Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Who or what Is God

For the vast majority of people, God represents an intelligent entity governing all existences. The reality is: God is the collective intelligence and power of the whole creation. I'm a part of it and so are you, as is each other component of the Universe. "God" manifests itself through all actors being part of this wonderful theater play that is the creation. It is futile to believe that the Universe is only composed of the elements that modern science can identify. Such presumption by scientists is preposterous.

Do not look for God as an independent entity enjoying the power of ruling all the components of the Creation. There exists no such Master of the Universe more than there is a drop of water that governs an ocean. All power of such nature is collective and the use of the word "God" is only a convenient way of addressing the unified power.

From a human perspective, one can picture God as his parents living far away, while he is attending a college in a foreign country. God is family; God is home; where we will return after our studies on planet Earth will be completed. We will, in the future, ‘fly’ back home and be united again with this family that is ours; in this other dimension of the universe that exists in the very same place and at the very same moment we are in now. To a human being, it will look like a rising of the curtain on an extension of the Universe that had been hidden to him for the time of his excursion in humanity.

What we know of God we know from our sojourn in this school. To prevent a premature return home, our parents has temporarily erased from our memory the address of our celestial place.

God is everything. God is the whole Creation. God is the sum of all energy and intelligence gathered in the universe. We are God ourselves in the way that we are in the family. God, acting as parents, takes charge of our formation and education.

God is the supreme intelligence, maker and ruler of this universe. His wisdom is the ultimate wisdom. His power is the ultimate power. We are part of it yet we must submit to this collective will, intelligence, and power. We are all members of the ruling family but we must still learn to apply the wisdom that normally associates with power and the way to yield it. Let’s compare us to young members of a wealthy family to whom the parents are teaching the art of managing their share of the family’s fortune.

The whole concept of you and me as God is better illustrated with the following analogy. According to neurologists, the human brain integrates from twenty to one hundred billions (100 000 000 000) of neurons; hundreds of trillions of synapses; and is completed with an incommensurable number of other components. Each and every one of these components being itself composed of particles that are too numerous and varied to be measured and inventoried. The whole organization forms an intelligent creation that is a human brain. An interesting feature of the creation lies in the fact that no separate component is acting as ‘king of the hill’. No neuron or isolated group of the same is acting as the supreme leader of the entity. The human’s brain operates under the joint control of the collectivity of its components. One can then safely conclude that each component is brain. Each neuron is brain though none holds the ultimate power The same pattern is valid for God. As I see it, God (call him the supreme power or whatever suits you) is the collective intelligence and power of the Universe. There is not, in the Universe, an independent entity that created ‘the world’ and there is no such thing as an independent leader. God must be seen and is ‘the assemblage of all components of Universe’. Hence, you’re God and I’m God in the way that we are all active components of Universe, the same way as a neuron in my head is brain itself. If someone attacks anyone of my neurons, it’s my whole brain that is under attack. I jealously guard and protect them all the same way as I guard and protect my wife and children. I consider anyone of them as very precious, and I would not let go of even one that is sane and efficient. I’m adamantly convinced that it’s the same with humans. I cannot accept that The Creator, which I am part of, has made an error in creating one or another and I’m also absolutely confident that he highly values each and every piece of his collection, whatever it represents.

Man, guided and represented by his permanent, evolutional, and independent spirit, has participated to the creation of The Universe and, under this form, it is eternal. Nothing is created anymore and, everything is evolution and continuity as it has always been.

Another interesting facet of the concept lies in the fact that each existing components is as essential to the whole as any other. Any of my fellow men is just as important and necessary as I am and none of us is in excess, or a spare. Our overall importance to the collective God we form is the same for anyone of us; hence as a human, your value is absolutely identical to mine and any other individual. Nobody is superior to you and nobody is less valuable. This venture on Earth we are experimenting, we must live it jointly with our fellowmen, the whole humanity forming one united team.

I will use yet another analogy to describe God. Let’s revisit water. Under certain conditions, water form and circulate in the form of drops. However, these drops, when they accumulate, lose such form to integrate and totally fuse with all others to form a plan made of a uniform liquid. Oceans are formed out of water that come and go. In a way, its components are not always the same.

Notwithstanding such characteristic, it remains organized and extremely powerful. Yet, no one drop of water is more important than one another.

The relation between man and God looks very much like a drop of water vis-à-vis a formidable ocean. Seen as an independent entity, man is like a drop of water and represents very little; but man as an integral part of the Creation is part of The Supreme Power. Man is then as much God as a drop of water is the ocean; there is no separation any more. There exists only the Supreme Intelligence and The Supreme Power. In an ocean of water, there is no such entity as a superior drop of water presiding to the destiny the ocean. `The ocean is one and acts as one. The same principle applies to the Universe. Man is an integral part of God. Man is God.

To the group of particles forming the cells that are forming your organism, man is God. Man is their God. Religious people do pray the God they believe in for help, protection, and rewards. How come they are so concerned with their own well- being that they do not realize that each of their components, regardless of its form or size, feels the same way towards him? These parts of you pray you, yet you remain deaf to their supplications. Man, as a rule, is so self-centered that he only prays for himself and his likes. He pays absolutely no attention to the needs and request of the innumerable members of the team that is keeping him alive and happy. He is just like a factory boss who is using and abusing his employees, without any consideration for their own needs and emotions. He is oblivious to the fact that his business cannot go on without their cooperation.

Your components of all forms and sizes are your organism's servants. If you want them to be motivated and efficient, behave the way a good and intelligent boss do. Recognize their participation, motivate them, and keep them happy. You will then be in a legitimate position to harvest the fruit of your sowing. If they are happy, they will make you happy. Without good employees, there is no profitable business.