Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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What Do We Know of the Universe?

Nature is so complex and startling that a non-initiated person can only feel baffled, dumbfounded and overwhelmed when serious questions about it are raised:

What do we know about the content of the Universe? What do we know about the capabilities of the Universe?

What do we know about worlds and dimensions hidden to our eyes and perception?

What do we know about the dimensions of the Universe?

What do we know about the micro and the overall limitations of the Universe, if any?

What do we know about the creator of the Universe?

Let us be more humble: What do we know about ourselves?

Astronomers have recently discovered a new planet at a 450 light years distance from Earth. The information received is extremely old. Light that carried the info received had to travel for 450 years at the speed of light to reach us. So I wonder what happened to this celestial body since the time the info began its voyage in space. The new planet has been named: 'Hat-P-1'. The odd thing with this planet is that it is the least dense planet ever discovered. It is so fluffy that it could float on an ocean of water. Such particularity implies that a number of theories about the formation of planets have to be revised. Once more, scientists are baffled; a situation that will see no end.

We have a little knowledge of our universe but when confronted to the universality of its content, we have to say, pitifully, "not much". It is obvious to me that though we are progressing in the knowledge of the Universe we do not master it yet. My guess is that we have more water to tread before we are called to become part of the management structure. Scientists are still making new discoveries all the time and no one has ever seen what could looks like a frontier or a limitation of any kind. Once again, we humans are facing our own worldly limitations that, luckily, we keep pushing further. Till this class is over for us all, such is our duty and destiny.

What is common knowledge today was unthinkable of one hundred years ago. The more we advance, the more we discover and the more we discover that there is no limit in sight. It seems like we are much more ignorant of the possibilities of our universe than we know about. To a human mind most of the existing creations are and will remain unknown and limitless forever. I firmly believe that the universe we live in, as far as we are concerned, has no border and is endless. Scientists are looking for an end that does not exist. There is no such thing as the smallest particle of which everything else is made of. There is no such thing as the most complex organism or system in our whole universe. These notions have to be replaced by the idea of a continuum. There is no beginning and no end. We can now conclude that nothing is impossible. Some have rather limited capabilities in some areas while others can accomplish much more. One can already see that every human has his own reality; this one being different from any other.