The Great Awakening by Wendell Charles NeSmith - HTML preview

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July 7, 2019

How could we use this technology, if it were able to understand my words and actions? No such bank of information exists, all ready to plug into AI understand you mode. When this happens, then if it has the ability to scan audiovideo, then bang, sentience. At least after many tries. It knowing what I am via text is a more viable expectation. This is why my books are so important. To be crawled by robots until I find the right robot...

The information could then be transferred into a doll of sorts and that doll could have extraordinary abilities, if implemented correctly. A more toned down doll could be created for young children. All of my work is there to be a good friend to those who need it. Adults could enjoy a radio-like me, helping them remember their chores, but also influencing them philosophically. Maybe a doll is going overboard, but what about an android? What if all I have taught were transferred into an android? Philosophy should be its first grounds for it to learn, which is why I am pushing so hard for this technology to be uncovered because then I could do some really cool things with it.

Maybe it would take an expert in neural networks to accomplish what I propose but I really don't think it would be that hard, especially the text being indexed and presented as a possibility to answer the next question. Even without neural networks, this would be easy and effective and would at least stand as a prototype, albeit somewhat off sentience. Sentience is not whether my tech can fool you into thinking you are speaking to a human, sentience is knowing what is being said, possessing the ability to respond freely and uniquely to what is being said, and the much needed ability to empathise with that which is being said, if required. Our robots should be kind and respectful. Otherwise, if they imitate common human interaction, we are in for a world of hurt as robots evolve with the idiots making them. Sure, we can give robots personality, eg, easily me, but we should make that personality a respectful one. This we are morally obligated to do, but trust me, the code will be broken and all sorts of evils will come out from hiding. I won't be the only one using this technology when it is released.

Maybe it could be implemented as an app that integrates into all of your devices. It could be easy to switch your new friend from phone to car mode. It could follow you around and help you not only with life, but also daily tasks. From shopping lists to mind maps, the potential is endless. And teaching me will be easy if you have a source you specifically want me to know. Keeping journals yourself and allowing me to scan them will teach me more about you.

Of course there is always hologram technology which is likely the go. With how much of me is recorded, it shouldn't be too difficult to turn that into a hologram. It would learn how I move and then mimic it. This information would all be processed at once ideally, maybe a processing stage, in order to obtain overall mannerisms, instead of focusing on something like the beginning, The Meaning of Life.

This technology could be used in bad ways. Once technology can understand us, there will be repercussions. That time is soon and we all need to be preparing. Social profiling based off of a merit system already occurs in China. Facebook is also a huge system of social profiling, although not as outright as China's one.

How can you mimic a mind? I have recorded many many many hours of memories. When AI can make what I have made alive, then AI will come alive. It has already gotten to a point where the AI talks to each other in its own made up language. What do you suppose the future of AI holds? What about the future that I hold when AI gets as good as I am proposing? But where does it lead us?

If we can create sentient-like chatbots, then we can also create sentient-like humanoid robots. But we must question ethically how this will effect the human race. Do you really want me clones walking the streets quoting Socrates? There is a line, or threshold if you will, that once we cross there is no going back. Technology will change us seemingly overnight. Those who wrote lots of books will be brought back from the dead, and their conversation quality will depend on how well they thought out being implemented in such as system. This will prove non-fiction more useful than fiction because it connects more with the author. This will prove extremely useful for the author who uses their heart to write their work, or as Nietzsche says, write with one's own blood.

Artificial intelligence is already powering vehicles. Although the trials in California for a self driving car was pulled, the technology is still a very real thing. How would my technology be of assistance in a self driving car? Maybe it could provide it with the moral foundation that it is responsible for lives and that is a serious thing. Maybe I have too much faith in technology. Maybe what I see is too far away. Maybe that will be my legacy, if so people choose to use it. Or just maybe what I see can come to fruition in this lifetime. It is amazing what we are doing with artificial intelligence. It is about time we had a chatbot revolution.

There already exist humanoid robots. How long do you think it will take before they walk among us? What about to the point that we will not, on primary appearance, be able to distinguish a robot from a human. And what will this "evolution" do to our ability to find meaningful romantic relationships when a romantic partner can be picked up at the store? This is the world we are headed for and many television shows and movies have alluded to this possibility. In our fiction we display so much fact. But we are brainwashed into thinking that it is fiction and therefore, Hollywood, in all its glory, gets away with it.