Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Reality of Your Life is not Fixed Forever?

The concept of malleable reality is really the corner stone of any new structure that you want to built in replacement of any present reality you wish to replace with a more pleasant one. If you cannot dream, imagine, and plan a substitute, you will remain imprisoned in the present one for lack of real desire to really improve your situation. If you have no dream and no plan about building a new house, you will remain trapped in the old one because, at the level of the mind, trading or buying is not an acceptable option. To your subconscious mind, which is the entity that holds the power to create new conditions of life for you, the absence of a strong, sustained, and clearly imagined wish is equivalent to the acceptance of the present situation.

Daydreams are made of a substance that requires working over, to be shaped and fixed willingly if one wishes them to transform into something more tangible to be incorporated into a daily life. Life’s reality dreams already have a more stable form, but the substance is malleable and can be altered in many ways.

Elderly people, as a rule, experience, much more often than younger ones, the blurring of the border that separates this plan from the next. They go from one side of life to the other many times each day. Walking closer to the end of one’s life, quite often, also means living closer to the dividing line and crossing it more and more often almost as if one had to get used to his future abode in preparation for a moving that will inevitably come.

It is my opinion that we are "down here" to learn and experience situations that we are not always comfortable with. It is obvious to me that our human condition is elastic, ephemeral and elusive. We are given some leeway in the homework we must create. We have some flexibility in the type of experiences we must live through. See yourself as a good student who is willing to go beyond his basic assignment. Your teacher, far from being displeased, would encourage and support your initiative.

If you have this desire to go beyond the basic lessons of life, by all means, proceed with your own selection of alternative experience. That is very appealing. You can work on topics and matters of our choice. You can go through the required courses at fast speed and dive into those subjects you have a strong attraction for. What will be your choice? Will you aim at a notch above your current position or will you prefer a static base?

In response to a great curiosity I have, I made it my choice to try to improve my whole organism, body and mind. It worked and is still working. Never in my life I felt better, never I felt happier. I have and I am still enriching my life. I feel good; I feel well; I feel as happy as I can be on Earth while coming ever closer to a perfect state of harmony with Nature.

A human life may be a long corridor of opportunities but even the fences limiting our action are expandable. One is permitted to push them further, widen the field of activities he intends to explore and conduct new enriching experiments.

Our human condition can be improved either by ourselves or by a third party. You could wait for someone to catch a fish and give it to you or you could learn to fish by yourself. Selecting the first option could alleviate your burden for a very short while. Learning how to improve your condition permanently will help you grow dramatically. If you are of the first type, your future is doomed. If you find yourself in the second lot and have the will, the courage and the guts, try the PPW way. Very early in the process, you will reap the benefit of this new way of thinking and acting. You will acquire the capacity to reshape the negative aspects of your reality and make them acceptable and enriching at the same time.