way as a means to exploit human beings, a false God that considers the mercantilist production as its sole objective, a false god who does not hesitate to sacrifice race , social order or the weather in order to get that purpose. This false God proposes to citizens to accept miscegenation as well when their only effect is to make the working class enslaved by causing the lowering of wages and undermine peaceful coexistence. But most surprising is that the left parties support it moves away from its duty to provide for the good for those who represent, just as happened when those same left parties opposed the abolition of slavery in the United States and worry about those who say workers are at the same time their executioners. I do not intend to praise communism here, because this system is so wrong as above, to

hinder progress and free business activity. The followers of communism also make the mistake of blaming religion for the crimes committed by religious organizations, when they are two very different things. Plus the Communists in their supreme arrogance intended to propose its ideology as an alternative religion, which is surprising for something that destroys everything it touches. But Western materialism is not a solution to prevail commodity production on the division of property, or quality of life, creates a society of trenches within cities to not try to end social precariousness, a society in constant war between citizens themselves, a messy and disjointed society in a social, racial and cultural chaos. These leftist parties say worry about workers but only intended to create a slave society in his day did the Athens yellow that made propaganda democracy while enslaving entire villages, trying to take communion citizens with a social model miscegenation based on destroying the quality of life of the working class they claim to defend. You need to create another social model that punish vagrancy, but to help those who are trying to work and fail to create a society without unemployment, a society that gives more importance to the eradication of poverty than commodity production, a society that return to God and reconsider the moral and decent behavior as its core values. It is necessary that the world rejects this false god of Western materialism that promotes disorder and promiscuity, that false God that denies life after death, it is necessary to a life based on decency and not to consider money as the only goal.


It is regrettable to see how those who know science are believed intended to question the existence of God, it seems that his arrogance would take his place, this is the consequence of living in a society that seems to take into account only a materialistic point of view life, these scientists who deny God's existence and spirit think they know everything, but only study the matter from a superficial view, wonder why the particles behave as they do, but they refuse to acknowledge that these there is life particles are

beings of gray mind that basically lack the courage to recognize anything of a spiritual nature even logic.

These materialistic scientists say that the existence of God is not logical because they say what if God created the world then who created God? They fail to understand that the fact that the classical concept of God can be wrong, does not prevent there may be other true and consistent with a scientific approach. But it is even more foolish to assert that the failure to consider valid the classic definition of God implies that it should be rejected all ethical or religious idea, because religion goes far beyond determining the existence or nonexistence of God, because first of all it is a philosophy that seeks to understand the meaning of the cosmos and what science is not yet able to explain. If these materialistic scientists acknowledge mistakes, it is also logical that recognize the right to defend the existence of a philosophy or religion.

In my opinion, the classic definition of God as a bearded be raised in a cloud is wrong, but over time all cultures have believed in some form of God, because it is the easiest way to define the creative mechanism nature, and it is undeniable that the universe has followed a logical process and coordinated development.

Therefore, the right thing is to define God as the set of immutable laws that govern the universe since its inception and are grounded in the truth. It is not logical then understand God as something that was before the universe, but God is part of the universe, but as an element coordinator him. It could be said that God is part of us, because somehow we are all creators. God actually consists of everything that exists planets, stars, galaxies, people, but its exact definition are grounded in the truth laws governing the cosmos.

When we think of the divine it is in those universal laws that thought. Arguably divine is all that is beautiful and it is well done, it is the best expression of universal perfection.

There are also those who deny the existence of God saying that if there would have to intervene in human directly life or through superior beings to prevent injustice, but if such an occurrence would be nothing more than a dictatorship, the world should be guided by the road right by their own will, not by force, as well as belief is based on seeing God as a person, when it is much more

logical to define it as the universal laws coordinators of this scenario we call world and therefore it is logical that neutral . This does not mean that God does not act, then what we call divine punishment is nothing more than the consequence of forgetting the laws of nature and many of our ills are the result, before blaming God we do an analysis of the reasonableness of our own actions. God does not create the universe as part of it, but it is the element that coordinates because the universe is not created nor destroyed only transformed.

