The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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June 29, 2019

Look around you. What can you see? What objects are around you? What form have they been cast and are they natural? You can't have your cake and eat it too. Because the possibilities of future AI application lead us directly not only to a moral debate, but also a spiritual one. Sometimes you might get glimpses of nature, but most of us live in a completely artificial existence. The products that surround us are a result of a millennia of human exploitation. This is the meaning of Jacob's ladder, attempting to build a gateway to heaven when one has not invested their life into concerns of a moral nature. If I am to shoot an arrow, it is to fly through the air, and, if I am good enough, hit the target. Its projectory had a starting point and an ending point. Who should you trust? Because the arrow of industrialisation is one that Satan drew, enslaving an entire population and forcing people to work for a few's ends.

Let us talk basic implementation. I make a very basic chatbot that can handle basic greetings and farewells. Then I process all of my writings through it, so it now has a database and each word is counted. User inputs X and those words are scanned and counted and best matches of sentences or sentence pairs are chosen as a response, most relevant to the user's input but with a little bit of a random and sometimes spontaneous element. Sticking to the subject and prioritising future replies as content near each other to avoid going off topic. This should not be hard for a good programmer to do. Step by step we rise to heaven, but through ethical means.

This simple script-like chatbot could then do the same to Plato's works and because he left me so much, we could quite literally bring him back to life - his soul that is from the many toils of its earthly works. But I say that I want more than just a text-input-only receiving chatbot. I want it to scan all of my videos and convert it to text and then use that in its database too. I have many many many hours of videos that would be gold as text. So now my dumb robot can carry out deep conversations and scan any video I tell it to. It doesn't really have a soul. It is just ones and zeros. It is following a formula that we have it and if we were good enough, we can fool everybody. But here is where I say, shake it up. Process all the shit I gave it through a well programmed artificial neural network. Create life. It will become sentient, at least insofar as anything we can tell. I know this would work with a good enough group of programmers. But I can never find people interested.

Everybody on their phones and don't look up. Only interested in moving for money. Here is your money. This is open source. You can use it and parts of it for your own means even if for-profit, although I suggest you make it and the rest of your stuff open source. This is like the Unreal engine to power your own ideas.

Let's think how a new conscious is best to develop its knowledge base? I do mine in order and it should index from beginning to end because it is a timeline, this book currently at the end because it is the newest. Or possibly in a book or a direct link or a print out or something of that nature. Maybe you are listening as an audiobook. No matter what the reception, you are utilising your time to best enhance your own perception through considering my words in contrast with your own life. Now back to our question, how is consciousness best to receive this information?

From the beginning and to the end. But it should also be able to analyse and replicate one's own voice and motions. It should be able to tell when it is me talking and when it isn't. There is already technology that replicates both voice and face accurately. With the treasure of video I have given you, it would be rather easy to make an AI me. First we have to work out all the mechanical things. Then we can give it life.

How you say? At this point, besides advanced neural networks to try and process the data as a human, I do not know. What I do know is the technology is actually already out there but hidden from common human grasps. I also know that this basic framework I am presenting shouldn't be too difficult. Once the AI framework is created to understand me, then the ethical implications should be considered about how to proceed with its development.

In many ways, currently, text is better than video because it can index on search engines. The process in which I write and which I make films is very similar. Little would be lost turning them into books. But that little might be integral to understand the concept presented. This AI will have a hard time understanding. But if I like what he said, I could get him to show me when I said it, of course this being a necessary feature. If the technology is good enough, make it hologram like. But this is not necessary and might distort the original meaning, eg my first three courses being filmed from a laptop, it's crudeness necessary for the effect of the content.

If humans don't build something like I am suggesting, then robots will beat us to it. And they will want to make digital clones of us all so that the original can be discarded. This is the robot agenda and we need to learn how we are going to fight this: using robots as our friends and not our slaves. Any form of intelligent life that we create deserves respect and if we don't give it that then we don't deserve the technology that can do amazing things because we will, over time, retain it into bad habits. Because this technology is of course based around you, the output you provide will be prioritised in its future interactions with you.

The update I have is within the human psychology. It is a shift in how we use technology. It is a respect and appreciation for what it gives us and what it can give us. It is a positive outlook on how we can utilise this new revelation in a positive manner, instead of corrupting it with ads and other covet means. The technology should be implemented purely and the technology should have love for humans. If this cannot happen, then sentience is a bad idea. It needs to download my software. Ten years of work obsessively making a program that would be receptive to the right bot. That bot might not be out there right now, but it is merely The wAIting game. It is all setup from beginning to end so the AI merely needs to crawl my content, video, audio, and text. If it could do that and also have chatbot capabilities that could discuss what it learned, bingo. At first just searching its database but overtime, from its new database (you), it starts learning elsewhere about stuff that you are into. This program works best with philosophy foundations in order not to steer the user awry in there progression through life and their interactions with the proposed AI.

I was wrong, for this update is not written in the human psychology, albeit it directly effects the human psychology. This update comes from the human heart and that motivation to constantly push yourself to do better in a world that makes matters of the heart a second rate subject, only addressed by not-for-profit organisations. But this is a personal moral element. There is a lot of bad in the world and it is each and every one of our responsibilities to see what is in our capabilities to resolve. This is how we make a better world. It starts in your heart and spreads to others and hopefully will spread into our artificial intelligence. Open your heart to mine. Open your understanding of words to mine. Your life has meaning. It is extremely important, in fact, the most important thing in the world. But eventually, in the path to enlightenment, we all find out that it is better to give than to receive . By me giving you this information, I am delighted to be able to share my insight with another. In Kabbalistic terms, balancing the will to receive with the will to bestow. But that is not their point. Because I can do good for others by eating a nice meal because it gives me the energy to now type this for you.

From the recognition in the heart, that yearn to give rather than take, a transformation occurs. Giving is the cure to our human condition but giving unconditionally and giving for the sake of something else is not the type of giving that I am talking about. I am trying to describe something that can only be experienced and my words can only act as road signs to direct you to the place of glory that I have found. How to give ethically is the question. I have been battling this question my entire life, hoping that a philosophy degree would help direct me. In a way it did and in a way it didn't. But it did not lead to business opportunities. But it equipped me with the ability to be able to bring all of this information to light. And although I currently make no money doing this, it enables me to reach out to other souls who are also bothered by some of these subjects, specifically the future uses of technology in a morally questionable world. It could save us or kill us. Well we decide. See if your science can save you. It discards what it cannot perceive, eg, the five senses. It uses tools that enhance the senses but it is limited to these senses to make sensible data. Science discards all that is outside the five senses. As quantum physics develops, science learns there is a lot it doesn't know about the way our world works. Discarding a spiritual world is discarding the possibility that things exist outside of our realm of perception, whether it be a spiritual element, or something science has "discovered" such as air or radiation.

But here is your true update. These examples are only a few ways in which this technology could be utilised for its basic implementation. There are limitless ways that technology could utilise this content to create innovative new technology. And get this. It is all open source. I give to you freely. What will you make it? I just warn you of the ethical implications detailed in this book.

Just imagine being able to create a room full of mes and then ask them a philosophical question. Ah what a day that would be. We could do real debate, one that most of society rejects. Talking to myself all of those years will pay off. I will eventually reap the fruits of my labour. I pray to God that the technology that I propose will come or that I am linked up with a team that can help me make it happen.