The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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January 11, 2019

Dearest Court,

My name is Wendell Charles NeSmith and I am an activist. I find what is bad in the world and then protest it. This is an open and shut case, although I doubt you will make it that way. Because the real truth and real evidence to this order being unjust is that I was never at risk to myself or anyone else. So all of their Satanic paperwork means nothing because I can prove (with my writings) beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was not at risk to myself or others. Because all of the writings in which I submitted were written while being incarcerated by your Satanic mental health teams. This is real evidence and it null and voids their fake documentation. Because it is obvious to see what I am doing through my writings, which they refused to read, but instead had no problems affirming this unjust order.

I am a philosopher. Yes, I actually graduated from Murdoch University in Philosophy. Sure my ideals don’t conform to your social norm. I would be worried if they did because I chose philosophy because it exposes the follies of your social norm. Just because I refuse to adhere to your social norm, does NOT make me at risk to myself or others. From the writings I included in evidence, it is OBVIOUS what I am doing. And now you can compare their fake documentation which paints me out to be a different person than I am. I wrote these while incarcerated. It is obvious that they are the liars and not me. Just use your eyes and read. And if I am to be punished because I am a philosopher, then there is no justice in this world and you are just playing a game with people’s lives.

If you refuse to closely examine my work, and ultimately vote in favour of my side, then you will go to Hell. Because over the last ten years your system has tortured me merely because I am a philosopher which they refuse to understand or learn. And I have never frightened anybody from my actions, for my actions are pure and without hubris. I am not at risk to anyone else. Because it is ONLY mental health in which I do not get along with. I have friends all over this world and they know me as the gentle philosopher, not someone who is at risk to themselves or anyone else.

Please realise that the documentation in which ACAT (ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal) has provided you, is fake. They just write a bunch of shit down, much of which has little to no truth value in it. But their Satanic documentation is what you understand, instead of REAL documentation which is created by the individual as the events unfold. If you are to ignore my side of the story as these crazy people constantly incarcerate me for being a good person, then you are not a good person and deserve to go to Hell like those involved in my case in ACAT.

I will never stop fighting these crazy people. Your entire mental health system is the most unhealthy system that I have ever seen in my life and it has no problems constantly violating human rights, and by definition, torturing their patients/victims. If you can’t see the red flag here then you are blind as a bat and it is you who lack the insight into your own condition. Just because fools put a bunch of papers that paint me in a bad light does not make it true. What is true though is what I wrote during my time incarcerated by these crazy people who prioritise fake mental health above God, and they force their religion (yes, psychiatry is a religion) on its patients/victims.

Psychiatry is a pseudoscience. It has no absolute value. It packages symptoms and then labels them, as if that label actually carries some value beyond human created knowledge. Hence, psychiatry is a religion and its corruption mostly started with behaviourists such as Carl Jung and Edward Bernays (not Freud, because he was searching for absolutes). Psychiatry presents their religion, and if you disagree with it, then they punish you. They are forcing the entire world into their religion of psychiatry.

This is an open and shut case. I was never at risk to myself or others. I was merely doing what I do best: being a philosopher. And if you are to punish me for doctrinal differences, then that proves the existence of the religion call psychiatry; the false religion which is destroying the world. If we are to put labels on symptoms, while all the while ignoring the content of the patient, then we are in hubris and deserve to be severely punished.

I humbly request that you remove this order from me, and punish all of those who were involved in my unlawful incarceration, including the unlawful order placed upon me. Their documentation has NO value because my documentation proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was not at risk to myself or others. This means that none of their documentation means anything because my documentation proves otherwise and this is obvious to see by someone who has half a brain and half of a heart.

Please be compassionate and remove this order from me. The right thing to do is obvious. Do the right thing please. When we start incarcerating people merely because of their protesting, then we damn our soul to forever in Hell. Will I see you in Heaven? Or are you going to Hell? Your decision will help determine that answer. Because I have done nothing at all wrong (actually, I have done LOTS of good). And if you start punishing people for being good, then you will never have good people in your society. You are all selfish and disgusting, prioritising feeding your own bellies over human decency.

I am a philosopher and I do not have a mental illness. I do have a schizotypal personality disorder (STPD). This is not a mental illness. This is who I am as a person and your system has attacked my character without providing real evidence tarnishing my character. This is a logical fallacy called whataboutism and your system thrives upon it. In truth, your system thrives on all the fallacies and not just whataboutism. But a fallacy is illogical and that renders mental health’s fake documentation, nothing more than a joke. Your system targets those who are literally changing the world. Your system targets good people and then attempts to make them bad people through a process of torture, which is PROVEN. Why do you not only allow, but also encourage mental health to torture good people? What has this world come to? Their project is called MK-ULTRA and I am a Project Bluebird experiment. This is true beyond a shadow of a doubt and you will see if you do your research.

You will never ever be able to prove that I was at risk to myself and/or others because that is a lie and I am not (nor ever have been) a risk to myself or others. Without lies you can’t prove something that isn’t true. That is another fallacy and your mental health system thrives off the lies. When are you going to wake up to this psychiatric invasion? When will this world learn that collective “knowledge” isn’t always the best and brightest form of knowledge? Your mental health system has nothing to do with health but instead, control. And your incarceration is just as bad as prison. Your system has stolen so much of my time that I will never get back. Do I have to wait for death to see justice? I have seen no justice from the fake mental health team.

Eleftheria i thanatos. Freedom or Death. Let me free or kill me. One or the fucking other. Philosophers don’t do well under oppression. Your system has tortured me for too long and it is now time for them to pay the piper. And if you choose the wrong choice and affirm their corrupt decision, then after your death you will be severely punished for your outrageous hubris. This I can promise you. Because I know many spiritual secrets that you do not know.


Wendell Charles NeSmith

*Psychiatric Order removed January 31st, 2019.*