Another example of arrogance by these materialistic scientists is their stubborn determination to deny the possibility of intelligent life beyond Earth, and especially the possibility that life may have visited earth at some point, say the vast distances separating the stars make it impossible, but they as scientists who are should recognize that science which is impossible at a time is routine in the next and although it is true that it is not easy to cross the distances between the stars an advanced civilization would have had thousands of millions of years to reach earth before our present age, to think that such a thing was not able to happen. In addition, there would need to move directly from their planet to us, for those who would come to earth centuries later would be the descendants of the first space travelers after colonize worlds that would separate the original of our planet. At bottom this effort to deny this truth seems more an attempt to prevent rob them center stage, as if in the cosmos could not be anyone wiser than they prefer flattery by pandering to the official truth that criticism derived defend different positions, these materialistic scientists remind their positions with the time when the church called unscientific who said that the earth was not the center of the universe. It is true that in order to affirm the certainty of something must present enough hard evidence, but it is also true that many who are benefiting from these statements because they do not have the courage to recognize when something is logical.


It is pathetic to see how this modern society categorizes old and mediocre because of the wide expanse that idolatry had in

antiquity. In the past it was common in all cultures had many gods and idols with which the company tried to appease his fear of the unknown, today people are believed superior to them claiming to have banished such beliefs, but such is not truth because what difference is there between the ancient gods each related to something other than nature and current dolls representing Christs, virgins and saints? It is that perhaps the fact assert that all these idols are descended from one religion prevents question of a ritual so lacking scientific basis as the ancient idols.

Is not it true that these dolls perhaps virgins and saints fulfill the same function as in the past met idols? For each job a doll or saint who is invoked asking protection and even during processions are taken out for a walk as if they were people used. These savage customs, are just another form of polytheism concealed under the umbrella of the Catholic church that tolerates it in order to get the loyalty of followers, but such a practice violates even the very essence of the Christian religion as can be seen in this biblical quote.

Not tremble in fear

when they see signs in the sky,

as do other nations.

Religious customs of these people

They have no value.

They go to the forest, cut a tree,

and a craftsman is giving it shape.

Others adorned with gold and silver,

they fasten it with nails and hammer

so you will not fall.

These idols can not speak;

¡They seem scarecrow

in a field strewn with melons!

They have to take

because they can not walk,

so do not worship;

can not help them

nor can hurt them. (Jeremiah 10)

But the Catholic Church tells us that their idols are valid for being of the same religion, but such a statement is false because his only intention is to exalt itself by the rise of religious characters and control the free will of citizens. Because the more religious characters are converted into idols more will be idolized the church itself and therefore greater will be the manipulation of humanity, the aim sought by the church is declared itself infallible and get absolute power on earth through the total control of the human mind. Humanity should follow the example of England, as it was an insignificant nation until he decided to throw off the yoke that represented the Roman church and from there when he became a great nation and a model for all others.

I do not mean that in the world do not exist or have existed people who can be attributed the epithet of righteous or holy, but if you want to find the last place where they should be looking for is precisely religious organizations because they are much more interested in their own profit and inflator lies the popularity of its members in solving the problems of humanity.

Man must seek his own self and reject those tyrants who stand between him and God just for the sake of power, because there is no greater divine value the truth and the truth that we must worship and not people these idols represented in plastic. Is abominable create idols representing religious characters, because people are just one more piece of evolution and therefore are exposed to mistakes. It is true that over time many people have contributed to the progress of humanity with their philosophical ideas, but unless proven otherwise these people are men and not gods, and only when it is realized that the truly divine is ideas and not people humanity will truly advance.

Another example of idolatry is when confused with Christ Jesus, because Jesus was a man who could make mistakes like everyone else, therefore it is logical and necessary to try to improve their teaching. Christ instead he is not a person but a symbol that represents those who are messengers of God, i.e. that "messengers of God" can understand that are those who discover scientific truths and transmit to mankind. That means any man by virtue of its proximity to the truth can come to personify the symbolic figure of Christ, but we must not forget that the divine is ideas,

not people, because people are imperfect, so it is absurd to idolize Jesus as if those divine truths that were discovered could have their exclusive property, because before him there were also others who were leading the way.

