Secrets of the Mind by Len Berg - HTML preview

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The Waves

The learning of a skill, the development of an aptitude as well as the evolving of an individual progress in a pattern similar to waves. The sea is extremely powerful and nothing can contain its fury when the storm breaks out. Yet its power manifests itself in waves. It operates in crests and troughs. It dashes ahead, recedes, and resumes the same pattern tirelessly. Human progression is usually achieved with similar movements. We have moments of success that are achieved rather quickly. We become elated with our condition. Everything is going well. Then comes the inevitable trough where men are separated from the boys. The weaklings give up while the brave, far from surrendering, just fight harder. Save for a few, humans tend to improve through high and lows. You know it will come. Keep hope and keep fighting – even harder if you can. You will be rewarded for Nature leaves no efforts unrecognized.