Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Evolving into Humanness

Life is evolution. According to scientists our ascendants, at a certain stage of development, were mono-cellular worms. Not evidently bright, they obviously dreamt of developing into forms better adapted to their environment. Had they felt content with their current state, they would not have evolved and you would not be reading this.

Since this age a few particles associated themselves with the desire to grow into a larger and more powerful entity until this day, the Earth has gone a long way in term of evolution. Various forms of life took place. Some species perished while others continued their progression. Throughout this formidable transformation, resulting from an incommensurable number of dreams, finally emerged man, who sees himself as the most intelligent and the most advanced of all terrestrial creatures.

Man seems different from other species. Nature has instilled in him a stronger propensity to want a better and easier life for himself. This call of Mother Nature’s cannot be ignored. We must do something. We need to learn as much as we can. We have to evolve for the better. This particular penchant of man has translated into some feeling of superiority on other life forms of this planet.

The Bible teaches that God created our world from nothing. In a later refinement, he created man. I do not see this statement as a contradiction of the worm-to- man theory. To me it is simply another way of telling the story of our evolution. The basic truth is: no man can imagine the very first moment of the origin of universe. We can travel a long way into the infinite in search of the first manifestation of existence but we inevitably come to a point where a difficulty of conception of what could have been before cannot find its solution. The answers to our imaginative questions come no more. Our brain is simply not powerful enough to evoke the possibility of a whole and vast organized world coming out of nowhere. Our intelligence continues searching for the seed that grew from a non-existing place to our universe. I, for my part, stick to the concept of a continuum as I already expressed in a previous chapter.

Today we must ask ourselves: what is the source of our ideas? What intelligence is creating these notions and why it is so? How do they become a reality in our human brain? Scientists have no complete answers to such questions. They can only observe what exists at the moment of their observation. They walk back farther and farther on the path of the formation of thought until the get totally confused and lost. There is no way for them to trace back the intelligence that is inspiring them. The philosopher then comes in to propose that the human mind is programmed to receive, treat, and transmit information communicated to him by a vastly Superior Intelligence.

In the giant play of humanity, every new existence begins with a dream, a thought, an intention that emerges in the mind and is treated by the same. It can be rejected or retained, accepted and transformed into something viable and stable. If deemed valuable by the conscious mind, It might then be transferred and accepted by the subconscious intelligence, progressively transformed, and start an existence on the physical plan.

For the sake of this exercise, let's assume that we have deemed a thought interesting and valuable and that we would like it to materialize. How would that happen?

Imagine how a tree grows, how a house is built, or even how a child is raised and you have the basic recipe. The principle is the same in all three examples. It is done progressively; one has to be disciplined and consistent with one’s goals if one wishes to enjoy the result. Sacrifices must be made, meaning that one has to renounce to some things in order to be allowed to enjoy others.

If you intend to build a house there are a number of inevitable steps to follow. You must dream about it; make blue prints; find the money or the credit required, etc. One day the first building block is laid down. One more is added and so on. The house will be the result of a rather long and complicated process. The exact moment of the fruition of the thought is difficult to pinpoint. One day you have a building site, on another one you have a house. It's magic.

This is true of every dream – it has to evolve from non-existence into reality. It can be made of physical matter or not. It is irrelevant. We are now concerned with the quality of the result. It is not sufficient to say, "I now own a house". It has to be beautiful, charming and cozy. It must be warm and waterproof. It needs to have all amenities required in a modern world.

We are concerned here with your unexploited potential to become a happier person. The rest will follow in the proper order. We finally come to the very reasons for all this reshuffling of the mind: Happiness, our ultimate goal.

Every plan you make has to be designed with a potential to bring more happiness in your life. Don't think in terms of quantity. Think in terms of quality. If you let your imagination wander endlessly, you will always want more and more. Put a leash on your imagination and think about what makes you happy instead of fat. Add a little touch of magic. At the same occasion, see your new happiness spreading around. Understand that the system operates the loop type way: The more happiness you get the more you spread around. The more you spread around, the more you get. Isn't it wonderful?

Go on, day after day. Keep dreaming about your goal. Be disciplined; don't neglect any aspect of your daily life because it would prove to be a serious mistake.

Here is what will eventually take place: if your wish is well planned and you work it over and over, it will materialize itself gradually. Just like modeling paste, reality will take a new form. The former situation will have ceased to exist and a new one will just be there. It will come out of the blue sky and you will never know how and when it happened. It will simply be and be yours.

Evolution is: from the dream of a house to a house; from the hope of happiness to happiness. Time, discipline and efforts are of the essence. Yet it can materialize any time.

Is not teaching people how to extract more happiness for their daily life a much more valuable gift than giving them a hundred dollar note? Teaching a skill to an uneducated person may be like giving him the opportunity to earn a decent living for his whole life. It means much more than a hundred dollar gift. It also means dignity, freedom, independence, and security. Keep also in mind that your friendship is very precious to your fellow men.