Primitive men were ignorant and were afraid of the unknown, so creating false idols or simple rituals like baptism to show a physical attachment to that which requires a spiritual commitment, but an evolved man must reject all those symbols which only represent appearances and the facts demonstrate their conversion to the good. The man of the past were baptized with his body, but the man of the future will baptize you with your soul.


It could be said that happiness is determined by two dimensions that could be defined as crystalline and solar, solar dimension is what governs the pleasure you get with power and wealth, or provided by technology and arguably is represented by red color, crystal dimension is controlling the pleasure derived from simple things, intelligence and common sense, and is represented by white color. Happiness is the consequence of getting the balance between the two dimensions and can only be achieved in its maximum degree if their rules are respected, for it may be the case that a person is immensely rich and yet unhappy, and another is poor but happy , money can help achieve happiness but it is not decisive. To be happy, respect the rules of the crystal dimension is essential, for this reason it is essential to live with decency and honesty. This bipolar feature that has happiness is not exclusive to it, as in the universe most things they do, and is derived from the division of the cosmos in the positive and negative poles, which is the source for example of the sexes or the magnetic poles. Those who do not respect these rules of nature become despots and that makes it harder to feel satisfaction with what they do, as if his soul covered a crust that prevents them from seeing the light, these brutish souls tend to find more money than would normally require because they are unable to feel happy and believe that only with greater wealth they can get, so this kind of people occur

more often in positions of importance of what should reciprocate.

However his belief that the money will give them happiness is wrong, because only when you rebalance your soul will find peace sought only when removed despotism of it and value before the dignity that money feel happiness again and his soul will free.


Is truly beautiful get carried away by the imagination or immerse yourself in extensive philosophical investigations, through meditation one can travel through time and space and discover those things that only carefully can be understood, but it is important to always remain calm and not be swayed easily by the statements of writers and religious leaders for much prophets or contacted proclaim themselves, because in many cases this is nothing more than a strategy of mental manipulation, which it is trying to make us lose our free will so that we submit to their wishes and opinions in this regard the official traditionally skeptical science has at least positive that analyzes things in perspective, although it lacks sufficient capacity to recognize the extraordinary when this happens. Sometimes skepticism is nothing more than an excuse to hide the lack of courage to admit the obvious.

I do not exclude the possibility that in the past philosophers or prophets may have come in contact with superior beings or aliens who have transmitted them to his teachings, but neither have to accept the arguments of anyone who claims to have had such contacts, without existing evidence regard conclusive. The truth is that when in doubt most likely truth is usually but not always.

In fact, the universe is full of wonders and amazing things, but we must not accept the arguments of those who seek to monopolize the truth for their own benefit, nor the attitude of those who deny everything just because they can not control.

Actually philosophy and religion are sciences whose mission is the moral development of mankind, therefore consider whether the religious foundations have a divine or human origin is secondary, the important thing is to extract the useful values of all ideas in order to create a religion based on truth. For the truly

divine is ideas, not people, because the real ideas are those that advance humanity.


Actually a philosopher does not tend to seek solitude that is this a goal in itself, is away from others because they do not understand their concerns, the philosopher really what you want is to discover better then able to share world is not its aim being alone, because nobody could want such a thing, loneliness is therefore the instrument to concentrate and see the future world uniting science and meditation, these findings most non can understand, because of ignorance and difficulties of the life. Not being loneliness an end but a means, not be ruled out that a philosopher share your life with a family or have a certain social relationship, because life can fit many things and different stages. If we consider that the purpose of philosophy is to improve the quality of life of people, then neither is that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the philosopher his findings apply to himself, living the ideal life you wish for others, life does not have to be only meditation is also correct to perform what one has dreamed of.


