Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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From One Universe to Another Wormholes

A few years ago, while reading various articles on the subject of the Universe, I was astounded to learn that a number of prominent physicists were talking freely of some of their most unusual theories about the reality of universe. I was most impressed with what Stephen Hawking (described by some as "the most prominent genius of this world") had to say, at the time, about ‘wormholes’. Wormholes, if we would ever deliberately use them, would allow us to travel from one universe to another; location, time and distance as we imagine them becoming totally irrelevant. Such a possibility is very much associated with my own ‘uninformed theory’ and affirmation that reality if not necessarily constant and frozen. I venture in an area that has not been evoked by Mr Hawking when I declare that it is possible for us to alter the current reality using the power of our mind and brain. Personal experiences lead me to believe that the phenomenon is not only possible but that we realize it on a regular basis, in one way or another, without being conscious of the fact. All is left for us to do is to learn to create it on purpose.

We human beings are all in quest of happiness. This propensity is natural for happiness is our ultimate existential goal. If you change your perception of a situation and this can make you happy, wouldn’t you be thoroughly pleased with it? The answer is obvious. To achieve such a state and discover happiness, one must understand that what he perceives to be someone else's realities may very well be his own and only that. A difficult concept for you to digest? Not if you work on it for a while. Do not place your sentiments on the back burner; this would lead you to a dead end. Merely try and understand that your reality could be quite different from what others perceive.

Before going further, I invite you to read what physicists have to say about matter and anti-matter particles. You will learn that for each particle of matter there is an anti-matter one. Whenever one comes in contact with the other, they annihilate themselves. These are not whacky new theories by weirdoes: these particles were first detected in 1932.

Let me state an incredible fact about our universe; it is made of two groups of elements. We see the one we are associated with as positive and the opposite as negative. To each one the other side is evil because its objective, purpose and mission are in full and perfect opposition to the other. Such knowledge takes us to a level of understanding very few have reached before: from the other side's point of view, though we think highly of us, we represent the ‘bad’ side.

When I think as a philosopher, I realize that each and every creature of this world does exactly the same thing I do in running his life: ‘it does the best it can’. Unfortunately, in a way, in my daily life, I am inclined to be rather practical and I strive to make a living, the best I can, in a very competitive world. The conflict is inevitable and to my opponents, I, sometime, become the bad guy.

Let us revert to neutrinos? These ½ spin particles are everywhere in our world. They travel through matter; through you and me. They can and do constantly go through our own planet without being disturbed or detected. Very particular experiments have shown evidences of their passage through the whole diameter of the Earth.

Will you agree with me on this one? We have some knowledge of the world we live in… but to a limited extent. There is nothing to be surprised about by the possibilities our universe can offer us. According to physicists, your skin, your brain, the neutrons, the minerals, the gases, the stars, are all built with the very same building block: the quark. And that particle, what is it made of? Where does it come from? What intelligence makes it a reality? Now close your eyes and try to perceive what you are part of. Our universe is absolutely wonderful and startling. So is your life. So is the potential of your mind.

Travel from one universe to another. Quit the negative side of existence and transport yourself to the brighter area of a universe that exists at exactly the same place and moment where you are. That is: “go from one somber reality to a sunny one”. Both are located within your mind.