Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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How Can an Elusive Thought Transform into Reality?

Plant the seed of an oak in your backyard and watch it become a solid giant tree. It will not grow quickly enough for you to perceive the achievement in real time but its roots will search and collect particles over particles from within the Earth. These components-to-be will navigate their way to their final destination where they will become incorporated to the tree that will keep increasing until it fully matures. One can only marvel at the intelligence that directs each new element to the exact place where it is needed in order for the vegetal to grow orderly. There can be no short cut. A number of years later, the landscape will be changed forever.

So goes, from wish to reality, the desire to grow as an oak. So grows man, outside and inside, body, brain and spirit. So is turned into matter the idea that is sustained and cultivated.

Do you know that you are a winner? The Universal Intelligence has ruled that you are bright and fit enough to be allowed a place in its progressive process. You earned and were granted the right to be a human being. You raced and emerged first among close to 40 millions spermatozoids. That makes you very special indeed. It looks like a divine hand has blessed you.

You applied for admission into School "Earth". This educative facility, reserved for the elite, is of the boarding and tuition kind. You passed some extremely competitive and challenging tests to be admitted here. You grew from a tiny cell into a human being. You were born into this world and you now occupy the seat that was made for you in the class you have been assigned to.

The people you call parents have accepted to act as your primary teachers. However, anything can happen here. You are going to be challenged in ways you never imagined but you have vowed not to quit the course willfully under any ‘normal’ circumstances. Do not assume you understand, even less control, all aspects of your present situation. Life will prove that you don't. If you were, the teaching would be over and you would be promoted to an upper level immediately.

The masters of your Universe transmit to you messages without your even knowing it. The messengers themselves, as a rule, are unaware of their own role. I explain: someone says something to you assuming you will understand exactly what he has in mind. That person is convinced that the message she is delivering will have a strong influence on your behavior. In fact, you are influenced by the message in ways the deliverer never intended. Your perception may even be the very opposite of the original intent. The reason is that this person is only acting as a link between two parties, relaying a message from a higher source, to you. Once more, the Master has touched two birds with one stone: the messenger and you. One may even go further and imagine that the message, not unlike a rubber ball thrown on a hard surface, will continue to bounce until all members of the group that have to be influenced have been touched.

Search your mind to find the source of your thoughts and you will begin to understand what I mean here. A normal person generates an uninterrupted flow of thoughts all day long. We usually refer to this as the capacity to imagine. We all are dreamers though some of us are more gifted intellectually and develop a greater ability to analyze ideas and retain the most promising ones, even transforming them into reality.

The question here is: "How can I prevent my best thoughts from drifting away so that I can work upon them?"

Let's see how planets and stars are formed, or more practically, form themselves: A solitary particle of dust, endowed with a little attraction, attracts another particle and, together, they form a new entity. Then, in satisfaction of their envy to expand, they attract more and more particles. All together they form a cloud of substance. The new little cloud attracts more little clouds, till it becomes large and dense. During the process, a very intriguing event takes place: at some unidentifiable moment, the cloud turns into an organized system. While growing and making itself a planet or a star, it seems as if a mysterious and unknown force has taken charge, regulating the mass of matter. Knowing that this form of evolution is constant, one can only come to the conclusion that there is out there an intelligence that devised such a system and disseminated it in nature to form the universe.

The evolution from a tiny particle into a planet is fascinating. Where does the very first particle come from? How and why was it created? Why will it later explode or implode or be swallowed into a black hole? Seen from yet another angle: why did the desire and the capacity to grow further died? Scientists don't know yet; they are still working on it. My philosophical answer is: each and every creation has a life of its own and takes form into our common universe in fulfillment of its destiny.

The very same question applies to the formation of a human. Did life emerge from man or woman or both? Did it begin with a thought or desire? Did it come from the ovule or the spermatozoid? Everything that exists is made out of an assemblage of infinitesimal particles, some of them called quarks. But quarks are presumably inanimate particles that are the primary building blocks used to form more complexes creations. If quarks have no life, how come assembling a selection of them under some particular forms make life sprouts into creations? The answer is obvious. Life is everywhere and permeates everything in the Universe. There is an incredible intelligence behind creation. Nothing is created and nothing is lost. Everything is transformation and organization. It even looks like everything is part of a plan that is far beyond our own comprehension.

Imagine the development of a human intelligence, a development that will evolve quite like the little cloud transformed into a planet or a gigantic star. We often hear that there is no limit to our possibilities. The statement is an exaggeration: one cannot dream of mastering the universe he lives in during a lifetime. However one can develop intellectual and physical capacities to an extent that will make him happy. Happiness being the ultimate goal; dream of no other.

Coming back to the question of harnessing your thoughts – your intelligence has developed like that little cloud that was animated with the desire to go way beyond its current state. It felt it had a goal to reach. You now have one too. You need a plan, a program and an organization. This book will supply those elements. Further, it will add fertilizer that will improve and accelerate your project. You will learn some ‘tricks of the trade’. But whatever the project, it will not work unless you do your footwork. Unless you focus on it intensely, act and react willfully and concretely, your dream will quickly drift away and lose the capacity to be transformed into reality.

Transforming one's brain into a much more powerful one is not a piece of cake. Some qualities are a must, namely: discipline, intensity and tenacity. The most rewarding aspect of deserved and earned success is the pleasure one derives from it, which far exceeds the efforts and pain one has invested in it. There is no short cut to our goal. We are on a journey. We must travel the road.