The truly unfortunate destructive cults is that they believe their followers who are better than others just because they belong to them, inflates his ego so that vanity becomes the main obstacle to leave because of considering such of course it would be traumatic to recognize that not only is not better than others, but also has been stupid enough to think that it is better just for the sake of serving the sect without ever having bothered to prove the veracity of the principles set by the leader, i.e. following the sect just because it does nothing to flatter you, but with the sole purpose to use them. At the end the Adept ends up giving more importance to believe better than others having memorized his

postulates that question the meaning of these, and is not that these assumptions may not be true in part because the most dangerous in these organizations They are not his ideas but the desire of the leader to be considered as an unquestionable being. These people are characterized by a desire for unlimited power, because they actually have the mentality of a dictator or a tyrant, the worst is when they put themselves the epithet infallible in order to deny others the right to use his ability to reason.

Many people ask but then what is the difference between a religion and a destructive cult? It is true that many widespread religious organizations such as Catholicism use their own methods of destructive sects, because like they demand absolute obedience and deny their followers the right to dissent, exalt their religious characters describing them as saints or divine only hinder an objective and scientific analysis of them, and so have absolute control over their minds, abducting their freedom of thought. For this reason it is important to separate the concept of religion of religious organization, as a religion is a set of philosophical ideas that are part of the culture gathered through the centuries, however a religious organization only seeks to use religion as an instrument for wrest power from governments and impose a dictatorship. Not that the concept of divine can not have a logical basis, but divine should be considered only the good ideas, because God is really all that is well done, but it is not correct to apply it to people because they can make mistakes. The ideal religion is one that considers freedom of thought as one of its fundamental principles, without accepting as infallible any of its principles or founders and has as its ultimate objective to achieve a just and based on truth society, there is nothing wrong in which the company has a religion, rather the contrary a society can not be considered evolved without at the same moral, the important thing is to reject those who try to serve religion to gain power as a dictator, trying to tell others what is right and what is not, as if truth be alone in them, so religious organizations must disappear to give rise to a world based on peace and freedom.

This does not mean that the universe can be no absolute truths, what is that all citizens have the right to speak freely about it.

Therefore, we can say that religion is a philosophy of life that

seeks to understand the essence of the universe, but instead religious organizations are parasitic structures of religion, trying to use it to gain world power.

There are also those who adhere to sects for lack of affection, that is what really seeking is a group of friends to replace the family who have not, in this case leave the sect would the problem of losing those friendships, as is common in destructive cults induce their followers to reject those who do not belong to them, in order to hinder their march and keep them more controlled. The problem of these sects is that in the end everything is subordinated to the leader and determines they should believe and what not, the measure of truth is what determines the leader becoming the sect into a real mind dictatorship, it is therefore important not relate to any organization that limits freedom of thought, you can always find friends or philosophical orientation without having to rely on such organizations. It is also pathetic to see how some political parties coalesce with religious organizations to increase their power, these parties give these organizations power and money and in return they give them the excuse to hide their crimes, but they are not better people for opposing these organizations attack religion, because confuse one thing with another, because every society needs a code of moral to live values, which do not need are some organizations that use religion as an excuse to exercise mind control over citizens.


It is regrettable that in this world there are so many impostors, such as in the case of those who write about ufology, did not have the courage to recognize when a statement is a fact and when it is the product of his imagination? Because of him the true facts are considered false and false true, just what suits who try to hide the truth, these scoundrels accused officers scientists from simple in its conclusions, but at least these scientists do not deceive people as they do, these individuals only seek profit using lies to get it, it would be more honest if they were limited to writing science fiction novels rather than deceive people, these individuals do not

have dignity and therefore citizens should show their deepest rejection.

But unfortunately we live in a miserable society of miserly time, a society in which the law does not pursue criminals but pursues payroll, an offender can be tried for robbery with threats and yet be released after the trial without punishment just for being insolvent, while at the same time other citizen to be convicted huge fines irrelevant things just to have a payroll. This is a supreme act of negligence on the part of those who made the law by showing interest in the mere collection and breaching its duty to do justice.

