Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Invisible Veil

This veil can be compared to a thin sheet of glass inserted in a window. This matter, because it is transparent, can remain invisible to the inexperienced and untrained eye and mind. Many birds have flown to their death hitting a window pane they could not imagine the existence until the moment of impact.

Some people look at nature through a window without realizing that there is solid substance between their eyes and the object in their field of vision. This lack of imagination blocks their access to a better evolution.

Understanding Psy Powered workout (PPW) does not require outstanding intelligence but an open mind. Some people might deny the existence of a potential they have never been aware of before while others, notwithstanding their good faith, see through the window pane not realizing the presence of the solid matter. My books, “Secrets of the Mind” and “Get A Brain Lift” are all about brain power. They offer you leads that will allow you to realize the existence of the veil of ignorance hiding from your view the limitless lot of opportunities you were granted at the moment of your birth. Once you see the veil, it becomes possible to push it aside and walk through to an accessible universe of opportunities and abundance, just the way one pushes aside a sliding glass door.

We have our eyes open and look around for the largest part of our life. How come we see some part of the creation and not others? Most people assume our sight projects itself, like a radar wave, to the objects in front of us, retrieving, on the bouncing back, the information collected at the moment of impact. The opposite is the fact: photons, commonly known as particles of light, emitted from an independent source of light, hit the object before bouncing to our eyes which collects the information at that moment. Our brain then interprets the information. Until the moment photons make contact with our sight organs, we don’t see the objects standing in front of us, whatever the distance. Without the emission of photons traveling in his universe, a human being would remain totally blind. In a way, all matter should become dark matter and would remain absolutely invisible to human eyes.

A wave of photons emitted by a star may travel for many many years at the speed of light before reaching our eyes. This means that, when the meeting occurs, our eyes see a picture that existed in the past. Can we also see the future?

Let’s mull for a moment over physical particles, I don’t think we have yet discovered all the building blocks of our universe. Even if I take into account the 93 to 96% of additional dark matter and energy we have talked about in a previous chapter, there is, in my view, much more that we don’t know compared to what we do. Many years ago, physicists discovered the neutrino, a particle with an original characteristic: it can travel through a lot a matter without being detected. It can even travel through the Earth, from one side to the other, without colliding with any other matter. There is no doubt that there is much more than meets the eye even with the assistance of telescopes or microscopes.

It is curious that while there are people who succeed in gathering a lot of useful information regarding many aspects of life, their fellow men remain seemingly blind, even to the existence of those additional layers of knowledge.

PPW, that I will write about in my # 2 book, is not a mystery or an incredible discovery. It is about harnessing a potential that each of us carries and uses, one way or another. However a better understanding of how it works allows us to derive dramatically increased benefit from our brain and mind.

We all grow from infancy to maturity at a pace that does not touch our senses. We can only observe that the process is active by comparing the present to what we perceive as the past. If I contribute a small particle to the building of a better world and everybody else does the same, this planet will evolve favorably and will become a more pleasant place to spend our lives on.

PPW is that little extra power that helps you place your hand on the treasure that’s within your reach but you’ve never managed to get a firm grip on.