Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Nature of Life

This universe we live in has no empty space. It is filled with substances man cannot detect, filled with universes invisible and unperceivable by human.

The physicist’s community is faced with a number of unresolved mysteries. One of them refers to the amount of matter present in our universe. These people are perplexed about the amount of matter that they can account for. According to their researches, the known matter of our universe represents probably only 4 to 7% of the matter required to explain the cosmic movement as they perceive it. More substance driven by similar rules and forces are needed to explain the actual situation. Hence, according to the previously expressed discoveries, our universe is composed of an additional 93 to 96% of dark matter and energy. Dark meaning that it does neither emit nor reflect light. This insensitivity to light means that we cannot see or even detect it. It also probably means that it doesn’t interfere at all with the matter we are composed of. It is there, all around us, yet, above a suspicion, we have absolutely no knowledge of its being.

Does it mean that there is a possibility that our universe has in store a power that is greater than light? An omnipresence that is as elusive to us as God? A universe of life out and above our little world? I personally have no doubt about such a grandiose achievement of the creator and master of this extraordinary creation we are part of.

Man moves in this hidden world undisturbed by its presence the same way he moves through the atmosphere or swims in water; by taking the element for granted and stable. Yet the whole universe is alive, interactive, and evolutionary. All lives, big and small, regardless of their different nature, are part of a very complex organization. Everything is a component of another creation as well as its product. Think of suppressing an element and imagine the consequences. The whole creation is just like a line of dominos. One doesn’t fall alone.

At every moment of eternity, creations come to life while others terminate their being. A human's life is spent amid a continuous and uninterrupted torrent of life- death evolution. Everything around is a dynamic turmoil of this life-death activity One could legitimately retain the impression that the entire energy of the Universe has been created at the original instant of existence and has not been altered since. What he perceives being solely a gigantic activity of transformation. Every new creation deriving its energy from the death of another; one distinct block of energy transferring its components to associate with a new one that still has a future to evolve in. The notion constituting an additional evidence that 'nothing is created anymore and nothing is lost forever; a rather widely spread idea indeed.

Life is a never-ending evolution, an uninterrupted process of renewal that never quite replicates itself. You are unique, every particle used in the formation of your organic body is unique and has no perfectly identical twin. All particles composing this world are active and animated. The tiniest particle is as important to the whole as the largest organization. The notion of importance, or size, is totally irrelevant in the universe.

The Universe – the assemblage of all universes whatever their forms and composition – is teeming with life. Universe is life only and has no other meaning or purpose. There is no such thing as a passive of fixed part of creation, system or organization. The Universe we live in is a giant living creature.

Life is energy and energy is life - it is one and the same thing. The modern medical definition of death refers to electrical activity in a body. When an ECG (electrocardiogram) reports no electrical heart activity and the EEG (electroencephalogram) does report the same for the brain, the patient is formally declared dead. However, to me, there is more; much more. The body has terminated his life as a human but its components are not inert forever. They will eventually free themselves from their current association and pursue their mission as part of another creation. Life borrows other form and uses different conduits and paths, but it carries on.

Each human being is a component of the universe he lives in, very much like a drop of water is part of a river or a lake or an ocean. Each drop of water travels the full circle of existence: solid to liquid to vapor; in and out; up and down; becoming ice and dissolving; becoming water and disintegrating; changing form and beginning new existences. A drop of water has an immense role to play in the existence of all other components and similarly, so has man for The Architect of the universe has made no useless or extra building blocks and none is missing. The complex machine is perfect and fulfils its purpose without a single glitch.

A human being can be dissected into billions of cells, each formed of billions of particles. This break down into ever-tinier forms of existence is infinite, and retracts to a point that human comprehension cannot reach. The same principle applies outward to larger and larger systems that have no finite dimensions. What we perceive as birth and death or beginning and end is a human concept. At the level of Universe, there exists only a continuum where existence has been and will continue forever. The ultimate gigantic entity comprises everything and is everything. It knows no frontier, inward or outward. It knows no boundaries and has an unlimited number of dimensions. It takes all forms, all shapes, or no forms at all. It is God for those who see it as such. It is ‘the supreme intelligence’ to others. It is anything as it is everything including you and me.

Evolution is a constant replicating process that gives birth to new creations that differentiate themselves from their predecessors. No two men have been created exactly the same, no two drops of water are absolutely identical, no snowflake has a perfectly identical twin. Our scientists are set on a course of tests to identify more and more differences in particles; their task will see no end.

Mankind has unscrambled and inventoried the human genome, which is all very well, but that’s not the end of the story. The process will continue for as long as men will live. Each bit of information already deciphered can be dissected into another sequence of information that would take us to another one, and to another one. Completing the task is not a possibility, simply because there is no such thing as a definite, fixed process of existence.

Every creation of this universe is in an ever-changing state of evolution. After we'll have been promoted way upward in the hierarchy of the Universe, we will one day understand the system we are part of. That moment is no doubt very far and many existences away. The moment will come however when the experience acquired will allow the intelligence that is now experimenting through this body to take its turn at the summit of the pyramid that governs the Universe. That event will be our moment of glory, the ultimate paradise amid all our existences. We will then exist in a perpetual state of perfect spiritual bliss and wisdom. As seen from a human perspective, there will have been no commencement and there will be no end to the process, because the potential for evolution knows no such limitations. Make no mistake however; no creation will ever rule the Universe, all by itself, as an independent entity When our turn comes, our spirit will be reunited and integrated to the being and intelligence that is everything. We will be back where we come from, where we all belong. We will be back where we will have always been without being conscious of such existence.

If these notions seem shocking to you, think for a while that, according to physicists, at the moment of the big bang, our universe was of the size of a football. And, though under another form, we were all existing and evolving there in.