Gives the impression that the world had implemented the law of every man for himself and everything had become a circus of impostors including politicians and the media and all for the profit motive, creating sensational news largely false part service in many cases willing parties to manipulate the electorate exaggerating the crimes of the opposition while hiding their own.

But the biggest deception is say that we live in a democracy when it is nothing more than a nest of vipers vying for control over public budgets, therefore it is a democracy it is logical to consider an anarchy in which the slogan for politicians is to stand profile and make as if they were not, in order to get the most of public money while in power.

They are also despised those materialistic scientists who deny the existence of anything that can not measure or weigh, because in his supreme arrogance science possessively arise, like a property, they do not accept that the world might be happening events beyond its control.


There are two kinds of poverty in the world, one is caused by the lack of the necessary means to have an acceptable life quality material and the other is the consequence of the lack of dignity, one requires financial resources to resolve and the other It requires a sensible behavior. It is common among the rich mock the poor stating that poverty is always their fault and that such a situation can never happen to them, but this claim besides being

selfish is deeply hypocritical, because it can be fortunate economically without But being poor in dignity.

Those politicians who pretend to say that all criminals are equal, it is not the same one who breaks the law of necessity, whoever commits crimes arrogance and evil are also negligible. But these rascals political friends of offenders set ridiculous caps on convictions regardless of the seriousness of the crimes in order to get them acquitted as soon as possible, in the case of detention, but they have no qualms about allowing with these absurd laws also remain in freedom murderers sentenced to thousands of years after completing an insignificant part of their sentences without having repented. These rogue politicians emerged from these false democracies would have us believe that they are generous when in fact what they do is betray society with the sole purpose of enriching themselves, citizens should realize that genuine democracy will only exist when laws can be chosen directly rather than cede power to those impostors who call themselves Democrats.


From the moment the Catholic Church grew worried about giving an image of Jesus too deified with frivolous intention to avoid any questioning of his ideas or his person, or rather of the ideas that the church determined that it had to be attributed Jesus. This was because they wanted to have absolute control over citizens and for that the best way was I flatter him to the unlimited and thus flatter itself, as the self-proclaimed successor he intended considered the right to decide about the divine and on the human, denying citizens full freedom of thought. It is therefore necessary to fairly and impartially analyze the personality of Jesus out of dogmatism and ideas imposed.

First let me say that it is no disgrace for a man to recognize in him virtues and flaws and wrongs nor is it a mistake to think that Jesus could have. Jesus was primarily a philosopher and ideologist and only for it and deserves respect because he tried in their own way contribute to the moral progress of society, is more or less his success.

Some say that Jesus belonged to the sect of the Essenes, or that Christianity is an evolution of Zoroastrianism, there are also those who say that Jesus related the loss of moral values with Roman rule, and therefore considered that the return to a more moral life would bring them freedom. Such hypotheses are possible, but keep in mind that the progress of religions is the result of adding ideas, which is nothing unworthy, Jesus as the rest of men may have their successes, but also have the right to be wrong but undoubtedly his greatest legacy was to instill in citizens that progress is not only achieved through technological development, it is also necessary moral development, and all evolved and civilized society needs a code of conduct solid to be possible coexistence and progress.

In my opinion Jesus did in this regard a successful appeal in defense of peace and justice as essential to seek the welfare of humanity beginning. To understand Jesus is necessary to recognize that no miracles, for his only miracle was getting his teachings reach every corner of the earth to try to make the world had a greater moral training.

As for the hypothesis of whether Jesus could be driven higher or extraterrestrial beings, such a thing does not seem impossible, given the vast number of planets and stars that populate our galaxy, but I think of giving would indirectly as in my opinion any higher than our civilization considered an essential rule of conduct be willing to help a primitive world, but without this aid constitutes direct interference in the development of its history.

So although this moral aid was produced it is reasonable to think that the content of religious books like the Bible was mostly the product of human beings and not superior beings, as some would have us believe.

I also look vulgar who speculate about whether Jesus had children or not, reviewing if they have some kind of inheritance law on an alleged kingdom that never existed, because we must not forget that Jesus was primarily a philosopher or prophet but not a king and whether he had children and if not ridiculous to speculate on the fact that they had some sort of right about his legacy.

