Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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Your Inside and Outside Intelligences

Here I will allow myself to be personal about you. The questions I put on your behalf are: "Why do I not perform better", "Why do I not reach all my goals?", "Why do I not always get the results I am looking for?”, “Why can I not cure my diseases and solve all problems I am confronted with?”

The simple answer is: Nature knows better than you what is good for you. So, it will grant you some of your wishes while barring others. This decision cannot be contested.

The more complex answer is twofold: A) Your inner and partly unconscious desires are often at conflict with some of the goals you are aiming at. In other words: A part of you says I want this, while another part says I want that; B) Your subconscious mind cannot understand what you really want. There are multiple meanings in the message transmitted to the inner you and the whole is not coherent. It is also possibly conflicting with the ultimate goal of your life.

Let's try to more extensively decipher A). I here act as the mouse in the lab and place my case study at your disposal. I practice PPW on a daily basis with a number of rather well defined goals. Example: I suffer from various diseases including a serious heart condition that I want to overcome. If I don't intervene, the rest of my life could be rather short and dull. Hence, I am at odds with a number of things: I don't care much about my own life. I am not very much bound to this planet. However, I am very grateful to my wife for having been my very best friend and such a wonderful associate for so many years. I know she dreads loneliness and I have made a serious commitment to her. I have made her this vow: “I will accompany you in this life for as long as possible”. Well, if I am to live many more years, I want them to be, for her as well as for myself, as pleasant as they can be. We now have a potential conflict deep inside me. I have already expressed to my subconscious my lack of wish to go living forever, while the reason keeps saying: “Let's build health and a revitalized body because I want a future”. Fortunately, so far, the reason has had the upper hand on this one. The subconscious' objections and rebellions have all been overcome. The problem extends further. My inner self surrenders and objects at the same time: “But, you don't want to be a prisoner of this good health forever isn't it?". The contradiction here is very meaningful, and there is more: something inside is somewhat eager to live the experience of death. It keeps expressing in its own way that this mystic experience, that can prove to be so difficult at the human level, is rich of promises on the spiritual one. The basic normal role of my subconscious mind is to keep my body alive for as long as possible. My inner mate seems to tell me that, in the past, I insisted for a reprogramming allowing that it ends its task earlier. I feel no propensity for suicide as a way out. My desires are obviously conflicting and this prevents me from fully benefiting from everything I could get from PPW. However, I am not willing to let go of my objectives yet. So far I have coped. Isn't life a perpetual conflict, anyway? (Those appalled by my views on life should revisit the preceding pages of this book).

And now B). Under certain circumstances, exchanging messages with your subconscious intelligence can prove an uneasy task. I will compare this to a conversation with an animal. Notwithstanding the hundreds of years we have lived in close relation with some species, we do not yet have a common language that each party understands fully. To such comment one could add that it is the same with humans. We establish a form of communication with animals through words, tones, moves, attitudes, signs, body language, habits and so on. The more you work with an animal, the more you standardize your codes of communication, the more you understand each other. Use similar elements and the same ways to communicate efficiently with your inner self. If you are unpredictable, the meeting of minds will not be reached easily. I here remind you that a human being is only one of the numerous species in the animal world.

At this point you have surely realized that your conscious and your unconscious intelligences do not always use the same code of communications. Quite understandable; if they were the same, one would have been a spare. Your different intelligences are meant for different purposes. A different program or set of codes is used by each of them. They remember me of a financier chatting with a doctor in medicine, each one using his own jargon. Neither being fluent in the language used by the other party, they may have problems understanding each other. You dog or cat will never be fluent in Humanese nor will you ever fully understand your pet's language. How efficient your communication will be depends largely on how much you work on it. Getting friendly with you unconscious intelligence is just like getting friendly with your pet. The potential exists with some limitations.

A very important question remains still unanswered: "How do I convey to my subconscious mind the request I want him to understand"? The answer is: be imaginative, be understanding, and be patient. Present your desire to your inner body in a way similar to the one you would use to communicate with your pet, if you have one, or to a foreigner who do not fluently understand your language if you don’t. You have to find a way to strike the imagination while suiting both sides of your personality. Some of us can easily accommodate of common formulas while others have to elaborate their own.

if you want your requests to your subconscious counterpart to be turned into reality, the information contained in the above paragraph is not to be forgotten. In book # II, I will elaborate extensively on the subject of communication.

My opinion to the effect that the mind can influence, even shape, the brain is shared by a number of scientists who have conducted numerous experiments in the field. They came to the same conclusion I reached as to the conditions that have to be met in order to transform a desire into a reality. ONE MUST KEEP FOCUSING ON THE INTENTION. The visualization of the new reality-to be must be sustained for periods long enough to grow roots in the brain and starts the process of growing new physical structures in your gray and white matter. There is more however and the topic will be covered.