Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Survival Experience

Life on earth is quite like the one of a group of people experimenting survival in the wilderness: a mandatory exercise for everyone coming into this universe as a human being. Our goal is to survive, prosper, experiment and learn to live in harmony in this world. The experiment will last for no predefined period of time: it could be one day or 100 years and more. We are given a whole pack of gear and ample advice to start with. However no two people are given exactly the same gear and instructions about their mission and no mission is identical to any other. We will meet helpful guides who will give us good advices and evil ones who will misguide us and lay traps on our patch. Most people we will meet will be friendly but we will also have to fight foes. There will be rainy days and sunny ones. We will be exposed to fine weather as well as extreme temperature. We will feel joy, sorrow, sadness, love, hate, deception and satisfaction. We will confront failures and successes, both equally dangerous. We will fight to feed ourselves conveniently on a daily basis. Notwithstanding our feelings, we'll have to take other’s lives – vegetal or animal - or perish.

No two members of the group will be granted the same privileges, facilities and difficulties. The rewards for success or penalties for failure will never be the very same for any two people. No two participants will follow the same path or meet the same pitfalls. No two entities will be judged using the same standards.

Each human being is unique, his destiny is original and his reasons to be here are his and his alone. However he has to aim at a goal that is shared by all his fellow creatures. He has to experience and thrive to discover the harmony and happiness the Supreme Intelligence wants him to find in order to go on with his personal evolution. Don’t expect other members of the group to share exactly the same experience at every moment of your life. In a way, and to a certain extent, you're on your own and that’s the way it should to be.

Take comfort in the fact that help is everywhere along the way. Most of the time you won't even notice that you have been redirected to the right path by an invisible hand, a friend whose existence you're unaware of. In the most difficult periods of your journey, there will be little miracles that will never be explained to you in this world. This earthly school is an incredible organization run by a master. You will make it. We'll all make it.

This is your experience with life – a very personal journey that you will share with no other living. While you're on this planet, undergoing this unique experiment that is "your life", relax. Take it one day at a time and keep smiling because it will make everything so much easier.