It is no disgrace to recognize Jesus as the rest of the people committed successes and failures, but it is also fair to

acknowledge that it was an exceptional man, because throughout history there have been many who have contributed to the progress of mankind, whether in the philosophical field and technical and that does not mean they are considered as divine beings. An evolutionary thought is that it sees as divine only to good ideas but not people, because they can make mistakes, you are divine so true that those ideas are in line with the laws governing the cosmos. Jesus was a man who fought for delving into the consciousness of society to improve it, tried to spread the doctrine of good and discover the spiritual to the world values, that in itself is something great without having to resort to elevate him, by so it is only right to recognize the contribution of Jesus to the progress of ideas, but without obsessing about his divine or human nature.

After his death many of the things that were said about him were inventions, as even his exact date of birth was known, partly with the well-intentioned favor the expansion of the doctrines he had taught and purpose for which he had given his life, but also in order to use it as a tool for power with illegal and selfish ends, as happened later with the Catholic church, for it is wrong they blame Jesus for the acts of those who call themselves successors of him , the right thing is to judge each by their own actions.

As regards miracles, I do not think those attributed to Jesus are true, but we must not forget that we live in a miraculous world, because from a certain point of view the fact that the sun rises every day also some of it, or the discovery of aviation sure who saw flying for the first time an object built by man would say it's a miracle, or the arrival of the first man on the moon, we live in a universe that makes miracles, if for this we mean something surprising facts that appear to violate the laws of nature known so far. However it is also fair to say that almost everything that relates to the alleged miracles performed by Jesus or that said occurred during his life can be seen as mere inventions. Actually Christianity was not a major religion until several centuries after his death and because of the limited accuracy of the information to be had on their lives and the vested interests around almost all of it was invented, stories like those related to how Jesus was born, the star of Bethlehem, the magi, all this simply was aimed

on the one hand promote the expansion of their ideas, but also serve as an instrument to impose hegemonic power by the Catholic church. But most vile part of this was to equate Jesus with God, all with the sole intention to equate itself with him by declaring infallible pope, and thus subject the world to the most vile religious dictatorship, this is a way what happened during the Middle Ages.

A man must value evolved religious figures for the value of his teachings and not by the miracles that will be associated. The fact that Jesus did not do miracles does not mean that it was not right in his ideas. I think it's fair to recognize the value of Jesus as a precursor of human progress, but it is also correct to recognize in him a man who like others had their successes but also their mistakes. Divine so are those things that are well done and consistent with universal laws, it is true that those who discover these truths do something big, but that does not mean that their ideas can not be improved.

The truth is that reliable data we have today about Jesus are very few so any hypothesis about it can be considered definitive, so the desire of the Catholic Church to bridge the discussion of how Jesus was or how was your life, it remains questionable.

One possible explanation of why Jesus began to preach might be because it belonged or saw influenced by the ideas of the Essenes, why those who claim that Jesus was a Jew more be wrong, considering that in those days as in the today religions had many different variations and perhaps Jesus tried to present their own ideas. This hypothesis could also support the belief that Jesus spent some time in the desert, as the Essenes like him were alienated from society for some years. Among the Essenes was common to teach the use of medicinal plants for healing purposes, this might be confused or give rise to the myth of their ability to perform miracles. The wearing of long hair also favors this hypothesis because among the Hebrews was an unequivocal way of knowing when someone was trying to convey their religious dedication and was by so-called Nazarene consisting among other things, left the long hair, so when Jesus decided to start preaching might decide to wear long hair even without being a Nazarene, as a way to let people know nothing else to see which was the reason

