The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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April 16, 2019

What I describe to you is by far not an easy task. For life and all its intricacies is by far no easy matter. And what is it really that I am advocating? Each chapter can work as an independent essay. Each paragraph can act as an independent concept. Each sentence can act as an independent statement. What is the ideal man? Is that not the subject of this enquiry? And how would the ideal man find his ideal romantic partner?

One thing is that if I can keep putting one things together, then eventually I will get wholze thing. One thing that I can say wholeheartedly is that I never missed an opportunity. Maybe I did not perform the right actions to receive optimal outcome, but at least I performed, and this means those windows of opportunity that rarely come around were all used by me. I have no regrets. I just learn from wrong action and forgive myself for previously taking those wrong actions. It is a life of purity merely by listening to the echoes of our past, utilising our past to paint the future. Because living is an art form that takes place between life and death.

What is the meaning of a phoenix? What is the allegory behind birth, death, and resurrection? To be capable of examining one's own psychological processing empowers this individual to be able to make minor changes by slight tweaking that over time is capable of major changes. I still do not understand how none have yet recognised the gold that I have created. Alchemy was always my focus. I just don't think alchemy is what you think it is. I don't think that gold is what you think it is. The reasons why we do the things we do can NEVER be forgotten, thus we fall victim to ignorance.

Let us yawn about probability. Let us not boggle our mind down in literals however, and let us instead think in abstracts. Abstracts are easier to work with than statics as a notional can account for every possibility, whereas a literal can only account for one possibility which occurred during a particular place at a particular time under particular conditions (science). But by broad strokes of my paint brush, I am able to run thought experiments that account for not only all in which I have said, but also all in which I haven't yet had the opportunity to say. How can I be wrong if I am necessarily right? What logic must I utilise to pass this message on to you?

It is not bad if someone regularly loses their train of thought. Smarter people have more variables to weigh and thus take longer to formulate their thoughts. The smartest of people use thoughts and words like little packages. It takes a while for the brain to convey to my mouth the words required to benefit this particular situation. But the thoughts are hard to cling to turn to dust in my hand. Language is fleeting and when the most refined of us forget where we are sometimes and merely need a gentle nudge to go back on topic, or to progress topics.

A word is a package in which the contents are indiscriminate. A word has no meaning but only its form. I extract sounds from my vocal chords which forms into an utterance that I then (through the process of socialisation) identify with particular meaning. These utterances then form language and its colloquial.

Be very careful because our society is tricking us into slavery for the sake of slavery. How can it be logical that Grandpa worked his entire life and he dies, still requiring his children and children's children to work their entire lives so that their children's children's children can also work their entire lives? It doesn't make any sense. Our education system is brainwashing us. A legacy is to ease our own required life toils. Why work when we have what we need? In a logical world, we would spend less time working and more time on relationships. How can so many have been before me, yet I am still required to perform a 9-5 job daily? Can you understand what I am trying to convey? Society has blinded you to such truths. It makes no sense that every individual in which passes through this plane be required to work difficult jobs which burden us, binding us to the suffering the work is causing us. Please listen closely to my words! This is not how humans were meant to exist. The thing is, every job is difficult.

We should be allowed to follow our passions and not have to worry about our financial status. Money is the root of all evil. Not just the love of money but money itself. To even be able to conceive of such conceptions such as money, greed necessarily exists as the primary motivation. And because of our greed, we become wicked in other ways. A greed based approach (capitalism) is evil incarnate and I have proved this to you many times over my life. Me being forced into a 9-5 job is contrary to logic. You being forced into a 9-5 job is contrary to logic. The entire process causes our human condition. As a result we hold money between us so that we can all continue to be slaves forever and ever. You stupid Americans are frightened of socialism, when in fact, it is the only thing that can save you. The government should employ all of us to become the best people that we can become. That should be our jobs and the results of the education and training our employers (government) give us, we can shine as the outstanding individuals that we make ourselves to be. That is what I call the best country in the world. Because it would produce the best people in the world. And they will be lifetime learners and workers so the need for retirement dissipates.

Ugg cold. Ugg kill tiger. Ugg now take skin to cover. Ugg now not cold. Ugg invented clothes which Ugg will pass on to children. Our legacies are plain and simple. Mine is free education to the world. What is yours?

"Everything in the world - whatever is and whatever happens - is a test, designed to give you freedom of choice. Choose wisely." Rebbe Nachman of Breslov