for his preaching. What seems pretty clear is that the apostles made the decision to exaggerate the facts of the life of Jesus to see that the simple predicament was not enough to spread their message, from a certain point of view can be called lying, but maybe for them it was the only way to extract a profit to the sacrifice made by his teacher. Therefore, it is wrong to stop and think about whether Jesus was divine or human, because it is no disgrace for a man to recognize that it is, many men have done great things in history without it being necessary to attribute the adjective divine, therefore, be considered divine only true ideas, not people, much as the church tries to make us believe otherwise in order to limit our ability to reason. One way of thinking evolved, is one that values the facts and ideas freely and therefore accepts what he considers true, and rejects what is considered wrong, without accepting any limitations to discuss anything, because in order to evolve is must be willing to accept that an idea can be wrong or outdated, so from that point to improve it. It is therefore a serious mistake mystify the religious characters, because they are the more idolize further away who does it in a rational and scientific thought and that is precisely what they look for those who use the myth in order to hinder the free will of society. Because of the dogmas society is immersed in great difficulties to progress in the religious field, everything would be easier if religious organizations were opened to what each citizen could bring them to their progress in the ideological field, therefore it just would to accept that the founders of their religions however respectable they were his ideas were only men and unless proven otherwise their ideas can and should be improved, as with the rest of men.


The world of the future will need a new religion based on truth and freedom of thought and not the dogma imposed by religious organizations, a religion that combines philosophy and science, with justice and coexistence as its fundamental principles, religion can be static, it must evolve as the other sciences, elevate religious characters is just an obstacle to progress, it is necessary

that everyone can participate in its development for the sake of humanity. Throughout history religious organizations have been limited to use these characters with the sole purpose of obtaining power and money, and no one question his ideas imposed on citizens the belief that religion is something immutable and its founders infallible, such false claims in addition to constitute a serious attack on freedom of thought because they did not hesitate to hunt down and kill those who disagreed with them. Such behavior was not only an act against human rights, but that was precisely the opposite of what many preach, that is an evil act more in line with Satan that Christian philosophy. Only those religious leaders use religion for their own benefit forgetting why it was created, why it is wrong to blame the precursors of religions of the crimes of those who claim to represent them, as they are impostors. It is fair to give credit to religious figures like Jesus or Buddha, because they made a great effort in the defense of peace and coexistence, as well as contributing to the progress of humanity in the field of philosophy, but it is also fair to recognize that were men like others, certainly exceptional for their intelligence and intuition, but not divine, for divine are only those things that are in line with certain universal truths, however people can make mistakes. But religious organizations only seek power and thus the unlimited they idolized to these characters in order to exalt themselves and the world impose a religious dictatorship, which is hypocrisy to call themselves infallible, as does the pope of Rome. The essence of Christianity is looking good and not power as they do, the ideal religion is one that is not dependent on any religious organization, but is organized by the state and parents' associations in schools, it is also important to remember that the fact that religious organizations have decried religion does not mean that it has no sense, because it is rather the opposite, it is not possible to create a world it evolved if at the same time is not deeply moral. In my opinion, the religion of the future will be that collect the successes of all religions, such as the defense of humanism and eternal life advocated in Christianity or the existence of reincarnation proposed in Buddhism, mental dictatorship that seeks to impose religious dogma is only an obstacle to the progress of philosophy and why such

organizations should disappear, the world needs is a religion not a religious organization, the aim of these is to get the power competing with governments. The world of the future will be no different to have a higher technological level, either by having more energy will be different by having a strong code of values that consider truth and justice as its fundamental principles.


In my opinion, one of the characteristics of the man of the future will be its ability to doubt everything, because only through the ability to doubt progress is possible, I intend to say by this that in the universe there are no absolute truths, but man in its limited possibilities, is very difficult to be sure what those truths are, they can be expected, but eventually some of those convictions are modified in whole or in part by new scientific discoveries. It is necessary to doubt, especially in a society like today, where the lie so constant part of their daily activities, as with so many politicians and media using lies or half-truths to gain control over citizens is essential to maintain doubt about what they tell us. It is good to have principles and convictions, but also need not obsess with them and accept that you can be wrong, without this course is very difficult to be prepared to adapt to progress.

Doubt must be above any myth belief or religion, it is common to find those who claim to have the absolute right using as evidence facts written in the past for alleged divine beings, but how do we know that such writings truly belong to a being higher? And how can we even be certain whether such a statement writings have not been modified or misunderstanding by the person who wrote it? Only a fool waived his right to doubt and folds to the interpretations of others without further analysis of things, because very divine that we find the ideas written in religious books that is no reason to give up our own judgment and our ability to doubt, especially when the amount of interest created by many imposters who intermediaries between God and men believe is evident. Not that there are no absolute truths how hard is knowing what, so the question has to be an essential tool in any developed society. Religious leaders resort to the argument of

faith in order to control the minds of his followers, but this is nothing more than a mental maneuver to deprive the right to think freely, faith must never be an argument for losing freedom of thought in favor of those impostors.

Another example of how the question is being replaced by dogma are destructive cults, one of its main features is the arrogance with which raised its postulates, i.e. for its adherents their beliefs are considered certain facts while beliefs the others are treated as simple hypotheses, all because they intend to use their supposed knowledge as a kind of a weapon with which to be above others, i.e. knowledge as an instrument of power arise, which they hope others submit to their claims, as if knowledge outside their property, rather than simply something enriching, this is certainly one of the most vile ways in which you can raise the acquisition of knowledge, deny to himself doubt that they require others because they are imbued with vanity. The truth is that these impostors religion do not care and only used it in order to gain power.

Only doubt allows us to be mentally free, therefore those who would have us believe that their beliefs are true without any room for doubt, what they show is their own mediocrity and give us a clear reason to distance ourselves from them.


Actually every man is part of God, every man has a creative capacity and every man has a spirit that possesses eternal life, yet over cosmic life we must live many lives where it is necessary to forget to be able to regenerate.

Therefore, it is necessary that every man develop his creative ability beginning to doubt false truths greedy trying to impose.

Because in reality God is nothing but the sum of all beings in the universe and the natural laws that govern, laws emanating from the universal truths that are out of time and that form the essence of the universe. The process of evolution of living beings leads indissolubly to understand this truth and from that moment he begins to doubt the lies around you and then your soul is free for the first time, because only when you understand that we are all

part of God really begins to understand that our future depends on our own efforts and only then man is able to get rid of these parasites that rob us of our mental freedom proclaiming himself God's spokesmen. It is therefore necessary to develop that inner sun, the capacity of initiative and seek the truth for yourself, since then the man will be free and the world will have peace.


It is surprising to see so many scientists claiming find intelligent life in space and discover that they are the same scientists who deny that life may already be present on earth. Do you not understand that our planet certainly takes many centuries being visited by extraterrestrial civilizations? Especially if we consider that our galaxy has existed for fifteen billion years ago. It is true that the distances between stars are great, but it is also true that these extraterrestrial civilizations have had millions of years to reach us by creating colonies in the space between their home planet and ours. But materialistic people always denied such a possibility, because they are not willing to accept anything they can not understand or control. The world has achieved great development in technological terms, but it remains to achieve the same level on the moral plane. I believe these higher beings have been carrying out work to guide us and this final contact will not occur until the world reaches its same intellectual level and stop considering the aliens as a fitted beings of a high technological level but same ugly, stupid or evil time, because whoever thinks so what it does is act arrogantly refusing to accept that these things can be better than them. It is necessary that the world is made a self-criticism and overcomes prejudice and ignorance that prevents him from becoming part of the evolved worlds of space.

But it is even more regrettable to see how Earth governments strive to hide who are unable to stop these flying saucers that fly over every day their skies with impunity without being able to do anything about it. I also find it surprising that someone might believe that these governments possess broken dishes or its crew.

But, how can you be someone who believes beings with an advantage of thousands of years allow this possible? Unless they

do so deliberately, which seems highly unlikely, in my opinion, those who say this are nothing more than charlatans desire to create sensational stories that make money. But the governments of Earth are not interested deny, for his prestige increases and serves to gain time while finding a way to stop them. Meanwhile our elder brothers continue flying over our skies with bright ships intentional in order to see them and become familiar with them until the time of the final contact possible.